• Douwe Maan's avatar
    Merge branch 'issue-branch-iid-postfix' into 'master' · a4e19b6c
    Douwe Maan authored
    #to_branch_name now uses the iid as postfix
    Given the branch name 'mep-mep' with an iid being 1,
    the current way, master's way, would yield a branch name of
    1-mep-mep. The problem for larger projects however would be that
    a developer might forget what iid the issue was.
    When this developer would try to tab complete it would:
    - Or result in 20+ branches possibly
    - Or start with the wrong digit, try again with digit++
      - Would see 20 branches, repeat
    Thus the obvious way of solving this is letting the dev tab complete
    on the issue title, which is easier to remember.
    @DouweM Should this be labelled `pick-in-master`? 
    See merge request !3308
issue_spec.rb 4.55 KB