Commit 202ede12 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- properly align package synopses

  (this was surprisingly hard to get right in HTML)
- show modification times in source directory listings
- various tweaks

parent 40a7db3e
......@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ a.noline {
table.layout {
border-width: 0px;
border-spacing: 0px;
border-width: 0px;
padding: 0px;
......@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@
<table class="layout">
<th align="left">File</th>
<th width="100" align="right">Size</th>
<td width="25">&nbsp;</td>
<th align="right">Bytes</th>
<td width="25">&nbsp;</td>
<th align="left">Modified</th>
<td><a href=".." class="noline">..</a></td>
......@@ -16,7 +19,10 @@
{.repeated section @}
<td align="left"><a href="{Name|html}" class="noline">{Name|html}</a></td>
<td align="right">{Size|html}</td>
<td align="left">{Mtime_ns|time}</td>
<table class="layout">
<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="{Path|path}">{Name|html}</a></td><td width="10"></td><td>{Text|html}</td></tr>
{.repeated section Dirs}
<tr><td width="25"></td><td>{@|dir}</td></tr>
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<li class="navhead">Programming</li>
<li><a href="/cmd" class="noline">Command documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="/pkg" class="noline">Package documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="/src" class="noline">Sources</a></li>
<li><a href="/src" class="noline">Source files</a></li>
<li class="blank">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="navhead">Help</li>
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
<li class="blank">&nbsp;</li>
<li class="navhead">Last update</li>
......@@ -76,10 +76,22 @@
{.section Dirs}
{.section Dirs}
{.repeated section @}
<table class="layout">
<th align="left" colspan="{MaxHeight|html}">Name</th>
<td width="25">&nbsp;</td>
<th align="left">Synopsis</th>
{.repeated section List}
<td align="left" colspan="{Height|html}"><a href="{Path|html}" class="noline">{Name|html}<a></td>
<td align="left">{Synopsis|html}</td>
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ BUGS
{.repeated section @}
{.repeated section List}
......@@ -152,19 +152,20 @@ func firstSentence(s string) string {
// Package directories
type Directory struct {
Depth int;
Path string; // includes Name
Name string;
Text string; // package documentation, if any
Dirs []*Directory;
Text string; // package documentation, if any
Dirs []*Directory; // subdirectories
func newDirTree(path, name string, depth int) *Directory {
if depth <= 0 {
func newDirTree(path, name string, depth, maxDepth int) *Directory {
if depth >= maxDepth {
// return a dummy directory so that the parent directory
// doesn't get discarded just because we reached the max
// directory depth
return &Directory{path, name, "", nil};
return &Directory{depth, path, name, "", nil};
list, _ := io.ReadDir(path); // ignore errors
......@@ -183,7 +184,14 @@ func newDirTree(path, name string, depth int) *Directory {
// no package documentation yet; take the first found
file, err := parser.ParseFile(pathutil.Join(path, d.Name), nil,
parser.ParseComments | parser.PackageClauseOnly);
if err == nil && file.Name.Value == name && file.Doc != nil {
if err == nil &&
// Also accept fakePkgName, so we get synopses for commmands.
// Note: This may lead to incorrect results if there is a
// (left-over) "documentation" package somewhere in a package
// directory of different name, but this is very unlikely and
// against current conventions.
(file.Name.Value == name || file.Name.Value == fakePkgName) &&
file.Doc != nil {
// found documentation; extract a synopsys
text = firstSentence(doc.CommentText(file.Doc));
......@@ -198,7 +206,7 @@ func newDirTree(path, name string, depth int) *Directory {
i := 0;
for _, d := range list {
if isPkgDir(d) {
dd := newDirTree(pathutil.Join(path, d.Name), d.Name, depth-1);
dd := newDirTree(pathutil.Join(path, d.Name), d.Name, depth+1, maxDepth);
if dd != nil {
dirs[i] = dd;
......@@ -214,21 +222,43 @@ func newDirTree(path, name string, depth int) *Directory {
return nil;
return &Directory{path, name, text, dirs};
return &Directory{depth, path, name, text, dirs};
// newDirectory creates a new package directory tree with at most depth
// newDirectory creates a new package directory tree with at most maxDepth
// levels, anchored at root which is relative to goroot. The result tree
// only contains directories that contain package files or that contain
// subdirectories containing package files (transitively).
func newDirectory(root string, depth int) *Directory {
func newDirectory(root string, maxDepth int) *Directory {
d, err := os.Lstat(root);
if err != nil || !isPkgDir(d) {
return nil;
return newDirTree(root, d.Name, depth);
return newDirTree(root, d.Name, 0, maxDepth);
func (dir *Directory) walk(c chan<- *Directory, skipRoot bool) {
if dir != nil {
if !skipRoot {
c <- dir;
for _, d := range dir.Dirs {
d.walk(c, false);
func (dir *Directory) iter(skipRoot bool) <-chan *Directory {
c := make(chan *Directory);
go func() {
dir.walk(c, skipRoot);
return c;
......@@ -255,6 +285,93 @@ func (dir *Directory) lookup(path string) *Directory {
// DirEntry describes a directory entry. The Depth and Height values
// are useful for presenting an entry in an indented fashion.
type DirEntry struct {
Depth int; // >= 0
Height int; // = DirList.MaxHeight - Depth, > 0
Path string; // includes Name, relative to DirList root
Name string;
Synopsis string;
type DirList struct {
MaxHeight int; // directory tree height, > 0
List []DirEntry;
// listing creates a (linear) directory listing from a directory tree.
// If skipRoot is set, the root directory itself is excluded from the list.
func (root *Directory) listing(skipRoot bool) *DirList {
if root == nil {
return nil;
// determine number of entries n and maximum height
n := 0;
minDepth := 1<<30; // infinity
maxDepth := 0;
for d := range root.iter(skipRoot) {
if minDepth > d.Depth {
minDepth = d.Depth;
if maxDepth < d.Depth {
maxDepth = d.Depth;
maxHeight := maxDepth-minDepth+1;
if n == 0 {
return nil;
// create list
list := make([]DirEntry, n);
i := 0;
for d := range root.iter(skipRoot) {
p := &list[i];
p.Depth = d.Depth - minDepth;
p.Height = maxHeight - p.Depth;
// the path is relative to root.Path - remove the root.Path
// prefix (the prefix should always be present but avoid
// crashes and check)
path := d.Path;
if strings.HasPrefix(d.Path, root.Path) {
path = d.Path[len(root.Path):len(d.Path)];
// remove trailing '/' if any - path must be relative
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] == '/' {
path = path[1:len(path)];
p.Path = path;
p.Name = d.Name;
p.Synopsis = d.Text;
return &DirList{maxHeight, list};
func listing(dirs []*os.Dir) *DirList {
list := make([]DirEntry, len(dirs)+1);
list[0] = DirEntry{0, 1, "..", "..", ""};
for i, d := range dirs {
p := &list[i+1];
p.Depth = 0;
p.Height = 1;
p.Path = d.Name;
p.Name = d.Name;
return &DirList{1, list};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing
......@@ -438,15 +555,6 @@ func textFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
// Template formatter for "dir" format.
func dirFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
_ = x.(*Directory); // die quickly if x has the wrong type
if err := dirsHtml.Execute(x, w); err != nil {
log.Stderrf("dirsHtml.Execute: %s", err);
func removePrefix(s, prefix string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
return s[len(prefix):len(s)];
......@@ -525,16 +633,32 @@ func infoSnippetFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
// Template formatter for "padding" format.
func paddingFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
for i := x.(int); i > 0; i-- {
fmt.Fprint(w, `<td width="25"></td>`);
// Template formatter for "time" format.
func timeFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
// note: os.Dir.Mtime_ns is in uint64 in ns!
template.HtmlEscape(w, strings.Bytes(time.SecondsToLocalTime(int64(x.(uint64) / 1e9)).String()));
var fmap = template.FormatterMap{
"": textFmt,
"html": htmlFmt,
"html-comment": htmlCommentFmt,
"dir": dirFmt,
"path": pathFmt,
"link": linkFmt,
"infoClass": infoClassFmt,
"infoLine": infoLineFmt,
"infoSnippet": infoSnippetFmt,
"padding": paddingFmt,
"time": timeFmt,
......@@ -553,8 +677,7 @@ func readTemplate(name string) *template.Template {
var (
......@@ -566,8 +689,7 @@ var (
func readTemplates() {
// have to delay until after flags processing,
// so that main has chdir'ed to goroot.
dirListHtml = readTemplate("dirlist.html");
dirsHtml = readTemplate("dirs.html");
dirlistHtml = readTemplate("dirlist.html");
godocHtml = readTemplate("godoc.html");
packageHtml = readTemplate("package.html");
packageText = readTemplate("package.txt");
......@@ -583,7 +705,7 @@ func readTemplates() {
func servePage(c *http.Conn, title, query string, content []byte) {
type Data struct {
Title string;
Timestamp string;
Timestamp uint64; // int64 to be compatible with os.Dir.Mtime_ns
Query string;
Content []byte;
......@@ -591,7 +713,7 @@ func servePage(c *http.Conn, title, query string, content []byte) {
_, ts := fsTree.get();
d := Data{
Title: title,
Timestamp: time.SecondsToLocalTime(ts).String(),
Timestamp: uint64(ts)*1e9, // timestamp in ns
Query: query,
Content: content,
......@@ -756,8 +878,8 @@ func serveDirectory(c *http.Conn, r *http.Request, path string) {
var buf bytes.Buffer;
if err := dirListHtml.Execute(list, &buf); err != nil {
log.Stderrf("dirListHtml.Execute: %s", err);
if err := dirlistHtml.Execute(list, &buf); err != nil {
log.Stderrf("dirlistHtml.Execute: %s", err);
servePage(c, "Directory " + path, "", buf.Bytes());
......@@ -818,7 +940,7 @@ const fakePkgName = "documentation"
type PageInfo struct {
PDoc *doc.PackageDoc; // nil if no package found
Dirs *Directory; // nil if no directory information found
Dirs *DirList; // nil if no directory information found
IsPkg bool; // false if this is not documenting a real package
......@@ -885,7 +1007,7 @@ func (h *httpHandler) getPageInfo(path string) PageInfo {
dir = newDirectory(dirname, 1);
return PageInfo{pdoc, dir, h.isPkg};
return PageInfo{pdoc, dir.listing(true), h.isPkg};
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