Commit 0ca4f6be authored by David Finkel's avatar David Finkel Committed by Ian Lance Taylor

runtime/pprof: Mention goroutine label heritability

Document goroutine label inheritance. Goroutine labels are copied upon
goroutine creation and there is a test enforcing this, but it was not
mentioned in the docstrings for `Do` or `SetGoroutineLabels`.

Add notes to both of those functions' docstrings so it's clear that one
does not need to set labels as soon as a new goroutine is spawned if
they want to propagate tags.

Updates #32223
Updates #23458

Change-Id: Idfa33031af0104b884b03ca855ac82b98500c8b4
Reviewed-on: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
parent e37a1b1c
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ func runtime_setProfLabel(labels unsafe.Pointer)
func runtime_getProfLabel() unsafe.Pointer
// SetGoroutineLabels sets the current goroutine's labels to match ctx.
// A new goroutine inherits the labels of the goroutine that created it.
// This is a lower-level API than Do, which should be used instead when possible.
func SetGoroutineLabels(ctx context.Context) {
ctxLabels, _ := ctx.Value(labelContextKey{}).(*labelMap)
......@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ func SetGoroutineLabels(ctx context.Context) {
// Do calls f with a copy of the parent context with the
// given labels added to the parent's label map.
// Goroutines spawned while executing f will inherit the augmented label-set.
// Each key/value pair in labels is inserted into the label map in the
// order provided, overriding any previous value for the same key.
// The augmented label map will be set for the duration of the call to f
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