Commit b8c0fedd authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

X draft auth cache

parent 921cdfef
......@@ -31,30 +31,50 @@ func blobPreAuthorizeHandler(handleFunc serviceHandleFunc) serviceHandleFunc {
type authInfo struct {
authResponse authorizationResponse
timestamp int64 // in seconds
// project -> authInfo
// FIXME it have to be not only project (privateToken etc...)
var authCache = make(map[string]authInfo)
// verify that download access is authorized by auth backend
func verifyDownloadAccess(w http.ResponseWriter, r *gitRequest, project string) (downloadOk bool) {
downloadOk = false
func verifyDownloadAccess(w http.ResponseWriter, r *gitRequest, project string) bool {
// XXX do we need mutex to lock authCache ?
auth, ok := authCache[project]
if ok {
log.Printf("downloadOk cached %v ago: %v",
time.Since(time.Unix(auth.timestamp, 0)),
r.authorizationResponse = auth.authResponse
return (auth.authResponse.RepoPath != "") // XXX ok?
// request to verify whether download is possible via asking as git fetch would do
// XXX privateToken not propagated, etc ...
reqDownloadAccess, err := http.NewRequest("GET", project + ".git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack", nil)
if err != nil {
fail500(w, "GET git-upload-pack", err)
return false // XXX not cache as it is just we cannot create request
// swap original request to 'verify-download' one
//requestBlob := r.Request
r.Request = reqDownloadAccess
downloadOk := false
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *gitRequest) {
// if we ever get to this point - auth handler approved
// access and thus it is ok to download
downloadOk = true
}, "") (w, r)
// XXX do we need to lock authCache ?
authCache[project] = authInfo{r.authorizationResponse, time.Now().Unix()}
return downloadOk
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