Commit 0624fd3f authored by Didier Spezia's avatar Didier Spezia Committed by Ian Lance Taylor

cmd/compile: regenerate builtin.go

Following a recent change, file builtin.go is not up-to-date.
Generate it again by running go generate.

Fixes #13203

Change-Id: Ib91c5ccc93665c043da95c7d3783ce5d94e48466
Reviewed-on: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
parent 3a96bf0d
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package gc
const runtimeimport = "" +
"package runtime\n" +
"import runtime \"runtime\"\n" +
"func @\"\".newobject (@\"\".typ·2 *byte) (? *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".panicindex ()\n" +
"func @\"\".panicslice ()\n" +
......@@ -162,7 +161,6 @@ const runtimeimport = "" +
const unsafeimport = "" +
"package unsafe\n" +
"import runtime \"runtime\"\n" +
"type @\"\".Pointer uintptr\n" +
"func @\"\".Offsetof (? any) (? uintptr)\n" +
"func @\"\".Sizeof (? any) (? uintptr)\n" +
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