Commit 72d25a26 authored by Marin Jankovski's avatar Marin Jankovski

Feature visit issues page for public project as auth and non auth user.

parent 468c9ce4
No related merge requests found
......@@ -62,3 +62,14 @@ Feature: Public Projects Feature
Given public empty project "Empty Public Project"
When I visit empty project page
Then I should see empty public project details
Scenario: I visit public project issues page as a non authorized user
Given I visit project "Community" page
And I visit "Community" issues page
Then I should see list of issues for "Community" project
Scenario: I visit public project issues page as authorized user
Given I sign in as a user
Given I visit project "Community" page
And I visit "Community" issues page
Then I should see list of issues for "Community" project
......@@ -107,5 +107,27 @@ class Spinach::Features::PublicProjectsFeature < Spinach::FeatureSteps
project = Project.find_by(name: 'Community')
page.should have_field('project_clone', with: project.url_to_repo)
step 'I visit "Community" issues page' do
project = Project.find_by(name: 'Community')
title: "Bug",
project: project
title: "New feature",
project: project
visit project_issues_path(project)
step 'I should see list of issues for "Community" project' do
project = Project.find_by(name: 'Community')
page.should have_content "Bug"
page.should have_content
page.should have_content "New feature"
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