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Commit 0ca5f269 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

cmd/compile: remove fmt.go printer again, now that it's unused

Change-Id: I9a6e5b9cbcfc264c61fd39ed65330ca737707e1f
Reviewed-on: default avatarMatthew Dempsky <>
parent 266c6223
......@@ -1883,64 +1883,10 @@ func Dump(s string, n *Node) {
fmt.Printf("%s [%p]%+v\n", s, n, n)
// printer is a buffer for creating longer formatted strings.
type printer struct {
buf []byte
// Types that implement the Printable interface print
// to a printer directly without first converting to
// a string.
type Printable interface {
// printer implements io.Writer.
func (p *printer) Write(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
p.buf = append(p.buf, buf...)
return len(buf), nil
// printer implements the Stringer interface.
func (p *printer) String() string {
return string(p.buf)
// s prints the string s to p and returns p.
func (p *printer) s(s string) *printer {
p.buf = append(p.buf, s...)
return p
// f prints the formatted arguments to p and returns p.
// %v arguments that implement the Printable interface
// are printed to p via that interface.
func (p *printer) f(format string, args ...interface{}) *printer {
for len(format) > 0 {
i := strings.IndexByte(format, '%')
if i < 0 || i+1 >= len(format) || format[i+1] != 'v' || len(args) == 0 {
break // don't be clever, let fmt.Fprintf handle this for now
// found "%v" and at least one argument (and no other %x before)
format = format[i+len("%v"):]
if a, ok := args[0].(Printable); ok {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(p, "%v", args[0])
args = args[1:]
if len(format) > 0 || len(args) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(p, format, args...)
return p
// TODO(gri) make this a field of printer
// TODO(gri) make variable local somehow
var dumpdepth int
// indent prints indentation to p.
// indent prints indentation to s.
func indent(s fmt.State) {
fmt.Fprint(s, "\n")
for i := 0; i < dumpdepth; i++ {
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