Commit c9bdfd3f authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

first implementation of the event loop itself for libuv.

parent 681ee2e9
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ class callback(object):
__slots__ = ('callback', 'args')
def __init__(self, callback, args):
self.callback = callback
def __init__(self, cb, args):
self.callback = cb
self.args = args or _NOARGS
def stop(self):
......@@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ class _Callbacks(object):
return 0
return 1 # It stopped itself
def python_handle_error(self, handle, revents):
print("HANDLING ERROR", handle, revents)
def python_handle_error(self, handle, _revents):
watcher = self.ffi.from_handle(handle)
exc_info = watcher._exc_info
......@@ -118,12 +117,13 @@ class _Callbacks(object):
# made sure that the watcher object was put in loop._keepaliveset,
# what about not stopping the watcher? Looks like a possible
# memory leak?
if revents & (libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE):
except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
watcher.loop.handle_error(watcher, *sys.exc_info())
return # pylint:disable=lost-exception
# XXX: This used to do "if revents & (libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE)"
# before stopping. Why?
except: # pylint:disable=bare-except
watcher.loop.handle_error(watcher, *sys.exc_info())
return # pylint:disable=lost-exception
def python_stop(self, handle):
watcher = self.ffi.from_handle(handle)
......@@ -177,9 +177,10 @@ class AbstractLoop(object):
def __init__(self, ffi, lib, flags=None, default=None):
def __init__(self, ffi, lib, watchers, flags=None, default=None):
self._ffi = ffi
self._lib = lib
self._watchers = watchers
self._in_callback = False
self._callbacks = []
self._keepaliveset = set()
......@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ class AbstractLoop(object):
def WatcherType(self):
return watcher
return self._watchers.watcher
def MAXPRI(self):
......@@ -398,46 +399,46 @@ class AbstractLoop(object):
def backend(self):
return None
return "<default backend>"
def pendingcnt(self):
return 0
def io(self, fd, events, ref=True, priority=None):
return io(self, fd, events, ref, priority)
return, fd, events, ref, priority)
def timer(self, after, repeat=0.0, ref=True, priority=None):
return timer(self, after, repeat, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.timer(self, after, repeat, ref, priority)
def signal(self, signum, ref=True, priority=None):
return signal(self, signum, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.signal(self, signum, ref, priority)
def idle(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return idle(self, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.idle(self, ref, priority)
def prepare(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return prepare(self, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.prepare(self, ref, priority)
def check(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return check(self, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.check(self, ref, priority)
def fork(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return fork(self, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.fork(self, ref, priority)
def async(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return async(self, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.async(self, ref, priority)
if sys.platform != "win32":
def child(self, pid, trace=0, ref=True):
return child(self, pid, trace, ref)
return self._watchers.child(self, pid, trace, ref)
def install_sigchld(self):
def stat(self, path, interval=0.0, ref=True, priority=None):
return stat(self, path, interval, ref, priority)
return self._watchers.stat(self, path, interval, ref, priority)
def callback(self, priority=None):
return callback(self, priority)
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Useful base classes for watchers. The available
watchers will depend on the specific event loop.
# pylint:disable=not-callable
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import sys
import os
......@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ class watcher(object):
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
def _watcher_ffi_set_priority(self, priority):
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines, protected-access, redefined-outer-name, not-callable
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import sys
import os
import traceback
import signal as signalmodule
__all__ = [
......@@ -188,23 +184,22 @@ def time():
_default_loop_destroyed = False
def _loop_callback(*args, **kwargs):
return ffi.callback(*args, **kwargs)
from gevent._ffi.loop import AbstractLoop
from gevent.libev.watcher import watcher
from gevent.libev.watcher import io
from gevent.libev.watcher import timer
from gevent.libev.watcher import signal
from gevent.libev.watcher import idle
from gevent.libev.watcher import prepare
from gevent.libev.watcher import check
from gevent.libev.watcher import fork
from gevent.libev.watcher import async
from gevent.libev.watcher import child
from gevent.libev.watcher import stat
from gevent.libev.watcher import _events_to_str # exported
# from gevent.libev.watcher import watcher
# from gevent.libev.watcher import io
# from gevent.libev.watcher import timer
# from gevent.libev.watcher import signal
# from gevent.libev.watcher import idle
# from gevent.libev.watcher import prepare
# from gevent.libev.watcher import check
# from gevent.libev.watcher import fork
# from gevent.libev.watcher import async
# from gevent.libev.watcher import child
# from gevent.libev.watcher import stat
from gevent.libev import watcher as _watchers
_events_to_str = _watchers._events_to_str # exported
class loop(AbstractLoop):
# pylint:disable=too-many-public-methods
......@@ -220,7 +215,7 @@ class loop(AbstractLoop):
_TIMER_POINTER = 'struct ev_timer *'
def __init__(self, flags=None, default=None):
AbstractLoop.__init__(self, ffi, libev, flags, default)
AbstractLoop.__init__(self, ffi, libev, _watchers, flags, default)
def _init_loop(self, flags, default):
c_flags = _flags_to_int(flags)
......@@ -285,11 +280,6 @@ class loop(AbstractLoop):
_default_loop_destroyed = True
def WatcherType(self):
return watcher
def MAXPRI(self):
return libev.EV_MAXPRI
......@@ -363,35 +353,8 @@ class loop(AbstractLoop):
def pendingcnt(self):
return libev.ev_pending_count(self._ptr)
def io(self, fd, events, ref=True, priority=None):
return io(self, fd, events, ref, priority)
def timer(self, after, repeat=0.0, ref=True, priority=None):
return timer(self, after, repeat, ref, priority)
def signal(self, signum, ref=True, priority=None):
return signal(self, signum, ref, priority)
def idle(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return idle(self, ref, priority)
def prepare(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return prepare(self, ref, priority)
def check(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return check(self, ref, priority)
def fork(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return fork(self, ref, priority)
def async(self, ref=True, priority=None):
return async(self, ref, priority)
if sys.platform != "win32":
def child(self, pid, trace=0, ref=True):
return child(self, pid, trace, ref)
def install_sigchld(self):
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ else:
# The CFFI implementation does none of these things, and so
# is possibly NOT FUNCTIONALLY CORRECT on Win32
_NOARGS = ()
_events = [(libev.EV_READ, 'READ'),
(libev.EV_WRITE, 'WRITE'),
(libev.EV__IOFDSET, '_IOFDSET'),
......@@ -148,15 +148,6 @@ class io(_base.IoMixin, watcher):
EVENT_MASK = libev.EV__IOFDSET | libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE
def __init__(self, loop, fd, events, ref=True, priority=None):
# XXX: Win32: Need to vfd_open the fd and free the old one?
# XXX: Win32: Need a destructor to free the old fd?
if fd < 0:
raise ValueError('fd must be non-negative: %r' % fd)
if events & ~(libev.EV__IOFDSET | libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE):
raise ValueError('illegal event mask: %r' % events)
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref=ref, priority=priority, args=(fd, events))
def _get_fd(self):
return vfd_get(self._watcher.fd)
......@@ -160,22 +160,25 @@ typedef void (*uv_fs_poll_cb)(uv_fs_poll_t* handle, int status, const uv_stat_t*
// loop functions
uv_loop_t *uv_default_loop();
uv_loop_t* uv_loop_new(); // not documented
int uv_loop_init(uv_loop_t* loop);
int uv_loop_alive(const uv_loop_t *loop);
int uv_loop_close(uv_loop_t* loop);
int uv_run(uv_loop_t *, uv_run_mode mode);
int uv_backend_fd(const uv_loop_t* loop);
uint64_t uv_now(const uv_loop_t* loop);
void uv_stop(uv_loop_t *);
void uv_walk(uv_loop_t *loop, uv_walk_cb walk_cb, void *arg);
// handle functions
// uv_handle_t is the base type for all libuv handle types.
void uv_ref(uv_handle_t *);
void uv_unref(uv_handle_t *);
int uv_has_ref(const uv_handle_t *);
void uv_close(uv_handle_t *handle, uv_close_cb close_cb);
int uv_is_active(const uv_handle_t *handle);
int uv_is_closing(const uv_handle_t *handle);
void uv_ref(void *);
void uv_unref(void *);
int uv_has_ref(void *);
void uv_close(void *handle, uv_close_cb close_cb);
int uv_is_active(void *handle);
int uv_is_closing(void *handle);
// idle functions
// Idle handles will run the given callback once per loop iteration, right
......@@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ int uv_fs_poll_stop(uv_fs_poll_t*);
static int (*python_callback)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_handle_error)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_stop)(void* handle);
static void (*gevent_noop)(void* handle);
* We use a single C callback for every watcher type that shares the same signature, which in turn calls the
* Python callbacks. The uv_handle_t pointer type can be used for every watcher type
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ static int (*python_callback)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_handle_error)(void* handle, int revents);
static void (*python_stop)(void* handle);
static void _gevent_noop(void*handle) {}
static void (*gevent_noop)(void* handle) = &_gevent_noop;
static void _gevent_generic_callback1(uv_handle_t* watcher, int arg)
void* handle = watcher->data;
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