Commit 29d5d9a5 authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

time: fix Windows build after ceeedb519c4a

R=golang-dev, r
parent 0432a23c
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func (z *zone) populate(bias, biasdelta int32, d *syscall.Systemtime, name []uin
// Pre-calculate cutoff time in seconds since the Unix epoch, if data is supplied in "absolute" format.
func (z *zone) preCalculateAbsSec() {
if z.year != 0 {
z.abssec = (&Time{z.year, int(z.month), int(, int(z.hour), int(z.minute), int(z.second), 0, 0, 0, ""}).Seconds()
z.abssec = (&Time{z.year, int(z.month), int(, int(z.hour), int(z.minute), int(z.second), 0, 0, ""}).Seconds()
// Time given is in "local" time. Adjust it for "utc".
z.abssec -= int64(z.prev.offset)
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (z *zone) cutoffSeconds(year int64) int64 {
// z.dayofweek is appropriate weekday (Sunday=0 to Saturday=6)
// is week within the month (1 to 5, where 5 is last week of the month)
// z.hour, z.minute and z.second are absolute time
t := &Time{year, int(z.month), 1, int(z.hour), int(z.minute), int(z.second), 0, 0, 0, ""}
t := &Time{year, int(z.month), 1, int(z.hour), int(z.minute), int(z.second), 0, 0, ""}
t = SecondsToUTC(t.Seconds())
i := int(z.dayofweek) - t.Weekday
if i < 0 {
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