Commit 4b59a304 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Apply the FORKCHECK flag to make libev notice forks when multiple threads are in use.

parent ef6c7df2
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ Unreleased
forked child process, such as with ``multiprocessing.Process``.
Previously the child process would hang indefinitely. Reported in
:issue:`230` by Lx Yu.
- Fork watchers are more likely to (eventually) get called in a
multi-threaded program.
1.1a1 (Jun 29, 2015)
......@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ cdef public class loop [object PyGeventLoopObject, type PyGeventLoop_Type]:
c_flags = _flags_to_int(flags)
c_flags |= libev.EVFLAG_NOENV
c_flags |= libev.EVFLAG_FORKCHECK
if default is None:
default = True
if _default_loop_destroyed:
......@@ -549,6 +549,7 @@ class loop(object):
c_flags = _flags_to_int(flags)
c_flags |= libev.EVFLAG_NOENV
c_flags |= libev.EVFLAG_FORKCHECK
if default is None:
default = True
if _default_loop_destroyed:
......@@ -153,16 +153,23 @@ def reinit():
hub = _get_hub()
if hub is not None:
# XXX: libev's fork watchers seem not to be firing for some reason
# in both the cython (core.ppyx) and CFFI ( implementations
# (at least on OS X; confirm on other platforms)
# This breaks the threadpool and anything that uses it, including
# resolver_thread in the forked process (if there was already one thread
# in the pool before fork, adding an additional task will hang forever post-fork)
# The below is a kludge. The correct fix is to figure out why the fork watchers
# don't work. Fortunately, both of these methods are idempotent and can be called
# multiple times following a fork if the suddenly started working, or were already
# working on some platforms.
# libev's fork watchers are slow to fire because the only fire
# at the beginning of a loop; due to our use of callbacks that
# run at the end of the loop, that may be too late. The
# threadpool and resolvers depend on the fork handlers being
# run ( specifically, the threadpool will fail in the forked
# child if there were any threads in it, which there will be
# if the resolver_thread was in use (the default) before the
# fork.)
# If the forked process wants to use the threadpool or
# resolver immediately, it would hang.
# The below is a workaround. Fortunately, both of these
# methods are idempotent and can be called multiple times
# following a fork if the suddenly started working, or were
# already working on some platforms. Other threadpools and fork handlers
# will be called at an arbitrary time later ('soon')
if hasattr(hub.threadpool, '_on_fork'):
# resolver_ares also has a fork watcher that's not firing
from __future__ import print_function
import gevent.monkey; gevent.monkey.patch_all()
import gevent
import os
hub = gevent.get_hub()
pid = os.getpid()
newpid = None
def on_fork():
global newpid
newpid = os.getpid()
fork_watcher = hub.loop.fork(ref=False)
# fork watchers weren't firing in multi-threading processes.
def run():
# libev only calls fork callbacks at the beginning of
# the loop; we use callbacks extensively so it takes *two*
# calls to sleep (with a timer) to actually get wrapped
# around to the beginning of the loop.
import multiprocessing
# Use a thread to make us multi-threaded
hub.threadpool.apply(lambda: None)
q = multiprocessing.Queue()
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=run)
p_val = q.get()
assert p_val is not None
assert p_val != pid
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