• Robert Griesemer's avatar
    [release-branch.go1] go/parser: fix comment grouping (day 1 bug) · b7250b20
    Robert Griesemer authored
    ««« backport afbf8db1baf4
    go/parser: fix comment grouping (day 1 bug)
    Comment groups must end at the end of a line (or the
    next non-comment token) if the group started on a line
    with non-comment tokens.
    This is important for correct computation of "lead"
    and "line" comments (Doc and Comment fields in AST nodes).
    Without this fix, the "line" comment for F1 in the
    following example:
    type T struct {
         F1 int // comment1
         // comment2
         F2 int
    is "// comment1// comment2" rather than just "// comment1".
    This bug was present from Day 1 but only visible when
    looking at export-filtered ASTs where only comments
    associated with AST nodes are printed, and only in rare
    cases (e.g, in the case above, if F2 where not exported,
    godoc would show "// comment2" anyway because it was
    considered part of the "line" comment for F1).
    The bug fix is very small (parser.go). The bulk of the
    changes are additional test cases (parser_test.go).
    The fix exposed a caching bug in go/printer via one of the
    existing tests, hence the changes to printer.go.
    As an aside, the fix removes the the need for empty lines
    before an "// Output" comment for some special cases of
    code examples (e.g.: src/pkg/strings/example_test.go, Count
    No impact on gofmt formatting of src, misc.
    Fixes #3139.
nodes.go 39.4 KB