Commit 378a8636 authored by David Chase's avatar David Chase

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile: enhance command line option processing for SSA

The -d compiler flag can also specify ssa phase and flag,
for example -d=ssa/generic_cse/time,ssa/generic_cse/stats

Spaces in the phase names can be specified with an
underscore.  Flags currently parsed (not necessarily
recognized by the phases yet) are:

   on, off, mem, time, debug, stats, and test

On, off and time are handled in the harness,
debug, stats, and test are interpreted by the phase itself.

The pass is now attached to the Func being compiled, and a
new method logStats(key, ...value) on *Func to encourage a
semi-standardized format for that output.  Output fields
are separated by tabs to ease digestion by awk and
spreadsheets.  For example,
	if f.pass.stats > 0 {
		f.logStat("CSE REWRITES", rewrites)

Change-Id: I16db2b5af64c50ca9a47efeb51d961147a903abc
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarTodd Neal <>
parent fb54e030
......@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ var debugtab = []struct {
{"typeassert", &Debug_typeassert}, // print information about type assertion inlining
{"wb", &Debug_wb}, // print information about write barriers
{"export", &Debug_export}, // print export data
{"ssa", &ssa.Debug}, // ssa debugging flag
const (
......@@ -286,6 +285,23 @@ func Main() {
// special case for ssa for now
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "ssa/") {
// expect form ssa/phase/flag
// e.g. -d=ssa/generic_cse/time
// _ in phase name also matches space
phase := name[4:]
flag := "debug" // default flag is debug
if i := strings.Index(phase, "/"); i >= 0 {
flag = phase[i+1:]
phase = phase[:i]
err := ssa.PhaseOption(phase, flag, val)
if err != "" {
continue Split
log.Fatalf("unknown debug key -d %s\n", name)
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package gc
import (
......@@ -24,6 +23,15 @@ const minZeroPage = 4096
var ssaConfig *ssa.Config
var ssaExp ssaExport
func initssa() *ssa.Config {
ssaExp.unimplemented = false
ssaExp.mustImplement = true
if ssaConfig == nil {
ssaConfig = ssa.NewConfig(Thearch.Thestring, &ssaExp, Ctxt, Debug['N'] == 0)
return ssaConfig
func shouldssa(fn *Node) bool {
if Thearch.Thestring != "amd64" {
return false
......@@ -67,42 +75,7 @@ func shouldssa(fn *Node) bool {
return localpkg.Name == pkg
gossahash := os.Getenv("GOSSAHASH")
if gossahash == "" || gossahash == "y" || gossahash == "Y" {
return true
if gossahash == "n" || gossahash == "N" {
return false
// Check the hash of the name against a partial input hash.
// We use this feature to do a binary search within a package to
// find a function that is incorrectly compiled.
hstr := ""
for _, b := range sha1.Sum([]byte(name)) {
hstr += fmt.Sprintf("%08b", b)
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, gossahash) {
fmt.Printf("GOSSAHASH triggered %s\n", name)
return true
// Iteratively try additional hashes to allow tests for multi-point
// failure.
for i := 0; true; i++ {
ev := fmt.Sprintf("GOSSAHASH%d", i)
evv := os.Getenv(ev)
if evv == "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evv) {
fmt.Printf("%s triggered %s\n", ev, name)
return true
return false
return initssa().DebugHashMatch("GOSSAHASH", name)
// buildssa builds an SSA function.
......@@ -123,12 +96,8 @@ func buildssa(fn *Node) *ssa.Func {
// TODO(khr): build config just once at the start of the compiler binary
ssaExp.log = printssa
ssaExp.unimplemented = false
ssaExp.mustImplement = true
if ssaConfig == nil {
ssaConfig = ssa.NewConfig(Thearch.Thestring, &ssaExp, Ctxt, Debug['N'] == 0)
s.config = ssaConfig
s.config = initssa()
s.f = s.config.NewFunc()
s.f.Name = name
s.exitCode = fn.Func.Exit
......@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ import (
var Debug int
// Compile is the main entry point for this package.
// Compile modifies f so that on return:
// · all Values in f map to 0 or 1 assembly instructions of the target architecture
......@@ -47,22 +46,23 @@ func Compile(f *Func) {
if !f.Config.optimize && !p.required {
f.pass = &p
phaseName =
if f.Log() {
f.Logf(" pass %s begin\n",
// TODO: capture logging during this pass, add it to the HTML
var mStart runtime.MemStats
if logMemStats {
if logMemStats || p.mem {
tStart := time.Now()
tEnd := time.Now()
// Need something less crude than "Log the whole intermediate result".
if f.Log() || f.Config.HTML != nil {
tEnd := time.Now()
time := tEnd.Sub(tStart).Nanoseconds()
var stats string
if logMemStats {
......@@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ func Compile(f *Func) {
f.Config.HTML.WriteFunc(fmt.Sprintf("after %s <span class=\"stats\">%s</span>", phaseName, stats), f)
if p.time || p.mem {
// Surround timing information w/ enough context to allow comparisons.
time := tEnd.Sub(tStart).Nanoseconds()
if p.time {
f.logStat("TIME(ns)", time)
if p.mem {
var mEnd runtime.MemStats
nBytes := mEnd.TotalAlloc - mStart.TotalAlloc
nAllocs := mEnd.Mallocs - mStart.Mallocs
f.logStat("TIME(ns):BYTES:ALLOCS", time, nBytes, nAllocs)
......@@ -90,39 +104,84 @@ type pass struct {
name string
fn func(*Func)
required bool
disabled bool
time bool // report time to run pass
mem bool // report mem stats to run pass
stats int // pass reports own "stats" (e.g., branches removed)
debug int // pass performs some debugging. =1 should be in error-testing-friendly Warnl format.
test int // pass-specific ad-hoc option, perhaps useful in development
// PhaseOption sets the specified flag in the specified ssa phase,
// returning empty string if this was successful or a string explaining
// the error if it was not. A version of the phase name with "_"
// replaced by " " is also checked for a match.
// See gc/lex.go for dissection of the option string. Example use:
// GO_GCFLAGS=-d=ssa/generic_cse/time,ssa/generic_cse/stats,ssa/generic_cse/debug=3 ./make.bash ...
func PhaseOption(phase, flag string, val int) string {
underphase := strings.Replace(phase, "_", " ", -1)
for i, p := range passes {
if == phase || == underphase {
switch flag {
case "on":
p.disabled = val == 0
case "off":
p.disabled = val != 0
case "time":
p.time = val != 0
case "mem":
p.mem = val != 0
case "debug":
p.debug = val
case "stats":
p.stats = val
case "test":
p.test = val
return fmt.Sprintf("Did not find a flag matching %s in -d=ssa/%s debug option", flag, phase)
if p.disabled && p.required {
return fmt.Sprintf("Cannot disable required SSA phase %s using -d=ssa/%s debug option", phase, phase)
passes[i] = p
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("Did not find a phase matching %s in -d=ssa/... debug option", phase)
// list of passes for the compiler
var passes = [...]pass{
// TODO: combine phielim and copyelim into a single pass?
{"early phielim", phielim, false},
{"early copyelim", copyelim, false},
{"early deadcode", deadcode, false}, // remove generated dead code to avoid doing pointless work during opt
{"short circuit", shortcircuit, false},
{"decompose user", decomposeUser, true},
{"decompose builtin", decomposeBuiltIn, true},
{"opt", opt, true}, // TODO: split required rules and optimizing rules
{"zero arg cse", zcse, true}, // required to merge OpSB values
{"opt deadcode", deadcode, false}, // remove any blocks orphaned during opt
{"generic cse", cse, false},
{"nilcheckelim", nilcheckelim, false},
{"generic deadcode", deadcode, false},
{"fuse", fuse, false},
{"dse", dse, false},
{"tighten", tighten, false}, // move values closer to their uses
{"lower", lower, true},
{"lowered cse", cse, false},
{"lowered deadcode", deadcode, true},
{"checkLower", checkLower, true},
{"late phielim", phielim, false},
{"late copyelim", copyelim, false},
{"late deadcode", deadcode, false},
{"critical", critical, true}, // remove critical edges
{"layout", layout, true}, // schedule blocks
{"schedule", schedule, true}, // schedule values
{"flagalloc", flagalloc, true}, // allocate flags register
{"regalloc", regalloc, true}, // allocate int & float registers + stack slots
{"trim", trim, false}, // remove empty blocks
{name: "early phielim", fn: phielim},
{name: "early copyelim", fn: copyelim},
{name: "early deadcode", fn: deadcode}, // remove generated dead code to avoid doing pointless work during opt
{name: "short circuit", fn: shortcircuit},
{name: "decompose user", fn: decomposeUser, required: true},
{name: "decompose builtin", fn: decomposeBuiltIn, required: true},
{name: "opt", fn: opt, required: true}, // TODO: split required rules and optimizing rules
{name: "zero arg cse", fn: zcse, required: true}, // required to merge OpSB values
{name: "opt deadcode", fn: deadcode}, // remove any blocks orphaned during opt
{name: "generic cse", fn: cse},
{name: "nilcheckelim", fn: nilcheckelim},
{name: "generic deadcode", fn: deadcode},
{name: "fuse", fn: fuse},
{name: "dse", fn: dse},
{name: "tighten", fn: tighten}, // move values closer to their uses
{name: "lower", fn: lower, required: true},
{name: "lowered cse", fn: cse},
{name: "lowered deadcode", fn: deadcode, required: true},
{name: "checkLower", fn: checkLower, required: true},
{name: "late phielim", fn: phielim},
{name: "late copyelim", fn: copyelim},
{name: "late deadcode", fn: deadcode},
{name: "critical", fn: critical, required: true}, // remove critical edges
{name: "layout", fn: layout, required: true}, // schedule blocks
{name: "schedule", fn: schedule, required: true}, // schedule values
{name: "flagalloc", fn: flagalloc, required: true}, // allocate flags register
{name: "regalloc", fn: regalloc, required: true}, // allocate int & float registers + stack slots
{name: "trim", fn: trim}, // remove empty blocks
// Double-check phase ordering constraints.
......@@ -4,7 +4,13 @@
package ssa
import "cmd/internal/obj"
import (
type Config struct {
arch string // "amd64", etc.
......@@ -20,6 +26,10 @@ type Config struct {
// TODO: more stuff. Compiler flags of interest, ...
// Given an environment variable used for debug hash match,
// what file (if any) receives the yes/no logging?
logfiles map[string]*os.File
// Storage for low-numbered values and blocks.
values [2000]Value
blocks [200]Block
......@@ -120,6 +130,8 @@ func NewConfig(arch string, fe Frontend, ctxt *obj.Link, optimize bool) *Config
c.blocks[i].ID = ID(i)
c.logfiles = make(map[string]*os.File)
return c
......@@ -145,3 +157,79 @@ func (c *Config) Unimplementedf(line int32, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
func (c *Config) Warnl(line int, msg string, args ...interface{}) { c.fe.Warnl(line, msg, args...) }
func (c *Config) Debug_checknil() bool { return c.fe.Debug_checknil() }
func (c *Config) logDebugHashMatch(evname, name string) {
var file *os.File
file = c.logfiles[evname]
if file == nil {
file = os.Stdout
tmpfile := os.Getenv("GSHS_LOGFILE")
if tmpfile != "" {
var ok error
file, ok = os.Create(tmpfile)
if ok != nil {
c.Fatalf(0, "Could not open hash-testing logfile %s", tmpfile)
c.logfiles[evname] = file
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s triggered %s\n", evname, name)
// DebugHashMatch returns true if environment variable evname
// 1) is empty (this is a special more-quickly implemented case of 3)
// 2) is "y" or "Y"
// 3) is a suffix of the sha1 hash of name
// 4) is a suffix of the environment variable
// fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", evname, n)
// provided that all such variables are nonempty for 0 <= i <= n
// Otherwise it returns false.
// When true is returned the message
// "%s triggered %s\n", evname, name
// is printed on the file named in environment variable
// or standard out if that is empty or there is an error
// opening the file.
func (c *Config) DebugHashMatch(evname, name string) bool {
evhash := os.Getenv(evname)
if evhash == "" {
return true // default behavior with no EV is "on"
if evhash == "y" || evhash == "Y" {
c.logDebugHashMatch(evname, name)
return true
if evhash == "n" || evhash == "N" {
return false
// Check the hash of the name against a partial input hash.
// We use this feature to do a binary search to
// find a function that is incorrectly compiled.
hstr := ""
for _, b := range sha1.Sum([]byte(name)) {
hstr += fmt.Sprintf("%08b", b)
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evhash) {
c.logDebugHashMatch(evname, name)
return true
// Iteratively try additional hashes to allow tests for multi-point
// failure.
for i := 0; true; i++ {
ev := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", evname, i)
evv := os.Getenv(ev)
if evv == "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evv) {
c.logDebugHashMatch(ev, name)
return true
return false
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
for i, e := range partition {
if Debug > 1 && len(e) > 500 {
if f.pass.debug > 1 && len(e) > 500 {
fmt.Printf("CSE.large partition (%d): ", len(e))
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
fmt.Printf("%s ", e[j].LongString())
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
for _, v := range e {
valueEqClass[v.ID] = ID(i)
if Debug > 2 && len(e) > 1 {
if f.pass.debug > 2 && len(e) > 1 {
fmt.Printf("CSE.partition #%d:", i)
for _, v := range e {
fmt.Printf(" %s", v.String())
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
rewrites := 0
rewrites := int64(0)
// Apply substitutions
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
......@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ func cse(f *Func) {
if Debug > 0 && rewrites > 0 {
fmt.Printf("CSE: %d rewrites\n", rewrites)
if f.pass.stats > 0 {
f.logStat("CSE REWRITES", rewrites)
......@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@
package ssa
import "math"
import (
// A Func represents a Go func declaration (or function literal) and
// its body. This package compiles each Func independently.
type Func struct {
Config *Config // architecture information
pass *pass // current pass information (name, options, etc.)
Name string // e.g. bytes·Compare
Type Type // type signature of the function.
StaticData interface{} // associated static data, untouched by the ssa package
......@@ -89,6 +93,20 @@ func (f *Func) newValue(op Op, t Type, b *Block, line int32) *Value {
return v
// logPassStat writes a string key and int value as a warning in a
// tab-separated format easily handled by spreadsheets or awk.
// file names, lines, and function names are included to provide enough (?)
// context to allow item-by-item comparisons across runs.
// For example:
// awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} $3~/TIME/{sum+=$4} END{print "t(ns)=",sum}' t.log
func (f *Func) logStat(key string, args ...interface{}) {
value := ""
for _, a := range args {
value += fmt.Sprintf("\t%v", a)
f.Config.Warnl(int(f.Entry.Line), "\t%s\t%s%s\t%s",, key, value, f.Name)
// freeValue frees a value. It must no longer be referenced.
func (f *Func) freeValue(v *Value) {
if v.Block == nil {
......@@ -134,12 +134,18 @@ type fun struct {
values map[string]*Value
var emptyPass pass = pass{
name: "empty pass",
// Fun takes the name of an entry bloc and a series of Bloc calls, and
// returns a fun containing the composed Func. entry must be a name
// supplied to one of the Bloc functions. Each of the bloc names and
// valu names should be unique across the Fun.
func Fun(c *Config, entry string, blocs ...bloc) fun {
f := c.NewFunc()
f.pass = &emptyPass
blocks := make(map[string]*Block)
values := make(map[string]*Value)
// Create all the blocks and values.
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