Commit bf67ee68 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

pywsgi: raise an AssertionError if non-zero content-length is passed to...

pywsgi: raise an AssertionError if non-zero content-length is passed to start_response(204 or 304) or if non-empty body is attempted to be written for 304/204 response

also pywsgi no longer capitalizes headers for you
parent 98d2c8ce
......@@ -332,19 +332,12 @@ class WSGIHandler(object):
return True # read more requests
def finalize_headers(self):
response_headers_list = [x[0] for x in self.response_headers]
if 'Date' not in response_headers_list:
if self.provided_date is None:
self.response_headers.append(('Date', format_date_time(time.time())))
if self.request_version == 'HTTP/1.0' and 'Connection' not in response_headers_list:
self.response_headers.append(('Connection', 'close'))
self.close_connection = True
elif ('Connection', 'close') in self.response_headers:
self.close_connection = True
if self.code not in [204, 304]:
if self.code not in (304, 204):
# the reply will include message-body; make sure we have either Content-Length or chunked
if 'Content-Length' not in response_headers_list:
if self.provided_content_length is None:
if hasattr(self.result, '__len__'):
self.response_headers.append(('Content-Length', str(sum(len(chunk) for chunk in self.result))))
......@@ -367,6 +360,9 @@ class WSGIHandler(object):
if data:
if self.code in (304, 204):
raise AssertionError('The %s response must have no body' % self.code)
if self.response_use_chunked:
## Write the chunked encoding
towrite.append("%x\r\n%s\r\n" % (len(data), data))
......@@ -394,7 +390,32 @@ class WSGIHandler(object):
exc_info = None
self.code = int(status.split(' ', 1)[0])
self.status = status
self.response_headers = [('-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in key.split('-')]), value) for key, value in headers]
self.response_headers = headers
provided_connection = None
self.provided_date = None
self.provided_content_length = None
for header, value in headers:
header = header.lower()
if header == 'connection':
provided_connection = value
elif header == 'date':
self.provided_date = value
elif header == 'content-length':
self.provided_content_length = value
if self.request_version == 'HTTP/1.0' and provided_connection is None:
headers.append(('Connection', 'close'))
self.close_connection = True
elif provided_connection == 'close':
self.close_connection = True
if self.code in (304, 204):
if self.provided_content_length is not None and self.provided_content_length != '0':
msg = 'Invalid Content-Length for %s response: %r (must be absent or zero)' % (self.code, self.provided_content_length)
raise AssertionError(msg)
return self.write
def log_request(self):
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