Commit 1806a573 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/gc, runtime: refactor interface inlining decision into compiler

We need to change the interface value representation for
concurrent garbage collection, so that there is no ambiguity
about whether the data word holds a pointer or scalar.

This CL does NOT make any representation changes.

Instead, it removes representation assumptions from
various pieces of code throughout the tree.
The isdirectiface function in cmd/gc/subr.c is now
the only place that decides that policy.
The policy propagates out from there in the reflect
metadata, as a new flag in the internal kind value.

A follow-up CL will change the representation by
changing the isdirectiface function. If that CL causes
problems, it will be easy to roll back.

Update #8405.

R=golang-codereviews, iant
CC=golang-codereviews, r
parent 2e2beb56
......@@ -1363,6 +1363,7 @@ int is64(Type *t);
int isbadimport(Strlit *s);
int isblank(Node *n);
int isblanksym(Sym *s);
int isdirectiface(Type*);
int isfixedarray(Type *t);
int isideal(Type *t);
int isinter(Type *t);
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ methods(Type *t)
// type stored in interface word
it = t;
if(it->width > widthptr)
it = ptrto(t);
// make list of methods for t,
......@@ -785,6 +785,8 @@ dcommontype(Sym *s, int ot, Type *t)
i = KindSlice;
i |= KindNoPointers;
i |= KindDirectIface;
i |= KindGCProg;
ot = duint8(s, ot, i); // kind
......@@ -3794,3 +3794,42 @@ checknil(Node *x, NodeList **init)
n->typecheck = 1;
*init = list(*init, n);
* Can this type be stored directly in an interface word?
isdirectiface(Type *t)
// Setting IfacePointerOnly = 1 changes the
// interface representation so that the data word
// in an interface value must always be a pointer.
// Setting it to 0 uses the original representation,
// where the data word can hold a pointer or any
// non-pointer value no bigger than a pointer.
enum {
IfacePointerOnly = 0,
if(IfacePointerOnly) {
switch(t->etype) {
case TPTR32:
case TPTR64:
case TCHAN:
case TMAP:
case TFUNC:
return 1;
case TARRAY:
// Array of 1 direct iface type can be direct.
return t->bound == 1 && isdirectiface(t->type);
// Struct with 1 field of direct iface type can be direct.
return t->type != T && t->type->down == T && isdirectiface(t->type->type);
return 0;
return t->width <= widthptr;
......@@ -834,9 +834,7 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
walkexpr(&n->left, init);
// Optimize convT2E as a two-word copy when T is uintptr-shaped.
if(!isinter(n->left->type) && isnilinter(n->type) &&
(n->left->type->width == widthptr) &&
isint[simsimtype(n->left->type)]) {
if(isnilinter(n->type) && isdirectiface(n->left->type) && n->left->type->width == widthptr && isint[simsimtype(n->left->type)]) {
l = nod(OEFACE, typename(n->left->type), n->left);
l->type = n->type;
l->typecheck = n->typecheck;
......@@ -884,8 +882,7 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
l->addable = 1;
ll = list(ll, l);
if(n->left->type->width == widthptr &&
isint[simsimtype(n->left->type)]) {
if(isdirectiface(n->left->type) && n->left->type->width == widthptr && isint[simsimtype(n->left->type)]) {
/* For pointer types, we can make a special form of optimization
* These statements are put onto the expression init list:
......@@ -283,6 +283,26 @@ func TestValueConverters(t *testing.T) {
// Tests that assigning to RawBytes doesn't allocate (and also works).
func TestRawBytesAllocs(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
name string
in interface{}
want string
{"uint64", uint64(12345678), "12345678"},
{"uint32", uint32(1234), "1234"},
{"uint16", uint16(12), "12"},
{"uint8", uint8(1), "1"},
{"uint", uint(123), "123"},
{"int", int(123), "123"},
{"int8", int8(1), "1"},
{"int16", int16(12), "12"},
{"int32", int32(1234), "1234"},
{"int64", int64(12345678), "12345678"},
{"float32", float32(1.5), "1.5"},
{"float64", float64(64), "64"},
{"bool", false, "false"},
buf := make(RawBytes, 10)
test := func(name string, in interface{}, want string) {
if err := convertAssign(&buf, in); err != nil {
......@@ -301,20 +321,11 @@ func TestRawBytesAllocs(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("%s: got %q (len %d); want %q (len %d)", name, buf, len(buf), want, len(want))
n := testing.AllocsPerRun(100, func() {
test("uint64", uint64(12345678), "12345678")
test("uint32", uint32(1234), "1234")
test("uint16", uint16(12), "12")
test("uint8", uint8(1), "1")
test("uint", uint(123), "123")
test("int", int(123), "123")
test("int8", int8(1), "1")
test("int16", int16(12), "12")
test("int32", int32(1234), "1234")
test("int64", int64(12345678), "12345678")
test("float32", float32(1.5), "1.5")
test("float64", float64(64), "64")
test("bool", false, "false")
for _, tt := range tests {
test(,, tt.want)
// The numbers below are only valid for 64-bit interface word sizes,
......@@ -3213,6 +3213,9 @@ func checkSameType(t *testing.T, x, y interface{}) {
func TestArrayOf(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(rsc): Finish ArrayOf and enable-test.
t.Skip("ArrayOf is not finished (and not exported)")
// check construction and use of type not in binary
type T int
at := ArrayOf(10, TypeOf(T(1)))
......@@ -383,12 +383,11 @@ type Method struct {
Index int // index for Type.Method
// High bit says whether type has
// embedded pointers,to help garbage collector.
const (
kindMask = 0x3f
kindGCProg = 0x40
kindNoPointers = 0x80
kindDirectIface = 1 << 5
kindGCProg = 1 << 6 // Type.gc points to GC program
kindNoPointers = 1 << 7
kindMask = (1 << 5) - 1
func (k Kind) String() string {
......@@ -1503,6 +1502,7 @@ func (gc *gcProg) appendProg(t *rtype) {
var prog []byte
if t.kind&kindGCProg != 0 {
// Ensure that the runtime has unrolled GC program.
// TODO(rsc): Do not allocate.
// The program is stored in t.gc[0], skip unroll flag.
prog = (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(t.gc[0]))[1:]
......@@ -1652,6 +1652,8 @@ func SliceOf(t Type) Type {
// TODO(rsc): Unexported for now. Export once the alg field is set correctly
// for the type. This may require significant work.
// TODO(rsc): TestArrayOf is also disabled. Re-enable.
func arrayOf(count int, elem Type) Type {
typ := elem.(*rtype)
slice := SliceOf(elem)
......@@ -1676,6 +1678,7 @@ func arrayOf(count int, elem Type) Type {
prototype := *(**arrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(&iarray))
array := new(arrayType)
*array = *prototype
// TODO: Set extra kind bits correctly.
array.string = &s
array.hash = fnv1(typ.hash, '[')
for n := uint32(count); n > 0; n >>= 8 {
......@@ -1692,6 +1695,7 @@ func arrayOf(count int, elem Type) Type {
array.fieldAlign = typ.fieldAlign
// TODO: array.alg
// TODO: array.gc
// TODO:
array.uncommonType = nil
array.ptrToThis = nil = unsafe.Pointer(&make([]byte, array.size)[0])
......@@ -1763,7 +1767,7 @@ func funcLayout(t *rtype, rcvr *rtype) (frametype *rtype, argSize, retOffset uin
// Reflect uses the "interface" calling convention for
// methods, where receivers take one word of argument
// space no matter how big they actually are.
if rcvr.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(rcvr) {
// we pass a pointer to the receiver.
} else if rcvr.pointers() {
......@@ -1813,3 +1817,8 @@ func funcLayout(t *rtype, rcvr *rtype) (frametype *rtype, argSize, retOffset uin
return x, argSize, retOffset
// isDirectIface reports whether t is stored directly in an interface value.
func isDirectIface(t *rtype) bool {
return t.kind&kindDirectIface != 0
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ type Value struct {
// This repeats typ.Kind() except for method values.
// The remaining 23+ bits give a method number for method values.
// If flag.kind() != Func, code can assume that flagMethod is unset.
// If typ.size > ptrSize, code can assume that flagIndir is set.
// If !isDirectIface(typ), code can assume that flagIndir is set.
// A method value represents a curried method invocation
......@@ -128,7 +128,10 @@ func packEface(v Value) interface{} {
e := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
// First, fill in the data portion of the interface.
switch {
case t.size > ptrSize:
case !isDirectIface(t):
if v.flag&flagIndir == 0 {
panic("bad indir")
// Value is indirect, and so is the interface we're making.
ptr := v.ptr
if v.flag&flagAddr != 0 {
......@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ func unpackEface(i interface{}) Value {
return Value{}
f := flag(t.Kind()) << flagKindShift
if t.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(t) {
return Value{t, unsafe.Pointer(e.word), 0, f | flagIndir}
if t.pointers() {
......@@ -607,8 +610,8 @@ func callReflect(ctxt *makeFuncImpl, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
off += -off & uintptr(typ.align-1)
addr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + off)
v := Value{typ, nil, 0, flag(typ.Kind()) << flagKindShift}
if typ.size > ptrSize {
// value does not fit in word.
if !isDirectIface(typ) {
// value cannot be inlined in interface data.
// Must make a copy, because f might keep a reference to it,
// and we cannot let f keep a reference to the stack frame
// after this function returns, not even a read-only reference.
......@@ -714,7 +717,7 @@ func storeRcvr(v Value, p unsafe.Pointer) {
iface := (*nonEmptyInterface)(v.ptr)
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(iface.word)
} else if v.flag&flagIndir != 0 {
if t.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(t) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = v.ptr
} else if t.pointers() {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.ptr)
......@@ -987,7 +990,13 @@ func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {
val = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(v.ptr) + offset)
case typ.pointers():
if offset != 0 {
panic("can't Index(i) with i!=0 on ptrLike value")
// This is an array stored inline in an interface value.
// And the array element type has pointers.
// Since the inline storage space is only a single word,
// this implies we must be holding an array of length 1
// with an element type that is a single pointer.
// If the offset is not 0, something has gone wrong.
panic("reflect: internal error: unexpected array index")
val = v.ptr
case bigEndian:
......@@ -1014,14 +1023,13 @@ func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {
return Value{typ, val, 0, fl}
case String:
fl := v.flag&flagRO | flag(Uint8<<flagKindShift)
fl := v.flag&flagRO | flag(Uint8<<flagKindShift) | flagIndir
s := (*stringHeader)(v.ptr)
if i < 0 || i >= s.Len {
panic("reflect: string index out of range")
b := uintptr(0)
*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) = *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.Data) + uintptr(i)))
return Value{uint8Type, nil, b, fl}
p := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(s.Data) + uintptr(i))
return Value{uint8Type, p, 0, fl}
panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Index", k})
......@@ -1209,7 +1217,7 @@ func (v Value) MapIndex(key Value) Value {
typ := tt.elem
fl := (v.flag | key.flag) & flagRO
fl |= flag(typ.Kind()) << flagKindShift
if typ.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(typ) {
// Copy result so future changes to the map
// won't change the underlying value.
c := unsafe_New(typ)
......@@ -1249,7 +1257,7 @@ func (v Value) MapKeys() []Value {
// we can do about it.
if keyType.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(keyType) {
// Copy result so future changes to the map
// won't change the underlying value.
c := unsafe_New(keyType)
......@@ -1448,7 +1456,7 @@ func (v Value) recv(nb bool) (val Value, ok bool) {
t := tt.elem
val = Value{t, nil, 0, flag(t.Kind()) << flagKindShift}
var p unsafe.Pointer
if t.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(t) {
p = unsafe_New(t)
val.ptr = p
val.flag |= flagIndir
......@@ -2190,7 +2198,7 @@ func Select(cases []SelectCase) (chosen int, recv Value, recvOK bool) {
t := tt.elem
p := runcases[chosen].val
fl := flag(t.Kind()) << flagKindShift
if t.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(t) {
recv = Value{t, p, 0, fl | flagIndir}
} else if t.pointers() {
recv = Value{t, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p), 0, fl}
......@@ -2291,7 +2299,7 @@ func Zero(typ Type) Value {
t := typ.common()
fl := flag(t.Kind()) << flagKindShift
if t.size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
return Value{t, nil, 0, fl}
return Value{t, unsafe_New(typ.(*rtype)), 0, fl | flagIndir}
......@@ -2450,10 +2458,18 @@ func convertOp(dst, src *rtype) func(Value, Type) Value {
// where t is a signed or unsigned int type.
func makeInt(f flag, bits uint64, t Type) Value {
typ := t.common()
if typ.size > ptrSize {
// Assume ptrSize >= 4, so this must be uint64.
if !isDirectIface(typ) {
ptr := unsafe_New(typ)
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = bits
switch typ.size {
case 1:
*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = uint8(bits)
case 2:
*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = uint16(bits)
case 4:
*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = uint32(bits)
case 8:
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = bits
return Value{typ, ptr, 0, f | flagIndir | flag(typ.Kind())<<flagKindShift}
var s uintptr
......@@ -2474,10 +2490,14 @@ func makeInt(f flag, bits uint64, t Type) Value {
// where t is a float32 or float64 type.
func makeFloat(f flag, v float64, t Type) Value {
typ := t.common()
if typ.size > ptrSize {
// Assume ptrSize >= 4, so this must be float64.
if !isDirectIface(typ) {
ptr := unsafe_New(typ)
*(*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = v
switch typ.size {
case 4:
*(*float32)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = float32(v)
case 8:
*(*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) = v
return Value{typ, ptr, 0, f | flagIndir | flag(typ.Kind())<<flagKindShift}
......@@ -2495,7 +2515,7 @@ func makeFloat(f flag, v float64, t Type) Value {
// where t is a complex64 or complex128 type.
func makeComplex(f flag, v complex128, t Type) Value {
typ := t.common()
if typ.size > ptrSize {
if !isDirectIface(typ) {
ptr := unsafe_New(typ)
switch typ.size {
case 8:
......@@ -2506,9 +2526,13 @@ func makeComplex(f flag, v complex128, t Type) Value {
return Value{typ, ptr, 0, f | flagIndir | flag(typ.Kind())<<flagKindShift}
// Assume ptrSize <= 8 so this must be complex64.
var s uintptr
*(*complex64)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) = complex64(v)
switch typ.size {
case 8:
*(*complex64)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) = complex64(v)
case 16:
*(*complex128)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) = v
return Value{typ, nil, s, f | flag(typ.Kind())<<flagKindShift}
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func interhash(a *iface, s, h uintptr) uintptr {
// but we can print a better error.
panic(errorString("hash of unhashable type " + *t._string))
if uintptr(t.size) <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
return c1 * fn(unsafe.Pointer(&, uintptr(t.size), h^c0)
} else {
return c1 * fn(, uintptr(t.size), h^c0)
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func nilinterhash(a *eface, s, h uintptr) uintptr {
// but we can print a better error.
panic(errorString("hash of unhashable type " + *t._string))
if uintptr(t.size) <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
return c1 * fn(unsafe.Pointer(&, uintptr(t.size), h^c0)
} else {
return c1 * fn(, uintptr(t.size), h^c0)
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func efaceeq(p, q interface{}) bool {
// but we can print a better error.
panic(errorString("comparing uncomparable type " + *t._string))
if uintptr(t.size) <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
return eq(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&, uintptr(t.size))
return eq(,, uintptr(t.size))
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ func ifaceeq(p, q interface {
// but we can print a better error.
panic(errorString("comparing uncomparable type " + *t._string))
if uintptr(t.size) <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
return eq(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&, noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&, uintptr(t.size))
return eq(,, uintptr(t.size))
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ dumptype(Type *t)
write((byte*)".", 1);
write(t->x->name->str, t->x->name->len);
dumpbool(t->size > PtrSize || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0);
dumpbool((t->kind & KindDirectIface) == 0 || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0);
dumpfields((BitVector){0, nil});
......@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ itab_callback(Itab *tab)
t = tab->type;
dumpbool(t->size > PtrSize || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0);
dumpbool((t->kind & KindDirectIface) == 0 || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0);
static void
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ func typ2Itab(t *_type, inter *interfacetype, cache **itab) *itab {
func convT2E(t *_type, elem unsafe.Pointer) (e interface{}) {
size := uintptr(t.size)
ep := (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&e))
if size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
ep._type = t
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&, elem, size)
} else {
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func convT2I(t *_type, inter *interfacetype, cache **itab, elem unsafe.Pointer)
size := uintptr(t.size)
pi := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
if size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) { = tab
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&, elem, size)
} else {
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func assertI2T(t *_type, i fInterface) (r struct{}) {
panic(&TypeAssertionError{*tab.inter.typ._string, *tab._type._string, *t._string, ""})
size := uintptr(t.size)
if size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r), unsafe.Pointer(&, size)
} else {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r),, size)
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func assertI2T2(t *_type, i fInterface) (r byte) {
*ok = true
if size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r), unsafe.Pointer(&, size)
} else {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r),, size)
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ func assertE2T(t *_type, e interface{}) (r struct{}) {
panic(&TypeAssertionError{"", *ep._type._string, *t._string, ""})
size := uintptr(t.size)
if size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r), unsafe.Pointer(&, size)
} else {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r),, size)
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func assertE2T2(t *_type, e interface{}) (r byte) {
*ok = true
if size <= ptrSize {
if isDirectIface(t) {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r), unsafe.Pointer(&, size)
} else {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&r),, size)
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ setFinalizer(Eface obj, Eface finalizer)
if(finalizer.type != nil) {
if(finalizer.type->kind != KindFunc)
if((finalizer.type->kind&KindMask) != KindFunc)
goto badfunc;
ft = (FuncType*)finalizer.type;
if(ft->dotdotdot || ft->in.len != 1)
......@@ -467,12 +467,12 @@ setFinalizer(Eface obj, Eface finalizer)
fint = *(Type**)ft->in.array;
if(fint == obj.type) {
// ok - same type
} else if(fint->kind == KindPtr && (fint->x == nil || fint->x->name == nil || obj.type->x == nil || obj.type->x->name == nil) && ((PtrType*)fint)->elem == ((PtrType*)obj.type)->elem) {
} else if((fint->kind&KindMask) == KindPtr && (fint->x == nil || fint->x->name == nil || obj.type->x == nil || obj.type->x->name == nil) && ((PtrType*)fint)->elem == ((PtrType*)obj.type)->elem) {
// ok - not same type, but both pointers,
// one or the other is unnamed, and same element type, so assignable.
} else if(fint->kind == KindInterface && ((InterfaceType*)fint)->mhdr.len == 0) {
} else if((fint->kind&KindMask) == KindInterface && ((InterfaceType*)fint)->mhdr.len == 0) {
// ok - satisfies empty interface
} else if(fint->kind == KindInterface && runtime·ifaceE2I2((InterfaceType*)fint, obj, &iface)) {
} else if((fint->kind&KindMask) == KindInterface && runtime·ifaceE2I2((InterfaceType*)fint, obj, &iface)) {
// ok - satisfies non-empty interface
} else
goto badfunc;
......@@ -14,15 +14,6 @@ const (
flagNoScan = 1 << 0 // GC doesn't have to scan object
flagNoZero = 1 << 1 // don't zero memory
kindArray = 17
kindFunc = 19
kindInterface = 20
kindPtr = 22
kindStruct = 25
kindMask = 1<<6 - 1
kindGCProg = 1 << 6
kindNoPointers = 1 << 7
maxTinySize = 16
tinySizeClass = 2
maxSmallSize = 32 << 10
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ scanblock(byte *b, uintptr n, byte *ptrmask)
iface = (Iface*)(b+i);
if(iface->tab != nil) {
typ = iface->tab->type;
if(typ->size > PtrSize || !(typ->kind&KindNoPointers))
if(!(typ->kind&KindDirectIface) || !(typ->kind&KindNoPointers))
obj = iface->data;
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ scanblock(byte *b, uintptr n, byte *ptrmask)
eface = (Eface*)(b+i);
typ = eface->type;
if(typ != nil) {
if(typ->size > PtrSize || !(typ->kind&KindNoPointers))
if(!(typ->kind&KindDirectIface) || !(typ->kind&KindNoPointers))
obj = eface->data;
......@@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@ runfinq(void)
if(f->fint == nil)
runtime·throw("missing type in runfinq");
if(f->fint->kind == KindPtr) {
if((f->fint->kind&KindMask) == KindPtr) {
// direct use of pointer
*(void**)frame = f->arg;
} else if(((InterfaceType*)f->fint)->mhdr.len == 0) {
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ adjustpointers(byte **scanp, BitVector *bv, AdjustInfo *adjinfo, Func *f)
case BitsEface:
t = (Type*)scanp[i];
if(t != nil && (t->size > PtrSize || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0)) {
if(t != nil && ((t->kind & KindDirectIface) == 0 || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0)) {
p = scanp[i+1];
if(minp <= p && p < maxp) {
if(StackDebug >= 3)
......@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ adjustpointers(byte **scanp, BitVector *bv, AdjustInfo *adjinfo, Func *f)
if(tab != nil) {
t = tab->type;
//runtime·printf(" type=%p\n", t);
if(t->size > PtrSize || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0) {
if((t->kind & KindDirectIface) == 0 || (t->kind & KindNoPointers) == 0) {
p = scanp[i+1];
if(minp <= p && p < maxp) {
if(StackDebug >= 3)
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
const (
kindBool = 1 + iota
kindDirectIface = 1 << 5
kindGCProg = 1 << 6 // Type.gc points to GC program
kindNoPointers = 1 << 7
kindMask = (1 << 5) - 1
// isDirectIface reports whether t is stored directly in an interface value.
func isDirectIface(t *_type) bool {
return t.kind&kindDirectIface != 0
......@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ enum {
KindDirectIface = 1<<5,
KindGCProg = 1<<6, // Type.gc points to GC program
KindNoPointers = 1<<7,
KindMask = (1<<6)-1,
KindMask = (1<<5)-1,
......@@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ var i9 interface{}
func f9() bool {
x := i9
return x != 99
// using complex number in comparison so that
// there is always a convT2E, no matter what the
// interface rules are.
return x != 99.0i // ERROR "live at call to convT2E: x"
// liveness formerly confused by UNDEF followed by RET,
......@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ func f11c() *int {
func f12() *int {
if b {
select {}
} else {
return nil
......@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ func f15() {
var x string
_ = &x
x = g15() // ERROR "live at call to g15: x"
print(x) // ERROR "live at call to printstring: x"
print(x) // ERROR "live at call to printstring: x"
func g15() string
......@@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ var ch chan *byte
func f19() {
// dest temporary for channel receive.
var z *byte
if b {
z = <-ch // ERROR "live at call to chanrecv1: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
......@@ -348,21 +351,21 @@ func f25(b bool) {
var x string
_ = &x
x = g15() // ERROR "live at call to g15: x"
print(x) // ERROR "live at call to printstring: x"
print(x) // ERROR "live at call to printstring: x"
} // ERROR "live at call to deferreturn: x"
func g25()
// non-escaping ... slices passed to function call should die on return,
// so that the temporaries do not stack and do not cause ambiguously
// live variables.
func f26(b bool) {
if b {
print26(1,2,3) // ERROR "live at call to print26: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print26((*int)(nil), (*int)(nil), (*int)(nil)) // ERROR "live at call to print26: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print26(4,5,6) // ERROR "live at call to print26: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print26(7,8,9) // ERROR "live at call to print26: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print26((*int)(nil), (*int)(nil), (*int)(nil)) // ERROR "live at call to print26: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print26((*int)(nil), (*int)(nil), (*int)(nil)) // ERROR "live at call to print26: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
......@@ -374,10 +377,10 @@ func print26(...interface{})
func f27(b bool) {
x := 0
if b {
call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to call27: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to call27: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to call27: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to call27: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to call27: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to call27: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
......@@ -386,10 +389,10 @@ func f27(b bool) {
func f27defer(b bool) {
x := 0
if b {
defer call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to deferproc: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to deferreturn: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
defer call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to deferproc: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to deferreturn: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
defer call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to deferproc: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to deferreturn: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$" "ambiguously live"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$"
defer call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to deferproc: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to deferreturn: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$" "ambiguously live"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$"
} // ERROR "live at call to deferreturn: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$"
// and newproc (go) escapes to the heap
......@@ -397,9 +400,9 @@ func f27defer(b bool) {
func f27go(b bool) {
x := 0
if b {
go call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to newobject: &x" "live at call to newproc: &x$"
go call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to newobject: &x" "live at call to newproc: &x$"
go call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to newobject: &x"
go call27(func() { x++ }) // ERROR "live at call to newobject: &x"
......@@ -412,11 +415,11 @@ var s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10 string
func f28(b bool) {
if b {
print(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10) // ERROR "live at call to concatstrings: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to printstring: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print(s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 + s7 + s8 + s9 + s10) // ERROR "live at call to concatstrings: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to printstring: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10) // ERROR "live at call to concatstrings: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to printstring: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10) // ERROR "live at call to concatstrings: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to printstring: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print(s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 + s7 + s8 + s9 + s10) // ERROR "live at call to concatstrings: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to printstring: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
print(s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 + s7 + s8 + s9 + s10) // ERROR "live at call to concatstrings: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to printstring: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
// map iterator should die on end of range loop
......@@ -584,13 +587,13 @@ func f39a() (x []int) {
func f39b() (x [10]*int) {
x = [10]*int{new(int)} // ERROR "live at call to newobject: x"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: x"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: x"
return x
func f39c() (x [10]*int) {
x = [10]*int{new(int)} // ERROR "live at call to newobject: x"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: x"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: x"
......@@ -603,7 +606,7 @@ type T40 struct {
func newT40() *T40 {
ret := T40{ // ERROR "live at call to makemap: &ret"
return &ret
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