Commit 010ac2b1 authored by randx's avatar randx

Added back link. cleanup group show page

parent 1b6a3dfe
- if @projects.any? .projects
.projects .activities.span8
.activities.span8 .back_link
= render 'shared/no_ssh' = link_to dashboard_path do
- if @events.any? ← To dashboard
.content_list= render @events = render 'shared/no_ssh'
- else - if @events.any?
%h4.nothing_here_message Projects activity will be displayed here .content_list= render @events
= render "events/event_last_push", event: @last_push
= render "projects", projects: @projects
= link_to dashboard_path(:atom, { private_token: current_user.private_token }) do
= image_tag "rss_ui.png", title: "feed"
%strong News Feed
= link_to "Homepage", ""
= link_to "Blog", ""
= link_to "@gitlabhq", ""
- else
%h3.nothing_here_message There are no projects you have access to.
- if current_user.can_create_project?
You can create up to
= current_user.projects_limit
projects. Click on button below to add a new one
= link_to new_project_path, class: "btn primary" do
New Project »
- else - else
If you will be added to project - it will be displayed here %h4.nothing_here_message Projects activity will be displayed here
= render "events/event_last_push", event: @last_push
= render "projects", projects: @projects
= link_to dashboard_path(:atom, { private_token: current_user.private_token }) do
= image_tag "rss_ui.png", title: "feed"
%strong News Feed
= link_to "Homepage", ""
= link_to "Blog", ""
= link_to "@gitlabhq", ""
:javascript :javascript
$(function(){ Pager.init(20); }); $(function(){ Pager.init(20); });
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