Commit 08ce3c31 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

libmach: update for Go 1.2 pcln table

The change to addr2line makes it easy to test by hand.

R=golang-dev, r
parent d7b4a09c
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void
main(int argc, char **argv)
int fd;
char *p;
char *p, *q;
uvlong pc;
Symbol s;
Fhdr fhdr;
......@@ -67,6 +67,17 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
if(p == nil)
p[Blinelen(&bin)-1] = '\0';
q = strchr(p, ':');
if(q != nil) {
// reverse: translate file:line to pc
*q++ = '\0';
pc = file2pc(p, atoi(q));
if(pc == ~(uvlong)0)
Bprint(&bout, "!%r\n");
Bprint(&bout, "0x%llux\n", pc);
pc = strtoull(p, 0, 16);
if(!findsym(pc, CTEXT, &s)) = "??";
......@@ -102,6 +102,17 @@ static int symerrmsg(int, char*);
static int txtcomp(const void*, const void*);
static int filecomp(const void*, const void*);
* Go 1.2 pcln table (also contains pcsp).
#define Go12PclnMagic 0xfffffffb
#define Go12PclnMagicRev 0xfbffffff
static int isgo12pcline(void);
static uvlong go12pc2sp(uvlong);
static int32 go12fileline(char*, int, uvlong);
static void go12clean(void);
static uvlong go12file2pc(char*, int);
* initialize the symbol tables
......@@ -444,6 +455,7 @@ cleansyms(void)
pcline = 0;
......@@ -998,12 +1010,14 @@ file2pc(char *file, int32 line)
uvlong pc, start, end;
short *name;
return go12file2pc(file, line);
if(buildtbls() == 0 || files == 0)
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
name = encfname(file);
if(name == 0) { /* encode the file name */
werrstr("file %s not found", file);
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
/* find this history stack */
for(i = 0, fp = files; i < nfiles; i++, fp++)
......@@ -1012,7 +1026,7 @@ file2pc(char *file, int32 line)
if(i >= nfiles) {
werrstr("line %d in file %s not found", line, file);
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
start = fp->addr; /* first text addr this file */
if(i < nfiles-1)
......@@ -1026,9 +1040,9 @@ file2pc(char *file, int32 line)
print("find pc for %d - between: %llux and %llux\n", line, start, end);
pc = line2addr(line, start, end);
if(pc == ~0) {
if(pc == ~(uvlong)0) {
werrstr("line %d not in file %s", line, file);
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
return pc;
......@@ -1169,6 +1183,9 @@ fileline(char *str, int n, uvlong dot)
int32 line, top, bot, mid;
File *f;
return go12fileline(str, n, dot);
*str = 0;
if(buildtbls() == 0)
return 0;
......@@ -1368,13 +1385,16 @@ pc2sp(uvlong pc)
uchar *c, u;
uvlong currpc, currsp;
return go12pc2sp(pc);
if(spoff == 0)
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
currsp = 0;
currpc = txtstart - mach->pcquant;
if(pc<currpc || pc>txtend)
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
for(c = spoff; c < spoffend; c++) {
if (currpc >= pc)
return currsp;
......@@ -1391,7 +1411,7 @@ pc2sp(uvlong pc)
currpc += mach->pcquant*(u-129);
currpc += mach->pcquant;
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
......@@ -1412,7 +1432,7 @@ pc2line(uvlong pc)
currpc = txtstart-mach->pcquant;
if(pc<currpc || pc>txtend)
return ~0;
return -1;
for(c = pcline; c < pclineend && currpc < pc; c++) {
u = *c;
......@@ -1448,11 +1468,11 @@ line2addr(int32 line, uvlong basepc, uvlong endpc)
int found;
if(pcline == 0 || line == 0)
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
currline = 0;
currpc = txtstart-mach->pcquant;
pc = ~0;
pc = ~(uvlong)0;
found = 0;
delta = HUGEINT;
......@@ -1485,7 +1505,7 @@ line2addr(int32 line, uvlong basepc, uvlong endpc)
return pc;
return ~0;
return ~(uvlong)0;
......@@ -1539,3 +1559,316 @@ dumphist(char *name)
// Go 1.2 pcln table
// See
static int32 pcquantum;
static int32 pcptrsize;
static uvlong (*pcswav)(uvlong);
static uint32 (*pcswal)(uint32);
static uvlong (*pcuintptr)(uchar*);
static uchar *functab;
static uint32 nfunctab;
static uint32 *filetab;
static uint32 nfiletab;
static uint32
xswal(uint32 v)
return (v>>24) | ((v>>8)&0xFF00) | ((v<<8)&0xFF0000) | v<<24;
static uvlong
xswav(uvlong v)
return (uvlong)xswal(v)<<32 | xswal(v>>32);
static uvlong
noswav(uvlong v)
return v;
static uint32
noswal(uint32 v)
return v;
static uvlong
readuintptr64(uchar *p)
return pcswav(*(uvlong*)p);
static uvlong
readuintptr32(uchar *p)
return pcswal(*(uint32*)p);
static void
pcquantum = 0;
pcswav = nil;
pcswal = nil;
functab = nil;
nfunctab = 0;
filetab = nil;
nfiletab = 0;
static void
uint32 m;
uchar *p;
if(pcquantum != 0)
pcquantum = -1; // not go 1.2
if(pcline == nil || pclineend - pcline < 16 ||
pcline[4] != 0 || pcline[5] != 0 ||
(pcline[6] != 1 && pcline[6] != 4) ||
(pcline[7] != 4 && pcline[7] != 8))
// header is magic, 00 00 pcquantum ptrsize
m = *(uint32*)pcline;
if(m == Go12PclnMagic) {
pcswav = noswav;
pcswal = noswal;
} else {
pcswav = xswav;
pcswal = xswal;
pcptrsize = pcline[7];
if(pcptrsize == 4)
pcuintptr = readuintptr32;
pcuintptr = readuintptr64;
nfunctab = pcuintptr(pcline+8);
functab = pcline + 8 + pcptrsize;
// functab is 2*nfunctab pointer-sized values.
// The offset to the file table follows.
p = functab + nfunctab*2*pcptrsize + pcptrsize;
if(p+4 > pclineend)
filetab = (uint32*)(pcline + pcswal(*(uint32*)p));
if((uchar*)filetab+4 > pclineend)
// File table begins with count.
nfiletab = pcswal(filetab[0]);
if((uchar*)(filetab + nfiletab) > pclineend)
// Committed.
pcquantum = pcline[6];
static int
return pcquantum > 0;
static uchar*
go12findfunc(uvlong pc)
uchar *f, *fm;
int32 nf, m;
if(pc < pcuintptr(functab) || pc >= pcuintptr(functab+2*nfunctab*pcptrsize))
return nil;
// binary search to find func with entry <= addr.
f = functab;
nf = nfunctab;
while(nf > 0) {
m = nf/2;
fm = f + 2*pcptrsize*m;
if(pcuintptr(fm) <= pc && pc < pcuintptr(fm+2*pcptrsize)) {
f = pcline + pcuintptr(fm+pcptrsize);
if(f >= pclineend)
return nil;
return f;
} else if(pc < pcuintptr(fm))
nf = m;
else {
f += (m+1)*2*pcptrsize;
nf -= m+1;
return nil;
static uint32
readvarint(uchar **pp)
uchar *p;
uint32 v;
int32 shift;
v = 0;
p = *pp;
for(shift = 0;; shift += 7) {
v |= (*p & 0x7F) << shift;
if(!(*p++ & 0x80))
*pp = p;
return v;
static char*
pcstring(uint32 off)
if(off == 0 || off >= pclineend - pcline ||
memchr(pcline + off, '\0', pclineend - (pcline + off)) == nil)
return "?";
return (char*)pcline+off;
static int
step(uchar **pp, uvlong *pc, int32 *value, int first)
uint32 uvdelta, pcdelta;
int32 vdelta;
uvdelta = readvarint(pp);
if(uvdelta == 0 && !first)
return 0;
uvdelta = ~(uvdelta>>1);
uvdelta >>= 1;
vdelta = (int32)uvdelta;
pcdelta = readvarint(pp) * pcquantum;
*value += vdelta;
*pc += pcdelta;
return 1;
static int32
pcvalue(uint32 off, uvlong entry, uvlong targetpc)
uvlong pc;
int32 val;
uchar *p;
val = -1;
pc = entry;
if(off == 0 || off >= pclineend - pcline)
return -1;
p = pcline + off;
while(step(&p, &pc, &val, pc == entry)) {
if(targetpc < pc)
return val;
return -1;
static uvlong
go12pc2sp(uvlong pc)
uchar *f;
uint32 off;
uvlong entry;
int32 sp;
f = go12findfunc(pc);
if(f == nil)
return ~(uvlong)0;
entry = pcuintptr(f);
off = pcswal(*(uint32*)(f+pcptrsize+6*4));
sp = pcvalue(off, entry, pc);
if(sp < 0)
return ~(uvlong)0;
return sp;
static int32
go12fileline(char *str, int n, uvlong pc)
uchar *f;
uint32 fileoff, lineoff;
uvlong entry;
int lno, fno;
f = go12findfunc(pc);
if(f == nil)
return 0;
entry = pcuintptr(f);
fileoff = pcswal(*(uint32*)(f+pcptrsize+7*4));
lineoff = pcswal(*(uint32*)(f+pcptrsize+8*4));
lno = pcvalue(lineoff, entry, pc);
fno = pcvalue(fileoff, entry, pc);
if(lno < 0 || fno <= 0 || fno >= nfiletab) {
return 0;
snprint(str, n, "%s:%d", pcstring(pcswal(filetab[fno])), lno);
return 1;
static uvlong
go12file2pc(char *file, int line)
int fno;
int32 i, fval, lval;
uchar *func, *fp, *lp;
uvlong fpc, lpc, fstartpc, lstartpc, entry;
// Map file to file number.
// NOTE(rsc): Could introduce a hash table for repeated
// lookups if anyone ever calls this.
for(fno=1; fno<nfiletab; fno++)
if(strcmp(pcstring(pcswal(filetab[fno])), file) == 0)
goto havefile;
werrstr("cannot find file");
return ~(uvlong)0;
// Consider each func.
// Run file number program to find file match,
// then run line number program to find line match.
// Most file number programs are tiny, and most will
// not mention the file number, so this should be fairly
// quick.
for(i=0; i<nfunctab; i++) {
func = pcline + pcuintptr(functab+i*2*pcptrsize+pcptrsize);
entry = pcuintptr(func);
fp = pcline + pcswal(*(uint32*)(func+pcptrsize+7*4));
lp = pcline + pcswal(*(uint32*)(func+pcptrsize+8*4));
fval = lval = -1;
fpc = lpc = entry;
fstartpc = fpc;
while(step(&fp, &fpc, &fval, fpc==entry)) {
if(fval == fno && fstartpc < fpc) {
lstartpc = lpc;
while(lpc < fpc && step(&lp, &lpc, &lval, lpc==entry)) {
if(lval == line) {
if(fstartpc <= lstartpc) {
return lstartpc;
if(fstartpc < lpc) {
return fstartpc;
lstartpc = lpc;
fstartpc = fpc;
werrstr("cannot find line in file");
return ~(uvlong)0;
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