Commit 46b32bc7 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Remove It seemed unused.

Bumping its 'noisy' value up, while there were plenty of missing-reference events it got called for, it never actually printed the line that showed it resolved something.
parent 25b7c1b3
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ extensions = [
# Ours
intersphinx_mapping = {
from __future__ import print_function
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import cut_lines
from sphinx.ext import intersphinx
from docutils import nodes
noisy = 0
message_cache = set()
def missing_reference(app, env, node, contnode):
"""Search the index for missing references.
For example, resolve :class:`Event` to :class:`Event <gevent.event.Event>`"""
# XXX methods and functions resolved by this function miss their ()
if intersphinx.missing_reference(app, env, node, contnode) is not None:
# is there a better way to give intersphinx a bigger priority?
env = app.builder.env
type = node['reftype']
target = node['reftarget']
modname = node.get('py:module')
classname = node.get('py:class')
if modname and classname:
def new_reference(refuri, reftitle):
newnode = nodes.reference('', '')
newnode['refuri'] = refuri
newnode['reftitle'] = reftitle
newnode['py:class'] = 'external-xref'
newnode['classname'] = 'external-xref'
msg = 'Resolved missing-reference: :%5s:`%s` -> %s' % (type, target, refuri)
if noisy >= 1 or msg not in message_cache:
return newnode
if noisy >= 1:
print('Looking for %s' % [type, target, modname, classname])
for docname, items in env.indexentries.items():
if noisy >= 2:
for _x in items:
if noisy >= 4:
(i_type, i_string, i_target, i_aliasname) = _x[:4]
if noisy >= 3:
print('---', [i_type, i_string, i_target, i_aliasname])
if i_aliasname.endswith(target):
stripped_aliasname = i_aliasname[len(docname):]
if stripped_aliasname:
assert stripped_aliasname[0] == '.', repr(stripped_aliasname)
stripped_aliasname = stripped_aliasname[1:]
if stripped_aliasname == target:
if noisy >= 1:
print('--- found %s %s in %s' % (type, target, i_aliasname))
return new_reference(docname + '.html#' + i_aliasname, i_aliasname)
if type == 'mod':
modules = [x for x in env.indexentries.keys() if x.startswith('gevent.')]
target = 'gevent.' + target
if target in modules:
return new_reference(target + '.html', target)
def setup(app):
app.connect('missing-reference', missing_reference)
app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', cut_lines(2, what=['module']))
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