Commit 25c140aa authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

[] cmd/go, liblink: turn off verification against Go code

The upcoming merge is going to break the synchrony.
Will restore separately.

Change-Id: I90946119a0901e24063b190d1a074594af7654c7
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 878d00b6
......@@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@ func (gcToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool,
// verifyAsm specifies whether to check the assemblers written in Go
// against the assemblers written in C. If set, asm will run both (say) 6a and new6a
// and fail if the two produce different output files.
const verifyAsm = true
const verifyAsm = false
func (gcToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *Package, obj, ofile, sfile string) error {
// Add -I pkg/GOOS_GOARCH so #include "textflag.h" works in .s files.
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ writeobj(Link *ctxt, Biobuf *b)
// we will hard code the GOOBJ=1 behavior.
env = getenv("GOOBJ");
if(env == nil)
env = "2";
env = "0";
if(atoi(env) == 0) {
writeobjdirect(ctxt, b);
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