Commit bc65e21c authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Fix the async-related failures. Turns out uv_async_init is NOT idempotent.

parent 5f2c8f44
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ struct uv_check_s {
struct uv_async_s {
void *data;
void (*async_cb)(void*);
......@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ from gevent._ffi import watcher as _base
_closing_handles = set()
def _uv_close_callback(handle):
#print("Handle callback", handle)
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class watcher(_base.watcher):
_watcher_struct_pattern = '%s_t'
_watcher_callback_name = '_gevent_generic_callback0'
def __del__(self):
# Managing the lifetime of _watcher is tricky.
# They have to be uv_close()'d, but that only
......@@ -43,16 +44,12 @@ class watcher(_base.watcher):
# so we have to do this globally.
# Sadly, doing this causes crashes if there were multiple
# watchers for a given FD. See
# watchers for a given FD, so we have to take special care
# about that. See
# We also have mysterious crashes for async objects.
# see for an example. An async object
# that went out of scope and thus was closed (and had its
# uv_close_callback called) is still in the "queue" of async
# handlers, causing a crash on the next event loop. It's not clear
# how this state can arise.
if self._watcher is None:
#print("Del", ffi.cast('void*', self._watcher), 'started', libuv.uv_is_active(self._watcher), type(self), id(self))
if not libuv.uv_is_closing(self._watcher):
#print("Closing handle", self._watcher)
......@@ -281,13 +278,21 @@ class async(_base.AsyncMixin, watcher):
# It's dangerous to have a raw, non-initted struct
# around; it will crash in uv_close() when we get GC'd,
# and send() will also crash.
# NOTE: uv_async_init is NOT idempotent. Calling it more than
# once adds the uv_async_t to the internal queue multiple times,
# and uv_close only cleans up one of them, meaning that we tend to
# crash. Thus we have to be very careful not to allow that.
self._watcher_init(self.loop.ptr, self._watcher, ffi.NULL)
def _watcher_ffi_start(self):
self._watcher_init(self.loop.ptr, self._watcher, self._watcher_callback)
# we're created in a started state, but we didn't provide a
# callback (because if we did and we don't have a value in our
# callback attribute, then python_callback would crash.) Note that
# uv_async_t->async_cb is not technically documented as public.
self._watcher.async_cb = self._watcher_callback
def _watcher_ffi_stop(self):
self._watcher_init(self.loop.ptr, self._watcher, ffi.NULL)
self._watcher.async_cb = ffi.NULL
def send(self):
if libuv.uv_is_closing(self._watcher):
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