Commit 3b12c0e8 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1184 from gevent/issue1182

Add gevent.util.assert_switches 
parents f187fd05 5f33d756
......@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
- The long-deprecated and undocumented module ``gevent.wsgi`` was removed.
- Add `gevent.util.assert_switches` to build on the monitoring
functions. Fixes :issue:`1182`.
1.3b1 (2018-04-13)
......@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ interval. When such a blocking greenlet is detected, it will print
:attr:`~gevent.hub.Hub.exception_stream`. It will also emit the
:class:`` event.
.. seealso:: :func:`gevent.util.assert_switches`
For a scoped version of this.
Memory Usage
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ __all__ = [
# PyPy is very slow at formatting stacks
......@@ -507,3 +508,85 @@ class GreenletTree(object):
Returns the `GreenletTree` for the current thread.
return cls._forest()[1]
class _FailedToSwitch(AssertionError):
class assert_switches(object):
A context manager for ensuring a block of code switches greenlets.
This performs a similar function as the :doc:`monitoring thread
</monitoring>`, but the scope is limited to the body of the with
statement. If the code within the body doesn't yield to the hub
(and doesn't raise an exception), then upon exiting the
context manager an :exc:`AssertionError` will be raised.
This is useful in unit tests and for debugging purposes.
:keyword float max_blocking_time: If given, the body is allowed
to block for up to this many fractional seconds before
an error is raised.
:keyword bool hub_only: If True, then *max_blocking_time* only
refers to the amount of time spent between switches into the
hub. If False, then it refers to the maximum time between
*any* switches. If *max_blocking_time* is not given, has no
# This will always raise an exception: nothing switched
with assert_switches():
# This will never raise an exception; nothing switched,
# but it happened very fast
with assert_switches(max_blocking_time=1.0):
.. versionadded:: 1.3
hub = None
tracer = None
def __init__(self, max_blocking_time=None, hub_only=False):
self.max_blocking_time = max_blocking_time
self.hub_only = hub_only
def __enter__(self):
from gevent import get_hub
from gevent import _monitor
self.hub = hub = get_hub()
# TODO: We could optimize this to use the GreenletTracer
# installed by the monitoring thread, if there is one.
# As it is, we will chain trace calls back to it.
if not self.max_blocking_time:
self.tracer = _monitor.GreenletTracer()
elif self.hub_only:
self.tracer = _monitor.HubSwitchTracer(hub, self.max_blocking_time)
self.tracer = _monitor.MaxSwitchTracer(hub, self.max_blocking_time)
return self
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
hub = self.hub; self.hub = None
tracer = self.tracer; self.tracer = None
# Only check if there was no exception raised, we
# don't want to hide anything
if t is not None:
did_block = tracer.did_block_hub(hub)
if did_block:
active_greenlet = did_block[1]
report_lines = tracer.did_block_hub_report(hub, active_greenlet, {})
raise _FailedToSwitch('\n'.join(report_lines))
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class _AbstractTestPeriodicMonitoringThread(object):
def tearDown(self):
monitor.start_new_thread = self._orig_start_new_thread
monitor.thread_sleep = self._orig_thread_sleep
prev = self.pmt.previous_trace_function
prev = self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.previous_trace_function
assert gettrace() is prev, (gettrace(), prev)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class TestPeriodicMonitoringThread(_AbstractTestPeriodicMonitoringThread,
def test_constructor(self):
self.assertEqual(0xDEADBEEF, self.pmt.monitor_thread_ident)
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), self.pmt.greenlet_trace)
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), self.pmt._greenlet_tracer)
def test_hub_wref(self):
self.assertIs(self.hub, self.pmt.hub)
......@@ -178,31 +178,31 @@ class TestPeriodicMonitorBlocking(_AbstractTestPeriodicMonitoringThread,
self.pmt = monitor.PeriodicMonitoringThread(self.hub)
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), self.pmt.greenlet_trace)
self.assertIs(self.pmt.previous_trace_function, f)
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), self.pmt._greenlet_tracer)
self.assertIs(self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.previous_trace_function, f)
self.pmt.greenlet_trace('event', 'args')
self.pmt._greenlet_tracer('event', 'args')
self.assertEqual([('event', 'args')], called)
def test_greenlet_trace(self):
self.assertEqual(0, self.pmt._greenlet_switch_counter)
def test__greenlet_tracer(self):
self.assertEqual(0, self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.greenlet_switch_counter)
# Unknown event still counts as a switch (should it?)
self.pmt.greenlet_trace('unknown', None)
self.assertEqual(1, self.pmt._greenlet_switch_counter)
self.pmt._greenlet_tracer('unknown', None)
self.assertEqual(1, self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.greenlet_switch_counter)
origin = object()
target = object()
self.pmt.greenlet_trace('switch', (origin, target))
self.assertEqual(2, self.pmt._greenlet_switch_counter)
self.assertIs(target, self.pmt._active_greenlet)
self.pmt._greenlet_tracer('switch', (origin, target))
self.assertEqual(2, self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.greenlet_switch_counter)
self.assertIs(target, self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.active_greenlet)
# Unknown event removes active greenlet
self.pmt.greenlet_trace('unknown', self)
self.assertEqual(3, self.pmt._greenlet_switch_counter)
self.pmt._greenlet_tracer('unknown', self)
self.assertEqual(3, self.pmt._greenlet_tracer.greenlet_switch_counter)
def test_monitor_blocking(self):
# Initially there's no active greenlet and no switches,
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class TestPeriodicMonitorBlocking(_AbstractTestPeriodicMonitoringThread,
# Give it an active greenlet
origin = object()
target = object()
self.pmt.greenlet_trace('switch', (origin, target))
self.pmt._greenlet_tracer('switch', (origin, target))
# We've switched, so we're not blocked
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import gc
import unittest
import greentest
......@@ -208,5 +209,64 @@ class TestTree(greentest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(expected, value)
class TestAssertSwitches(unittest.TestCase):
def test_time_sleep(self):
# A real blocking function
from time import sleep
with self.assertRaises(util._FailedToSwitch):
with util.assert_switches():
# Supply a max allowed and exceed it
with self.assertRaises(util._FailedToSwitch):
with util.assert_switches(0.001):
# Stay within it, but don't switch to the hub
with self.assertRaises(util._FailedToSwitch):
with util.assert_switches(0.001, hub_only=True):
# Stay within it, and we only watch for any switch
with util.assert_switches(0.001, hub_only=False):
def test_no_switches_no_function(self):
# No blocking time given, no switch performed: exception
with self.assertRaises(util._FailedToSwitch):
with util.assert_switches():
# blocking time given, for all greenlets, no switch performed: nothing
with util.assert_switches(max_blocking_time=1, hub_only=False):
def test_exception_not_supressed(self):
with self.assertRaises(NameError):
with util.assert_switches():
raise NameError()
def test_nested(self):
from greenlet import gettrace
with util.assert_switches() as outer:
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), outer.tracer)
with util.assert_switches() as inner:
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), inner.tracer)
self.assertEqual(inner.tracer.previous_trace_function, outer.tracer)
inner.tracer('switch', (self, self))
self.assertIs(self, inner.tracer.active_greenlet)
self.assertIs(self, outer.tracer.active_greenlet)
self.assertEqual(gettrace(), outer.tracer)
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