Commit 0ca49135 authored by Florin Patan's avatar Florin Patan Committed by Brad Fitzpatrick

sort: fixed small typo in comments

There was a small typo in the comment before the Stable function.

Change-Id: Ia6fa5272aa7869124a637d2eeda81c4f35ef46c8
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 9e6869b9
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ func StringsAreSorted(a []string) bool { return IsSorted(StringSlice(a)) }
// and Jukka Teuhola; Nordic Journal of Computing 3,1 (1996), 27-40:
// The given algorithms are in-place, number of Swap and Assignments
// grow as n log n but the algorithm is not stable.
// - "Fast Stable In-Plcae Sorting with O(n) Data Moves" J.I. Munro and
// - "Fast Stable In-Place Sorting with O(n) Data Moves" J.I. Munro and
// V. Raman in Algorithmica (1996) 16, 115-160:
// This algorithm either needs additional 2n bits or works only if there
// are enough different elements available to encode some permutations
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