Commit 643ee9fc authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Add document about monitoring/debugging. [skip ci]

parent 43848b60
gevent is a coroutine_ -based Python_ networking library that uses
greenlet_ to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the `libev`_
or `libuv`_ event loop.
Features include:
* Fast event loop based on `libev`_ or `libuv`_
* Lightweight execution units based on greenlet_.
* API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for
examples there are :class:`events <gevent.event.Event>` and
:class:`queues <gevent.queue.Queue>`).
* :ref:`Cooperative sockets with SSL support <networking>`
* :doc:`Cooperative DNS queries <dns>` performed through a threadpool,
dnspython, or c-ares.
* :ref:`Monkey patching utility <monkey-patching>` to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative
* TCP/UDP/HTTP servers
* Subprocess support (through :mod:`gevent.subprocess`)
* Thread pools
.. _coroutine:
.. _Python:
.. _greenlet:
.. _libev:
.. _libuv:
......@@ -103,11 +103,63 @@ yet and thus would evaluate to False.
.. automethod:: Greenlet.__init__
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. autoattribute:: Greenlet.exception
.. autoattribute:: Greenlet.minimal_ident
.. autoattribute::
.. autoattribute:: Greenlet.dead
.. attribute:: Greenlet.value
Holds the value returned by the function if the greenlet has
finished successfully. Until then, or if it finished in error, `None`.
.. tip::
Recall that a greenlet killed with the default
:class:`GreenletExit` is considered to have finished
successfully, and the `GreenletExit` exception will be its
.. attribute:: Greenlet.spawn_tree_locals
A dictionary that is shared between all the greenlets in a "spawn
tree", that is, a spawning greenlet and all its descendent
greenlets. All children of the main (root) greenlet start their own
spawn trees. Assign a new dictionary to this attribute on an
instance of this class to create a new spawn tree (as far as locals
are concerned).
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. attribute:: Greenlet.spawning_greenlet
A weak-reference to the greenlet that was current when this object
was created. Note that the :attr:`parent` attribute is always the
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. attribute:: Greenlet.spawning_stack
A lightweight frame-like object capturing the stack when
this greenlet was created as well as the stack when the spawning
greenlet was created (if applicable). This can be passed to
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. attribute:: Greenlet.spawning_stack_limit
A class attribute specifying how many levels of the spawning stack
will be kept. Specify a smaller number for higher performance,
spawning greenlets, specify a larger value for improved debugging.
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. rubric:: Methods
.. automethod:: Greenlet.spawn
......@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ Introduction and Basics
API Details
......@@ -2,23 +2,7 @@
What is gevent?
gevent is a coroutine_ -based Python_ networking library that uses
greenlet_ to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the `libev`_
or `libuv`_ event loop.
Features include:
* Fast event loop based on `libev`_ or `libuv`_
* Lightweight execution units based on greenlet_.
* API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for
examples there are :class:`events <gevent.event.Event>` and
:class:`queues <gevent.queue.Queue>`).
* :ref:`Cooperative sockets with SSL support <networking>`
* :doc:`Cooperative DNS queries <dns>` performed through a threadpool, dnspython, or c-ares.
* :ref:`Monkey patching utility <monkey-patching>` to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative
* TCP/UDP/HTTP servers
* Subprocess support (through :mod:`gevent.subprocess`)
* Thread pools
.. include:: _about.rst
gevent is `inspired by eventlet
......@@ -2,32 +2,7 @@
gevent is a coroutine_ -based Python_ networking library that uses
greenlet_ to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the `libev`_
or `libuv`_ event loop.
Features include:
* Fast event loop based on `libev`_ or `libuv`_
* Lightweight execution units based on greenlet_.
* API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for
examples there are :class:`events <gevent.event.Event>` and
:class:`queues <gevent.queue.Queue>`).
* :ref:`Cooperative sockets with SSL support <networking>`
* :doc:`Cooperative DNS queries <dns>` performed through a threadpool,
dnspython, or c-ares.
* :ref:`Monkey patching utility <monkey-patching>` to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative
* TCP/UDP/HTTP servers
* Subprocess support (through :mod:`gevent.subprocess`)
* Thread pools
.. _coroutine:
.. _Python:
.. _greenlet:
.. _libev:
.. _libuv:
.. include:: _about.rst
.. _installation:
Monitoring and Debugging gevent Applications
gevent applications are often long-running server processes. Beginning
with version 1.3, gevent has special support for monitoring such
applications and getting visibility into them.
The Monitor Thread
gevent can be :attr:`configured
<gevent._config.Config.monitor_thread>` to start a native thread to
watch over each hub it creates. Out of the box, that thread has
support to watch two things, but you can :func:`add your own functions
<>` to be
called periodically in this thread.
When the monitor thread is enabled, by default it will watch for
greenlets that block the event loop for longer than a
:attr:`configurable <gevent._config.Config.max_blocking_time>` time
interval. When such a blocking greenlet is detected, it will print
:func:`a report <gevent.util.format_run_info>` to the hub's
:attr:`~gevent.hub.Hub.exception_stream`. It will also emit the
:class:`` event.
Memory Usage
Optionally, you can set a :attr:`memory limit
<gevent._config.Config.max_memory_usage>`. The monitor thread will
check the process's memory usage every
:attr:`~gevent._config.Config.memory_monitor_period` seconds, and if
it is found to exceed this value, the
:class:`` event will be
emitted. If in the future memory usage declines below the configured
value, the :class:`` event will
be emitted.
.. important::
`psutil <>`_ must be
installed to monitor memory usage.
It is sometimes useful to get an overview of all existing greenlets
and their stack traces. The function
:func:`gevent.util.print_run_info` will collect this info and print it
(:func:`gevent.util.format_run_info` only collects and returns this
information). The greenlets are organized into a tree based on the
greenlet that spawned them.
For each greenlet the following information is printed:
- Its current execution stack
- If it is not running, its termination status and
:attr:`gevent.Greenlet.value` or
- The :attr:`stack at which it was spawned
- Its parent (usually the hub)
- Its :attr:`~gevent.Greenlet.minimal_ident`
- Its :attr:``
- The :attr:`spawn tree locals <gevent.Greenlet.spawn_tree_locals>`
(only for the root of the spawn tree).
- The dicts of all :class:`gevent.local.local` objects that are used
in the greenlet.
The greenlet tree itself is represented as an object that you can also
use for your own purposes: :class:`gevent.util.GreenletTree`.
The github repository `nylas/nylas-perftools <>`_ has some
gevent-compatible profilers. ``stacksampler`` is meant to be run in a
greenlet in your server process and exposes data through an HTTP
server. ``py2devtools`` is a greenlet-aware profiler that outputs data
that can be used by the Chrome dev tools.
.. LocalWords: greenlets gevent greenlet
......@@ -547,7 +547,9 @@ class MonitorMemoryMaxUsage(ByteCountSettingMixin, Setting):
desc = """\
If `monitor_thread` is enabled,
then if memory usage exceeds this amount (in bytes), events will
be emitted. See ``.
be emitted. See ``. In the environment variable, you can use
a suffix of 'kb', 'mb' or 'gb' to specify the value in kilobytes, megabytes
or gigibytes.
There is no default value for this setting. If you wish to
cap memory usage, you must choose a value.
......@@ -164,61 +164,14 @@ class Greenlet(greenlet):
object. Previously, passing a non-callable object would fail after the greenlet
was spawned.
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. attribute:: value
Holds the value returned by the function if the greenlet has
finished successfully. Until then, or if it finished in error, `None`.
.. tip:: Recall that a greenlet killed with the default
:class:`GreenletExit` is considered to have finished
successfully, and the `GreenletExit` exception will be
its value.
.. attribute:: spawn_tree_locals
A dictionary that is shared between all the greenlets
in a "spawn tree", that is, a spawning greenlet and all
its descendent greenlets. All children of the main (root)
greenlet start their own spawn trees. Assign a new dictionary
to this attribute on an instance of this class to create a new
spawn tree (as far as locals are concerned).
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. attribute:: spawning_greenlet
A weak-reference to the greenlet that was current when this object
was created. Note that the :attr:`parent` attribute is always the
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. attribute:: spawning_stack
A lightweight frame-like object capturing the stack when
this greenlet was created as well as the stack when the spawning
greenlet was created (if applicable). This can be passed to
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. attribute:: spawning_stack_limit
A class attribute specifying how many levels of the spawning
stack will be kept. Specify a smaller number for higher performance,
spawning greenlets, specify a larger value for improved debugging.
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
.. versionchanged:: 1.3b1
The ``GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE`` configuration value may be set to
a false value to disable ``spawn_tree_locals``, ``spawning_greenlet``,
and ``spawning_stack``. The first two will be None in that case, and the
latter will be empty.
# The attributes are documented in the .rst file
# greenlet.greenlet(run=None, parent=None)
# Calling it with both positional arguments instead of a keyword
# argument (parent=get_hub()) speeds up creation of this object ~30%:
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