Commit bda1b24e authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

pywsgi: set SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT only once after socket is bound; do...

pywsgi: set SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT only once after socket is bound; do not overwrite SOCKET_NAME and SOCKET_PORT provided by the user; do not fail on unix sockets (use '' in that case)
parent a79f98c8
......@@ -474,9 +474,6 @@ class WSGIHandler(object):
env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = length
host, port = self.socket.getsockname()
env['SERVER_NAME'] = host
env['SERVER_PORT'] = str(port)
env['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self.client_address[0]
for header in self.headers.headers:
......@@ -547,9 +544,21 @@ class WSGIServer(StreamServer):
def pre_start(self):
if 'SERVER_NAME' not in self.environ:
self.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = socket.getfqdn(self.server_host)
self.environ.setdefault('SERVER_PORT', str(self.server_port))
def update_environ(self):
address = self.address
if isinstance(address, tuple):
if 'SERVER_NAME' not in self.environ:
name = socket.getfqdn(address[0])
except socket.error:
name = str(address[0])
self.environ['SERVER_NAME'] = name
self.environ.setdefault('SERVER_PORT', str(address[1]))
self.environ.setdefault('SERVER_NAME', '')
self.environ.setdefault('SERVER_PORT', '')
def handle(self, socket, address):
handler = self.handler_class(socket, address, self)
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