• Sean McGivern's avatar
    Fix auto-MR-close text from branch name · b2f60bb9
    Sean McGivern authored
    Rails's form helpers use the `$attr_before_type_cast` method where
    available, and this value only appears to be updated on assignment, not
    when the object is mutated in some other way:
        [1] pry(main)> mr = MergeRequest.new
        => #<MergeRequest:0x007fcf28395d88 ...>
        [2] pry(main)> mr.description = 'foo'
        => "foo"
        [3] pry(main)> mr.description << ' bar'
        => "foo bar"
        [4] pry(main)> mr.description
        => "foo bar"
        [5] pry(main)> mr.description_before_type_cast
        => "foo"
        [6] pry(main)> mr.description += ' bar'
        => "foo bar bar"
        [7] pry(main)> mr.description_before_type_cast
        => "foo bar bar"
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