Commit e76bcac6 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

socket: resolve ipv6 and ipv4 concurrently in getaddrinfo() thus reducing the...

socket: resolve ipv6 and ipv4 concurrently in getaddrinfo() thus reducing the delay in AF_UNSPEC case
parent 06077e87
......@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ if 'inet_ntop' not in globals():
from gevent.hub import getcurrent, get_hub
from gevent import core
from gevent import spawn
from gevent.util import wrap_errors
_ip4_re = re.compile('^[\d\.]+$')
......@@ -745,22 +747,29 @@ else:
result.append((family, socktype, proto, '', sockaddr))
failure = None
job = spawn(wrap_errors(gaierror, resolve_ipv6), host, evdns_flags)
for res in resolve_ipv4(host, evdns_flags)[1]:
sockaddr = (inet_ntop(AF_INET, res), port)
for socktype, proto in socktype_proto:
result.append((AF_INET, socktype, proto, '', sockaddr))
except gaierror, failure:
for res in resolve_ipv6(host, evdns_flags)[1]:
sockaddr = (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, res), port, 0, 0)
for socktype, proto in socktype_proto:
result.append((AF_INET6, socktype, proto, '', sockaddr))
except gaierror:
if failure is not None:
ipv4_res = resolve_ipv4(host, evdns_flags)[1]
except gaierror, failure:
ipv4_res = None
ipv6_res = job.get()
if isinstance(ipv6_res, gaierror):
ipv6_res = None
if failure is not None:
if ipv4_res is not None:
for res in ipv4_res:
sockaddr = (inet_ntop(AF_INET, res), port)
for socktype, proto in socktype_proto:
result.append((AF_INET, socktype, proto, '', sockaddr))
if ipv6_res is not None:
for res in ipv6_res[1]:
sockaddr = (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, res), port, 0, 0)
for socktype, proto in socktype_proto:
result.append((AF_INET6, socktype, proto, '', sockaddr))
return result
# TODO libevent2 has getaddrinfo that is probably better than the hack above; should wrap that.
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