Commit 765d4ae9 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko do not report tracebacks listed in "Ignore tracebacks: " line... do not report tracebacks listed in "Ignore tracebacks: " line in the test_???.py file

- if "Ignore tracebacks: " line is not present, ignore ExpectedException
parent fa370791
......@@ -392,12 +392,23 @@ def get_warning_stats(output):
return result
def get_traceback_stats(output):
def get_ignored_tracebacks(test):
if os.path.exists(test + '.py'):
data = open(test + '.py').read()
m ='Ignore tracebacks: (.*)', data)
if m is not None:
return []
def get_traceback_stats(output, test):
ignored = get_ignored_tracebacks(test) or ['ExpectedException']
counter = {}
traceback_count = output.lower().count('Traceback (most recent call last)')
for warning in get_exceptions(output):
counter.setdefault(warning, 0)
counter[warning] += 1
for error in get_exceptions(output):
if error not in ignored:
counter.setdefault(error, 0)
counter[error] += 1
traceback_count -= 1
items = counter.items()
items.sort(key=lambda (a, b): -b)
......@@ -412,9 +423,9 @@ def get_traceback_stats(output):
return result
def get_info(output):
def get_info(output, test):
output = output[:OUTPUT_LIMIT*2]
result = get_traceback_stats(output) + get_warning_stats(output)
result = get_traceback_stats(output, test) + get_warning_stats(output)
return ', '.join(result)
......@@ -428,7 +439,7 @@ def print_stats(options):
failed, errors = get_failed_testcases(cursor, options.runid)
timedout = get_testcases(cursor, options.runid, 'TIMEOUT')
for test, output, retcode in cursor.execute('select test, output, retcode from test where runid=?', (options.runid, )):
info = get_info(output or '')
info = get_info(output or '', test)
if info:
print '%s: %s' % (test, info)
if retcode == 'TIMEOUT':
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