Commit 9b33506b authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Improve documentation for #761. [skip ci]

parent 10c1554b
......@@ -272,17 +272,18 @@ reduce the cases of undocumented or non-standard behaviour.
.. _does not use a reference-counted GC:
- :class:`gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer` ensures that headers and the
- :class:`gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer` ensures that headers (names and values) and the
status line set by the application can be encoded in the ISO-8859-1
(Latin-1) charset and are of the *native string type*.
Under gevent 1.0, non-``bytes`` headers (that is, ``unicode``, since
gevent 1.0 only ran on Python 2) were encoded according to the
current default Python encoding. In some cases, this could allow
non-Latin-1 characters to be sent in the headers, but this violated
the HTTP specification, and their interpretation by the recipient is
unknown. In other cases, gevent could send malformed partial HTTP
responses. Now, a :exc:`UnicodeError` will be raised proactively.
gevent 1.0 only ran on Python 2, although objects like ``int`` were
also allowed) were encoded according to the current default Python
encoding. In some cases, this could allow non-Latin-1 characters to
be sent in the headers, but this violated the HTTP specification,
and their interpretation by the recipient is unknown. In other
cases, gevent could send malformed partial HTTP responses. Now, a
:exc:`UnicodeError` will be raised proactively.
Most applications that adhered to the WSGI PEP, :pep:`3333`, will not
need to make any changes. See :issue:`614` for more discussion.
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class GroupMappingMixin(object):
def apply_cb(self, func, args=None, kwds=None, callback=None):
:meth:`apply` the given *func*, and, if a *callback* is given, run it with the
:meth:`apply` the given *func(\*args, \*\*kwds)*, and, if a *callback* is given, run it with the
results of *func* (unless an exception was raised.)
The *callback* may be called synchronously or asynchronously. If called
......@@ -256,18 +256,42 @@ class GroupMappingMixin(object):
def apply_async(self, func, args=None, kwds=None, callback=None):
A variant of the apply() method which returns a Greenlet object.
A variant of the :meth:`apply` method which returns a :class:`~.Greenlet` object.
When the returned greenlet gets to run, it *will* call :meth:`apply`,
passing in *func*, *args* and *kwds*.
If *callback* is specified, then it should be a callable which
accepts a single argument. When the result becomes ready
callback is applied to it (unless the call failed).
This method will never block, even if this group is full (that is,
even if :meth:`spawn` would block, this method will not).
.. caution:: The returned greenlet may or may not be tracked
as part of this group, so :meth:`joining <join>` this group is
not a reliable way to wait for the results to be available or
for the returned greenlet to run; instead, join the returned
.. tip:: Because :class:`~.ThreadPool` objects do not track greenlets, the returned
greenlet will never be a part of it. To reduce overhead and improve performance,
:class:`Group` and :class:`Pool` may choose to track the returned
greenlet. These are implementation details that may change.
if args is None:
args = ()
if kwds is None:
kwds = {}
if self._apply_async_use_greenlet():
# cannot call spawn() directly because it will block
# cannot call self.spawn() directly because it will block
# XXX: This is always the case for ThreadPool, but for Group/Pool
# of greenlets, this is only the case when they are full...hence
# the weasely language about "may or may not be tracked". Should we make
# Group/Pool always return true as well so it's never tracked by any
# implementation? That would simplify that logic, but could increase
# the total number of greenlets in the system and add a layer of
# overhead for the simple cases when the pool isn't full.
return Greenlet.spawn(self.apply_cb, func, args, kwds, callback)
greenlet = self.spawn(func, *args, **kwds)
......@@ -585,14 +609,18 @@ class Group(GroupMappingMixin):
def _apply_immediately(self):
# If apply() is called from one of our own
# worker greenlets, don't spawn a new one
# worker greenlets, don't spawn a new one---if we're full, that
# could deadlock.
return getcurrent() in self
def _apply_async_cb_spawn(self, callback, result):
Greenlet.spawn(callback, result)
def _apply_async_use_greenlet(self):
return self.full() # cannot call self.spawn() because it will block
# cannot call self.spawn() because it will block, so
# use a fresh, untracked greenlet that when run will
# (indirectly) call self.spawn() for us.
return self.full()
class Failure(object):
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