Commit 289e2829 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/internal/gccgoimporter: adjust to std repo libraries (fix build)

Change-Id: Ia9cbe3bfaa3e66c93d568d8beeed624b113d51a2
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
Run-TryBot: Robert Griesemer <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent f6ae5f96
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ var pkgDeps = map[string][]string{
// Operating system access.
"syscall": {"L0", "unicode/utf16"},
"time": {"L0", "syscall", "internal/syscall/windows/registry"},
"os": {"L1", "os", "syscall", "time", "internal/syscall/windows"},
"os": {"L1", "os", "syscall", "time", "internal/syscall/windows", "C"},
"path/filepath": {"L2", "os", "syscall"},
"io/ioutil": {"L2", "os", "path/filepath", "time"},
"os/exec": {"L2", "os", "path/filepath", "syscall"},
......@@ -343,8 +343,9 @@ var pkgDeps = map[string][]string{
"debug/plan9obj": {"encoding/binary", "errors", "fmt", "io", "os"},
"go/constant": {"fmt", "go/token", "math/big", "strconv"},
"go/format": {"bytes", "fmt", "go/ast", "go/parser", "go/printer", "go/token", "internal/format", "io"},
"go/importer": {"go/internal/gcimporter", "go/types", "io", "runtime"},
"go/importer": {"go/internal/gcimporter", "go/internal/gccgoimporter", "go/types", "io", "runtime"},
"go/internal/gcimporter": {"bufio", "errors", "fmt", "go/build", "go/constant", "go/token", "go/types", "io", "os", "path/filepath", "strconv", "strings", "text/scanner"},
"go/internal/gccgoimporter": {"bufio", "bytes", "debug/elf", "errors", "fmt", "go/constant", "go/token", "go/types", "io", "os", "os/exec", "path/filepath", "strconv", "strings", "text/scanner"},
"go/types": {"bytes", "container/heap", "fmt", "go/ast", "go/constant", "go/parser", "go/token", "io", "math", "path", "sort", "strconv", "strings", "sync", "unicode"},
"image/internal/imageutil": {"image"},
"internal/format": {"bytes", "go/ast", "go/parser", "go/printer", "go/token", "strings"},
......@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ package gccgoimporter
import (
// Information about a specific installation of gccgo.
......@@ -90,6 +89,6 @@ func (inst *GccgoInstallation) SearchPaths() (paths []string) {
// Return an importer that searches incpaths followed by the gcc installation's
// built-in search paths and the current directory.
func (inst *GccgoInstallation) GetImporter(incpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) types.Importer {
func (inst *GccgoInstallation) GetImporter(incpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) Importer {
return GetImporter(append(append(incpaths, inst.SearchPaths()...), "."), initmap)
......@@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Exclude plan9 for now due to test failure with TestGoxImporter.
// TODO(gri) eliminate this build tag
// +build !plan9
package gccgoimporter
import (
var importablePackages = [...]string{
......@@ -3,21 +3,18 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package gccgoimporter implements Import for gccgo-generated object files.
package gccgoimporter // import ""
package gccgoimporter // import "go/internal/gccgoimporter"
import (
// A PackageInit describes an imported package that needs initialization.
......@@ -132,7 +129,16 @@ func openExportFile(fpath string) (reader io.ReadSeeker, closer io.Closer, err e
func GetImporter(searchpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) types.Importer {
// An Importer resolves import paths to Packages. The imports map records
// packages already known, indexed by package path.
// An importer must determine the canonical package path and check imports
// to see if it is already present in the map. If so, the Importer can return
// the map entry. Otherwise, the importer must load the package data for the
// given path into a new *Package, record it in imports map, and return the
// package.
type Importer func(imports map[string]*types.Package, path string) (*types.Package, error)
func GetImporter(searchpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) Importer {
return func(imports map[string]*types.Package, pkgpath string) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {
if pkgpath == "unsafe" {
return types.Unsafe, nil
......@@ -170,25 +176,26 @@ func GetImporter(searchpaths []string, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData) type
initmap[pkg] = p.initdata
case goimporterMagic:
var data []byte
data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
var n int
n, pkg, err = importer.ImportData(imports, data)
if err != nil {
if initmap != nil {
suffixreader := bytes.NewReader(data[n:])
var p parser
p.init(fpath, suffixreader, nil)
initmap[pkg] = p.initdata
// Excluded for now: Standard gccgo doesn't support this import format currently.
// case goimporterMagic:
// var data []byte
// data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// var n int
// n, pkg, err = importer.ImportData(imports, data)
// if err != nil {
// return
// }
// if initmap != nil {
// suffixreader := bytes.NewReader(data[n:])
// var p parser
// p.init(fpath, suffixreader, nil)
// p.parseInitData()
// initmap[pkg] = p.initdata
// }
err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized magic string: %q", string(magic[:]))
......@@ -2,17 +2,21 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Exclude plan9 for now due to test failure with TestGoxImporter.
// TODO(gri) eliminate this build tag
// +build !plan9
package gccgoimporter
import (
type importerTest struct {
......@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ type importerTest struct {
wantinits []string
func runImporterTest(t *testing.T, imp types.Importer, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData, test *importerTest) {
func runImporterTest(t *testing.T, imp Importer, initmap map[*types.Package]InitData, test *importerTest) {
pkg, err := imp(make(map[string]*types.Package), test.pkgpath)
if err != nil {
......@@ -100,6 +104,8 @@ var importerTests = [...]importerTest{
func TestGoxImporter(t *testing.T) {
initmap := make(map[*types.Package]InitData)
imp := GetImporter([]string{"testdata"}, initmap)
......@@ -109,6 +115,8 @@ func TestGoxImporter(t *testing.T) {
func TestObjImporter(t *testing.T) {
// This test relies on gccgo being around, which it most likely will be if we
// were compiled with gccgo.
if runtime.Compiler != "gccgo" {
......@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ import (
type parser struct {
......@@ -248,11 +247,11 @@ func (p *parser) parseVar(pkg *types.Package) *types.Var {
// ConstValue = string | "false" | "true" | ["-"] (int ["'"] | FloatOrComplex) .
// FloatOrComplex = float ["i" | ("+"|"-") float "i"] .
func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val exact.Value, typ types.Type) {
func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val constant.Value, typ types.Type) {
switch p.tok {
case scanner.String:
str := p.parseString()
val = exact.MakeString(str)
val = constant.MakeString(str)
typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedString]
......@@ -268,7 +267,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val exact.Value, typ types.Type) {
val = exact.MakeBool(b)
val = constant.MakeBool(b)
typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedBool]
......@@ -281,7 +280,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val exact.Value, typ types.Type) {
switch p.tok {
case scanner.Int:
val = exact.MakeFromLiteral(sign+p.lit, token.INT)
val = constant.MakeFromLiteral(sign+p.lit, token.INT, 0)
if val == nil {
p.error("could not parse integer literal")
......@@ -314,7 +313,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val exact.Value, typ types.Type) {
re = "0"
val = exact.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT)
val = constant.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT, 0)
if val == nil {
p.error("could not parse float literal")
......@@ -323,15 +322,15 @@ func (p *parser) parseConstValue() (val exact.Value, typ types.Type) {
reval := exact.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT)
reval := constant.MakeFromLiteral(re, token.FLOAT, 0)
if reval == nil {
p.error("could not parse real component of complex literal")
imval := exact.MakeFromLiteral(im+"i", token.IMAG)
imval := constant.MakeFromLiteral(im+"i", token.IMAG, 0)
if imval == nil {
p.error("could not parse imag component of complex literal")
val = exact.BinaryOp(reval, token.ADD, imval)
val = constant.BinaryOp(reval, token.ADD, imval)
typ = types.Typ[types.UntypedComplex]
......@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ package gccgoimporter
import (
var typeParserTests = []struct {
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