Commit 8b5d5957 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #985 from gevent/issue984

Defer adjusting the stdlib's list of active threads until threading is monkey-patched
parents bb9ddc2a c2a2daa1
......@@ -13,6 +13,20 @@
locals after the greenlet exited. Introduce a weak reference to
avoid that. Reported in :issue:`981` by Heungsub Lee.
- Defer adjusting the stdlib's list of active threads until
``threading`` is monkey patched. Previously this was done when
:mod:`gevent.threading` was imported. That module is documented to
be used as a helper for monkey patching, so this should generally
functionally be the same, but some applications ignore the directly
import that module anyway.
A positive consequence is that ``import gevent.threading, threading;
threading.current_thread()`` will no longer return a DummyThread
before monkey-patching. Another positive consequence is that PyPy
will no longer print a ``KeyError`` on exit if
:mod:`gevent.threading` was imported *without* monkey-patching.
See :issue:`984`.
1.2.2 (2017-06-05)
......@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ this code, ideally before any other imports::
from gevent import monkey
A corollary of the above is that patching **should be done on the main
thread** and **should be done while the program is single-threaded**.
.. tip::
Some frameworks, such as gunicorn, handle monkey-patching for you.
......@@ -148,7 +151,19 @@ def remove_item(module, attr):
delattr(module, attr)
def patch_module(name, items=None):
def __call_module_hook(gevent_module, name, module, items, warn):
func_name = '_gevent_' + name + '_monkey_patch'
func = getattr(gevent_module, func_name)
except AttributeError:
func(module, items, warn)
def patch_module(name, items=None, _warnings=None):
def warn(message):
_queue_warning(message, _warnings)
gevent_module = getattr(__import__('gevent.' + name), name)
module_name = getattr(gevent_module, '__target__', name)
module = __import__(module_name)
......@@ -156,8 +171,14 @@ def patch_module(name, items=None):
items = getattr(gevent_module, '__implements__', None)
if items is None:
raise AttributeError('%r does not have __implements__' % gevent_module)
__call_module_hook(gevent_module, 'will', module, items, warn)
for attr in items:
patch_item(module, attr, getattr(gevent_module, attr))
__call_module_hook(gevent_module, 'did', module, items, warn)
return module
......@@ -6,7 +6,21 @@ Implementation of the standard :mod:`threading` using greenlets.
This module is a helper for :mod:`gevent.monkey` and is not
intended to be used directly. For spawning greenlets in your
applications, prefer higher level constructs like
:class:`gevent.Greenlet` class or :func:`gevent.spawn`.
:class:`gevent.Greenlet` class or :func:`gevent.spawn`. Attributes
in this module like ``__threading__`` are implementation artifacts subject
to change at any time.
.. versionchanged:: 1.2.3
Defer adjusting the stdlib's list of active threads until we are
monkey patched. Previously this was done at import time. We are
documented to only be used as a helper for monkey patching, so this should
functionally be the same, but some applications ignore the documentation and
directly import this module anyway.
A positive consequence is that ``import gevent.threading,
threading; threading.current_thread()`` will no longer return a DummyThread
before monkey-patching.
from __future__ import absolute_import
......@@ -26,7 +40,6 @@ import threading as __threading__
_DummyThread_ = __threading__._DummyThread
from gevent.local import local
from gevent.thread import start_new_thread as _start_new_thread, allocate_lock as _allocate_lock, get_ident as _get_ident
from gevent._compat import PYPY
from gevent.hub import sleep as _sleep, getcurrent
# Exports, prevent unused import warnings
......@@ -126,45 +139,12 @@ if hasattr(__threading__, 'main_thread'): # py 3.4+
def main_native_thread():
return __threading__.main_thread() # pylint:disable=no-member
_main_threads = [(_k, _v) for _k, _v in __threading__._active.items()
if isinstance(_v, __threading__._MainThread)]
assert len(_main_threads) == 1, "Too many main threads"
def main_native_thread():
return _main_threads[0][1]
# Make sure the MainThread can be found by our current greenlet ID,
# otherwise we get a new DummyThread, which cannot be joined.
# Fixes tests in test_threading_2 under PyPy, and generally makes things nicer
# when gevent.threading is imported before monkey patching or not at all
# XXX: This assumes that the import is happening in the "main" greenlet/thread.
# XXX: We should really only be doing this from gevent.monkey.
if _get_ident() not in __threading__._active:
_v = main_native_thread()
_k = _v.ident
del __threading__._active[_k]
_v._ident = _v._Thread__ident = _get_ident()
__threading__._active[_get_ident()] = _v
del _k
del _v
# Avoid printing an error on shutdown trying to remove the thread entry
# we just replaced if we're not fully monkey patched in
# XXX: This causes a hang on PyPy for some unknown reason (as soon as class _active
# defines __delitem__, shutdown hangs. Maybe due to something with the GC?
# XXX: This may be fixed in 2.6.1+
if not PYPY:
# pylint:disable=no-member
_MAIN_THREAD = __threading__._get_ident() if hasattr(__threading__, '_get_ident') else __threading__.get_ident()
class _active(dict):
def __delitem__(self, k):
if k == _MAIN_THREAD and k not in self:
dict.__delitem__(self, k)
__threading__._active = _active(__threading__._active)
main_threads = [v for v in __threading__._active.values()
if isinstance(v, __threading__._MainThread)]
assert len(main_threads) == 1, "Too many main threads"
return main_threads[0]
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):
......@@ -229,3 +209,19 @@ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3):
assert hasattr(__threading__, '_CRLock'), "Unsupported Python version"
_CRLock = None
def _gevent_will_monkey_patch(native_module, items, warn): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
# Make sure the MainThread can be found by our current greenlet ID,
# otherwise we get a new DummyThread, which cannot be joined.
# Fixes tests in test_threading_2 under PyPy.
main_thread = main_native_thread()
if __threading__.current_thread() != main_thread:
warn("Monkey-patching outside the main native thread. Some APIs "
"will not be available. Expect a KeyError to be printed at shutdown.")
if _get_ident() not in __threading__._active:
main_id = main_thread.ident
del __threading__._active[main_id]
main_thread._ident = main_thread._Thread__ident = _get_ident()
__threading__._active[_get_ident()] = main_thread
# We can monkey-patch in a thread, but things don't work as expected.
import sys
import threading
from gevent import monkey
import greentest
class Test(greentest.TestCase):
@greentest.ignores_leakcheck # can't be run multiple times
def test_patch_in_thread(self):
all_warnings = []
get_ident = threading.get_ident
except AttributeError:
get_ident = threading._get_ident
def process_warnings(warnings):
monkey._process_warnings = process_warnings
current = threading.current_thread()
current_id = get_ident()
def target():
tcurrent = threading.current_thread()
tcurrent2 = threading.current_thread()
self.assertIsNot(tcurrent, current)
# We get a dummy thread now
self.assertIsNot(tcurrent, tcurrent2)
thread = threading.Thread(target=target)
self.assertFalse(isinstance(current, threading._DummyThread))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(current, monkey.get_original('threading', 'Thread')))
# We generated some warnings
if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
['Monkey-patching outside the main native thread. Some APIs will not be '
'available. Expect a KeyError to be printed at shutdown.',
'Monkey-patching not on the main thread; threading.main_thread().join() '
'will hang from a greenlet'])
['Monkey-patching outside the main native thread. Some APIs will not be '
'available. Expect a KeyError to be printed at shutdown.'])
# Manual clean up so we don't get a KeyError
del threading._active[current_id]
threading._active[(getattr(threading, 'get_ident', None) or threading._get_ident)()] = current
if __name__ == '__main__':
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