Douwe Maan authored
Fix bug where backslashes in inline diffs could be dropped This MR fixes a bug in inline diff generation causing backslashes to be dropped. For example, the input: ``` input.to_s.sub(/[\r\n].+/,'').sub(/\\[rn].+/, '').strip ``` The second backslash is dropped in the second `sub` statement: ![image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/uploads/16e513894f7ecda1b111fe7d43e7f388/image.png) With this fix, it looks like: ![image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/uploads/90fd635a937a68f1b2403740ebc75e3a/image.png) Closes #2253 See merge request !1143
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