1. 05 Nov, 2012 1 commit
  2. 04 Nov, 2012 1 commit
  3. 02 Nov, 2012 2 commits
  4. 31 Oct, 2012 1 commit
  5. 30 Oct, 2012 9 commits
  6. 29 Oct, 2012 13 commits
  7. 27 Oct, 2012 10 commits
  8. 21 Oct, 2012 3 commits
    • Denis Bilenko's avatar
      Fix tests to pass on debug python · ffaa2474
      Denis Bilenko authored
      - test__backdoor.py: do not use create_connection
        it uses getaddrinfo and that may trigger unrelated issues
      - test___monkey_patching.py: set timeout to 60
      - test__socket_dns.py: wait for the thread pool
    • Denis Bilenko's avatar
      patch threading._DummyThread to avoid leak in threading._active. · 786ced62
      Denis Bilenko authored
      Thanks to Wil Tan (#169).
      - add gevent.threading monkey-helper module.
      - add test__threading.py which also checks that patch_all() does not init the hub.
      - update test__all__.py w.r.t gevent.threading
      - patched_tests_setup.py: ignore tests in test_threading.py that depend on threading._active not being cleaned up for dummy threads
      - update test_threading_2.py
    • Denis Bilenko's avatar
      Semaphore/Lock: do not do get_hub() in __init__ · 5843ff0b
      Denis Bilenko authored
      because threading has a module-level lock(), it means that get_hub() was called by monkey.patch_all()
      this is not good, in case use wants to fork off children, but don't actually use gevent in master or if
      the user wants to configure the hub.
      Also, PySemaphore is now removed (don't really see the point of maintaing the same code twice).