Commit 7f90c8ef authored by Valery Sizov's avatar Valery Sizov

Merge branch 'gemfile_fix' into 'master'

Add explicit reference to rouge 1.10.1

We are relying on rouge 1.10.1 but nothing is referencing to this version and it is easy to lose this dependence. Previously, it was updated directly in Gemfile.lock which is not reliable way :)

`gollum-lib` has a dependence `rouge 1.9` which is old for us.

See merge request !1937
parents e02940e3 2e270c07
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ gem 'org-ruby', '~> 0.9.12'
gem 'creole', '~> 0.5.0'
gem 'wikicloth', '0.8.1'
gem 'asciidoctor', '~> 1.5.2'
gem 'net-ssh', '~> 3.0.1'
gem 'rouge', '~> 1.10.1'
# Diffs
gem 'diffy', '~> 3.0.3'
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ gem 'raphael-rails', '~> 2.1.2'
gem 'request_store', '~> 1.2.0'
gem 'select2-rails', '~> 3.5.9'
gem 'virtus', '~> 1.0.1'
gem 'net-ssh', '~> 3.0.1'
group :development do
gem "foreman"
......@@ -940,6 +940,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
request_store (~> 1.2.0)
rerun (~> 0.10.0)
responders (~> 2.0)
rouge (~> 1.10.1)
rqrcode-rails3 (~> 0.1.7)
rspec-rails (~> 3.3.0)
rubocop (~> 0.28.0)
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