Commit 282356bf authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

update: hashmap compiles now

parent ca029d34
......@@ -13,19 +13,6 @@
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== ./hashmap.go
. MOD u(101) l(234) <uint32>UINT32
. . CALLINTER u(100) l(234) <uint32>UINT32
. . . DOTINTER u(1) l(234) 101({},{}){}
. . . . NAME-key G253 a(1) g(253) l(231) *<KeyType>I{}
. . . . NAME-Hash G0 a(1) l(182)
. . CALLMETH u(100) l(234) <uint32>UINT32
. . . DOTMETH u(1) l(234) 101({},{}){}
. . . . NAME-HashMap_capacity G0 a(1) l(208) 101({},{}){}
. . . AS u(1) l(234)
. . . . INDREG a(1) l(234) m G252 *<HashMap>{}
. . . . NAME-m G252 a(1) g(252) l(231) *<HashMap>{}
hashmap.go:71: fatal error: cgen: both sides functions
=========== ./helloworld.go
hello, world
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