Commit 72c428f3 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Fill in whatsnew_1_3.rst [skip ci]

parent 643ee9fc
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
- The bundled libuv is now 1.20, up from 1.19.2. See :issue:`1177`.
- The long-deprecated and undocumented module ``gevent.wsgi`` was removed.
1.3b1 (2018-04-13)
:mod:`gevent.event` -- Notifications of multiple listeners
:mod:`gevent.event` -- Notifications of multiple listeners
.. module:: gevent.event
......@@ -12,12 +12,16 @@ discussed here.
.. autodata:: __version__
See :class:`gevent.Greenlet` for information about greenlet objects.
.. seealso:: :mod:`gevent.util`
Working With Greenlets
See :class:`gevent.Greenlet` for more information about greenlet
Creating Greenlets
.. autofunction:: spawn
.. autofunction:: spawn_later
......@@ -25,7 +29,7 @@ Creating Greenlets
Getting Greenlets
.. function:: getcurrent()
......@@ -34,13 +38,12 @@ Getting Greenlets
or :class:`greenlet.greenlet`.
Stopping Greenlets
.. autofunction:: kill(greenlet, exception=GreenletExit)
.. autofunction:: killall(greenlets, exception=GreenletExit, block=True, timeout=None)
:mod:`gevent.wsgi` -- Backwards compatibility alias for :mod:`gevent.pywsgi`
In the past, this module used libevent's http support, but that was dropped
with the introduction of libev. libevent's http support had several
limitations, including not supporting stream, not supporting
pipelining, and not supporting SSL.
This module now simply re-exports the contents of the
:mod:`gevent.pywsgi` module.
.. deprecated:: 1.1
Use :mod:`gevent.pywsgi`
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ Deprecated Modules
.. toctree::
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Introduction and Basics
......@@ -9,21 +9,12 @@
Installation and Requirements
`gevent 1.3`_ runs on Python 2 and Python 3. Version 2.7 of Python 2
is supported, and versions 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of Python 3 are supported.
(Users of older versions of Python 2 need to install gevent 1.0.x
(2.5), 1.1.x (2.6) or 1.2.x (<=2.7.8); gevent 1.2 can be installed on
Python 3.3.) gevent requires the greenlet__ library and will install
the `cffi`_ library by default on Windows.
.. note:: Python 3.3 is no longer actively supported in gevent 1.2
because it is not supported by the Python developers. However,
it should continue to work with gevent 1.2 with the same
level of support as gevent 1.1. For Python 3.3, version
3.3.5 or newer is required to use the gevent's SSL support
due to bugs in the standard library of older versions. For
Python 2, 2.7.9 or newer is required; 2.7.8 is not tested
but probably runs, albeit with a less secure SSL module.
`gevent 1.3`_ runs on Python 2.7 and Python 3. Releases 3.4, 3.5 and
3.6 of Python 3 are supported. (Users of older versions of Python 2
need to install gevent 1.0.x (2.5), 1.1.x (2.6) or 1.2.x (<=2.7.8);
gevent 1.2 can be installed on Python 3.3.) gevent requires the
greenlet__ library and will install the `cffi`_ library by default on
gevent 1.3 also runs on PyPy 5.5 and above, although 5.9 or above is
strongly recommended. On PyPy, there are no external dependencies.
......@@ -46,6 +37,26 @@ without pre-built wheels or if wheel installation is disabled, a C compiler
addition to the Cython backend on CPython; it is necessary to use the
libuv backend.
.. note::
On Linux, you'll need to install gevent from source if you wish to
use the libuv loop implementation. This is because the `manylinux1
<>`_ specification for the
distributed wheels does not support libuv. The `cffi`_ library
*must* be installed at build time.
The `psutil <>`_ library is needed to
monitor memory usage.
`zope.event <>`_ is highly
recommended for configurable event support; it can be installed with
the ``events`` extra, e.g., ``pip install gevent[events]``.
`dnspython <>`_ is required for the
new pure-Python resolver, and on Python 2, so is `idna
<>`_. They can be installed with the
``dnspython`` extra.
Development instructions (including building from a source checkout)
can be found `on PyPI <>`_.
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ and their stack traces. The function
information). The greenlets are organized into a tree based on the
greenlet that spawned them.
The ``print_run_info`` function is commonly hooked up to a signal
handler to get the application state at any given time.
For each greenlet the following information is printed:
- Its current execution stack
......@@ -75,7 +78,6 @@ For each greenlet the following information is printed:
The greenlet tree itself is represented as an object that you can also
use for your own purposes: :class:`gevent.util.GreenletTree`.
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
What's new in gevent 1.3
.. currentmodule:: gevent
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -11,13 +13,15 @@ Detailed information on what has changed is available in the
:doc:`changelog`. This document summarizes the most important changes
since :doc:`gevent 1.2 <whatsnew_1_2>`.
.. caution:: This document has not yet been fully updated for gevent 1.3.
gevent 1.3 is an important update for performance, debugging and
monitoring, and platform support. It introduces an (optional) `libuv
<>`_ loop implementation and supports PyPy on Windows.
See :ref:`gevent-configuration` for information on how to use libuv.
Since gevent 1.2.2 there have been about 450 commits from a half-dozen
contributors. Almost 100 pull requests and more than 100 issues have
been closed.
Platform Support
......@@ -25,39 +29,105 @@ gevent 1.3 supports Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 on the CPython
(``_) interpreter. It also supports `PyPy2`_ 5.8.0 and above
(PyPy2 5.10 or higher is recommended) and PyPy3 5.10.0.
.. caution:: Python 2.7.8 and below (Python 2.7 without a modern
.. caution::
Python 2.7.8 and below (Python 2.7 without a modern
``ssl`` module), is no longer tested or supported. The
support code remains in this release and gevent can be
installed on such implementations, but such usage is not
supported. Support for Python 2.7.8 will be removed in the next
major version of gevent.
.. note:: PyPy is now supported on Windows with the libuv loop implementation.
.. note::
PyPy is now supported on Windows with the libuv loop
Python 3.7 is in the process of release right now and gevent is tested
with 3.7b2.
with 3.7b3.
For ease of installation on Windows and OS X, gevent 1.3 is
For ease of installation on Windows, OS X and Linux, gevent 1.3 is
distributed as pre-compiled binary wheels, in addition to source code.
.. note:: On Linux, you'll need to install gevent from source if you
wish to use the libuv loop implementation. This is because
the `manylinux1
<>`_ specification
for the distributed wheels does not support libuv.
.. note::
On Linux, you'll need to install gevent from source if you wish to
use the libuv loop implementation. This is because the `manylinux1
<>`_ specification for the
distributed wheels does not support libuv. The CFFI library *must*
be installed at build time.
.. _PyPy2:
Bug Fixes
TODO: How many commits and contributors? How many pull requests merged?
Greenlet Attributes
:class:`Greenlet` objects have gained some useful new
- :attr:`Greenlet.spawning_greenlet` is the greenlet that created this
greenlet. Since the ``parent`` is usually the hub, this can be more
- :attr:`Greenlet.spawn_tree_locals` is a dictionary of values
maintained through the spawn tree. This is handy to share values
between a set of greenlets, for example, all those involved in
processing a request.
- :attr:`Greenlet.spawning_stack` is a `frame` -like object that
captures where the greenlet was created.
- :attr:`Greenlet.minimal_ident` is a small integer unique across all
- :attr:`` is a string printed in the greenlet's repr by default.
"Raw" greenlets created with `spawn_raw` default to having the
``spawning_parent`` and ``spawn_tree_locals``.
This extra data is printed by the new
:func:`gevent.util.print_run_info` function.
gevent 1.3 uses Cython on CPython to compile several performance
critical modules. As a result, overall performance is improved.
Specifically, queues are up to 5 times faster, pools are 10-20%
faster, and the :class:`gevent.local.local` is up to 40 times faster.
See :pr:`1156`, :pr:`1155`, :pr:`1117` and :pr:`1154`.
Better Behaved Callbacks
In gevent 1.2.2, event loop callbacks (including things like
``sleep(0)``) would be run in sequence until we ran them all, or until
we ran 10,000. Simply counting the number of callbacks could lead to
no IO being serviced for an arbitrary, unbound, amount of time. To
correct this, gevent 1.3 introduces `gevent.getswitchinterval` and
will run callbacks for only (approximately) that amount of time before
checking for IO. (This is similar to the way that Python 2 counted
bytecode instructions between thread switches but Python 3 uses the
more deterministic timer approach.) The hope is that this will result
in "smoother" application behaviour and fewer pitfalls. See
:issue:`1072` for more details.
Monitoring and Debugging
Many of the new greenlet attributes are useful for monitoring and
debugging gevent applications. gevent also now has the (optional)
ability to monitor for greenlets that call blocking functions and
stall the event loop and to periodically check if the application has
exceeded a configured memory limit. See :doc:`monitoring` for more
New Pure-Python DNS Resolver
The `dnspython <>`_ library is a
new, pure-Python option for :doc:`/dns`. Benchmarks show it to be
faster than the existing c-ares resolver and it is also more stable on
PyPy. The c-ares resolver may be deprecated and removed in the future.
API Additions
......@@ -66,6 +136,21 @@ Numerous APIs offer slightly expanded functionality in this version.
Look for "changed in version 1.3" or "added in version 1.3" throughout
the documentation for specifics.
A few changes of note:
- The low-level watcher objects now have a
:func:`~gevent._interfaces.IWatcher.close` method that *must* be
called to promptly dispose of native (libev or libuv) resources.
- `gevent.monkey.patch_all` defaults to patching ``Event``.
- `gevent.subprocess.Popen` accepts the same keyword arguments in
Python 2 as it does in Python 3.
- `gevent.monkey.patch_all` and the various individual patch
functions, emit events as patching is being done. This can be used
to extend the patching process for new modules. ``patch_all`` also
passes all unknown keyword arguments to these events. See
- The module :mod:`` contains the events that parts of
gevent can emit. It will use :mod:`zope.event` if that is installed.
Library Updates
......@@ -89,4 +174,7 @@ The :doc:`resolvers <dns>` have been refactored. As a result,
by alias (e.g., 'thread') in the ``GEVENT_RESOLVER`` environment
variable continues to work as before.
TODO: Remove deprecated gevent.wsgi package.
The internal module ``gevent._threading`` was significantly
refactored. The long-deprecated module ``gevent.wsgi`` was removed.
.. LocalWords: Greenlet
"""Backwards compatibility alias for :mod:`gevent.pywsgi`.
In the past, this used libevent's http support, but that was dropped
with the introduction of libev. libevent's http support had several
limitations, including not supporting stream, not supporting
pipelining, and not supporting SSL.
.. deprecated:: 1.1
Use :mod:`gevent.pywsgi`
from gevent.pywsgi import * # pylint:disable=wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import
import gevent.pywsgi as _pywsgi
__all__ = _pywsgi.__all__
del _pywsgi
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