Commit 36682094 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

gevent.greenlet: add rst markup to docstrings

parent 03e87688
......@@ -135,47 +135,11 @@ class FailureGreenletLink(GreenletLink):
class Greenlet(greenlet):
"""A greenlet subclass that adds a few features:
- join - wait for the greenlet to exit
- kill - raise the exception in the greenlet
- get - return the result of the greenlet
- link - register a callable to notify upon greenlet exit
- ready
- successful
- 'value' attribute holds the result of the greenlet or None if the greenlet has no result.
- 'exception' attribute holds the exception instance that greenlet has raised or None
To start a function in another greenlet, pass it and its arguments to Greenlet constructor
and call start():
>>> g = Greenlet(myfunction, 'arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1=1)
>>> g.start()
or use 'spawn' shortcut which does these 2 steps in one go:
>>> g = Greenlet.spawn(myfunction, 'arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1=1)
To subclass a Greenlet, override its _run method and don't forget
to call Greenlet.__init__(self) in your subclass' __init__:
>>> class MySleepGreenlet(Greenlet):
... def __init__(self, seconds):
... Greenlet.__init__(self)
... self.seconds = seconds
... def _run(self):
... gevent.sleep(self.seconds)
It also a good idea to override __str__: if the greenlet raises an exception,
its string representation will be printed after the traceback it generated.
"""A light-weight cooperatively-scheduled execution unit."""
args = ()
kwargs = {}
def __init__(self, run=None, *args, **kwargs):
greenlet.__init__(self, parent=get_hub())
if run is not None:
......@@ -191,9 +155,13 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
self._start_event = None
def ready(self):
"""Return true if and only if the greenlet has finished execution."""
return self.dead or self._exception is not _NONE
def successful(self):
"""Return true if and only if the greenlet has finished execution successfully,
that is, without raising an error.
return self._exception is None
def __repr__(self):
......@@ -222,11 +190,18 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
def exception(self):
"""If greenlet has failed, 'exception' property holds the exception instance."""
"""Holds the exception instance raised by the function if the greenlet has finished with an error.
Otherwise ``None``.
if self._exception is not _NONE:
return self._exception
def throw(self, *args):
"""Immediatelly switch into the greenlet and raise an exception in it.
Can only be called from the HUB, otherwise the current greenlet is left unscheduled forever.
To raise an exception in a safely manner, use :meth:`kill`.
if self._start_event is not None:
self._start_event = None
......@@ -248,26 +223,34 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
self._notifier = core.active_event(self._notify_links)
def start(self):
"""Must be called _exactly_ once for a greenlet to become active"""
"""Schedule the greenlet to run in this loop iteration"""
assert self._start_event is None, 'Greenlet already started'
self._start_event = core.active_event(self.switch)
def start_later(self, seconds):
"""Must be called _exactly_ once for a greenlet to become active"""
"""Schedule the greenlet to run in the future loop iteration *seconds* later"""
assert self._start_event is None, 'Greenlet already started'
self._start_event = core.timer(seconds, self.switch)
def spawn(cls, *args, **kwargs):
g = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return g
"""Return a new :class:`Greenlet` object, scheduled to start.
The arguments are passed to :meth:`Greenlet.__init__`.
g = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return g
def spawn_later(cls, seconds, *args, **kwargs):
g = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return g
"""Return a Greenlet object, scheduled to start *seconds* later.
The arguments are passed to :meth:`Greenlet.__init__`.
g = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return g
def spawn_link(cls, function, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -290,10 +273,10 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
def kill(self, exception=GreenletExit, block=False, timeout=None):
"""Raise the exception in the greenlet.
By default (block is False), the current greenlet is not unscheduled:
If block is True, wait for the greenlet to die or for the optional
timeout to expire. If the timeout expires before the greenlet has died,
stop waiting quietly.
If block is ``False`` (the default), the current greenlet is not unscheduled.
If block is ``True``, wait until the greenlet dies or the optional timeout expires.
Return ``None``.
if not self.dead:
waiter = Waiter()
......@@ -305,9 +288,9 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
def get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
"""Return the result the greenlet has returned or re-raise the exception it has raised.
If block is False, raise Timeout if the greenlet is still alive.
If block is True, unschedule the current greenlet until the result is available
or the timeout expires. In the latter case, Timeout is raised.
If block is ``False``, raise :class:`gevent.Timeout` if the greenlet is still alive.
If block is ``True``, unschedule the current greenlet until the result is available
or the timeout expires. In the latter case, :class:`gevent.Timeout` is raised.
if self.ready():
if self.successful():
......@@ -341,9 +324,8 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
raise Timeout
def join(self, timeout=None):
"""Wait for the greenlet to complete or for timeout to expire.
Returns None, never raises anything.
"""Wait until the greenlet dies or *timeout* expires.
Return ``None`` regardless.
if self.ready():
......@@ -379,7 +361,7 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
self._exception = exc_info[1]
if self._links and self._notifier is None:
self._notifier = core.active_event(self._notify_links)
info = str(self) + ' failed with '
......@@ -418,8 +400,17 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
def link(self, receiver=None, GreenletLink=GreenletLink, SpawnedLink=SpawnedLink):
"""Link greenlet's completion to callable or another greenlet.
receiver is None means link to the current greenlet.
If *receiver* is a callable then it will be called and passed this instance
once this greenlet's dead. A callable is called in its own greenlet.
If *receiver* is a greenlet then an :class:`LinkedExited` exception will be
raised in it once this greenlet's dead.
If *receiver* is ``None``, link to the current greenlet.
Always asynchronous, unless receiver is a current greenlet and the result is ready.
If this greenlet is already dead, then notification will performed in this loop
iteration as soon as this greenlet switches to the hub.
current = getcurrent()
if receiver is None or receiver is current:
......@@ -439,14 +430,17 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
def unlink(self, receiver=None):
"""Remove the receiver set by :meth:`link` or :meth:`rawlink`"""
if receiver is None:
receiver = getcurrent()
def link_value(self, receiver=None, GreenletLink=SuccessGreenletLink, SpawnedLink=SuccessSpawnedLink):
"""Like :meth:`link` but *receiver* is only notified when the greenlet has completed successfully""", GreenletLink=GreenletLink, SpawnedLink=SpawnedLink)
def link_exception(self, receiver=None, GreenletLink=FailureGreenletLink, SpawnedLink=FailureSpawnedLink):
"""Like :meth:`link` but *receiver* is only notified when the greenlet dies because of unhandled exception""", GreenletLink=GreenletLink, SpawnedLink=SpawnedLink)
def _notify_links(self):
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