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Commit 3c5eb960 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

doc: update the architecture-specific information in asm.html

Still to do: ARM64 and PPC64. These architectures are woefully underdocumented.

Change-Id: Iedcf767a7e0e1c931812351940bc08f0c3821212
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 1bd18809
......@@ -514,42 +514,61 @@ even pointers to stack data must not be kept in local variables.
It is impractical to list all the instructions and other details for each machine.
To see what instructions are defined for a given machine, say 32-bit Intel x86,
look in the top-level header file for the corresponding linker, in this case <code>8l</code>.
That is, the file <code>$GOROOT/src/cmd/8l/8.out.h</code> contains a C enumeration, called <code>as</code>,
of the instructions and their spellings as known to the assembler and linker for that architecture.
In that file you'll find a declaration that begins
To see what instructions are defined for a given machine, say ARM,
look in the source for the <code>obj</code> support library for
that architecture, located in the directory <code>src/cmd/internal/obj/arm</code>.
In that directory is a file <code>a.out.go</code>; it contains
a long list of constants starting with <code>A</code>, like this:
enum as
const (
AAND = obj.ABaseARM + obj.A_ARCHSPECIFIC + iota
Each instruction begins with a initial capital <code>A</code> in this list, so <code>AADCB</code>
represents the <code>ADCB</code> (add carry byte) instruction.
The enumeration is in alphabetical order, plus some late additions (<code>AXXX</code> occupies
the zero slot as an invalid instruction).
The sequence has nothing to do with the actual encoding of the machine instructions.
Again, the linker takes care of that detail.
This is the list of instructions and their spellings as known to the assembler and linker for that architecture.
Each instruction begins with an initial capital <code>A</code> in this list, so <code>AAND</code>
represents the bitwise and instruction,
<code>AND</code> (without the leading <code>A</code>),
and is written in assembly source as <code>AND</code>.
The enumeration is mostly in alphabetical order.
(The architecture-independent <code>AXXX</code>, defined in the
<code>cmd/internal/obj</code> package,
represents an invalid instruction).
The sequence of the <code>A</code> names has nothing to do with the actual
encoding of the machine instructions.
The <code>cmd/internal/obj</code> package takes care of that detail.
The instructions for both the 386 and AMD64 architectures are listed in
The architectures share syntax for common addressing modes such as
<code>(R1)</code> (register indirect),
<code>4(R1)</code> (register indirect with offset), and
<code>$foo(SB)</code> (absolute address).
The assembler also supports some (not necessarily all) addressing modes
specific to each architecture.
The sections below list these.
One detail evident in the examples from the previous sections is that data in the instructions flows from left to right:
<code>MOVQ</code> <code>$0,</code> <code>CX</code> clears <code>CX</code>.
This convention applies even on architectures where the usual mode is the opposite direction.
This rule applies even on architectures where the conventional notation uses the opposite direction.
Here follows some descriptions of key Go-specific details for the supported architectures.
Here follow some descriptions of key Go-specific details for the supported architectures.
<h3 id="x86">32-bit Intel 386</h3>
......@@ -558,11 +577,11 @@ Here follows some descriptions of key Go-specific details for the supported arch
The runtime pointer to the <code>g</code> structure is maintained
through the value of an otherwise unused (as far as Go is concerned) register in the MMU.
A OS-dependent macro <code>get_tls</code> is defined for the assembler if the source includes
an architecture-dependent header file, like this:
a special header, <code>go_asm.h</code>:
#include "zasm_GOOS_GOARCH.h"
#include "go_asm.h"
......@@ -575,21 +594,39 @@ The sequence to load <code>g</code> and <code>m</code> using <code>CX</code> loo
MOVL g(CX), AX // Move g into AX.
MOVL g_m(AX), BX // Move g->m into BX.
MOVL g_m(AX), BX // Move g.m into BX.
Addressing modes:
<code>(DI)(BX*2)</code>: The location at address <code>DI</code> plus <code>BX*2</code>.
<code>64(DI)(BX*2)</code>: The location at address <code>DI</code> plus <code>BX*2</code> plus 64.
These modes accept only 1, 2, 4, and 8 as scale factors.
<h3 id="amd64">64-bit Intel 386 (a.k.a. amd64)</h3>
The assembly code to access the <code>m</code> and <code>g</code>
pointers is the same as on the 386, except it uses <code>MOVQ</code> rather than
The two architectures behave largely the same at the assembler level.
Assembly code to access the <code>m</code> and <code>g</code>
pointers on the 64-bit version is the same as on the 32-bit 386,
except it uses <code>MOVQ</code> rather than <code>MOVL</code>:
MOVQ g(CX), AX // Move g into AX.
MOVQ g_m(AX), BX // Move g->m into BX.
MOVQ g_m(AX), BX // Move g.m into BX.
<h3 id="arm">ARM</h3>
......@@ -626,6 +663,85 @@ The name <code>SP</code> always refers to the virtual stack pointer described ea
For the hardware register, use <code>R13</code>.
Addressing modes:
For <code>&lt;&lt;</code>, left shift <code>R0</code> by 16 bits.
The other codes are <code>-&gt;</code> (arithmetic right shift),
<code>&gt;&gt;</code> (logical right shift), and
<code>@&gt;</code> (rotate right).
For <code>&lt;&lt;</code>, left shift <code>R0</code> by the count in <code>R1</code>.
The other codes are <code>-&gt;</code> (arithmetic right shift),
<code>&gt;&gt;</code> (logical right shift), and
<code>@&gt;</code> (rotate right).
<code>[R0,g,R12-R15]</code>: For multi-register instructions, the set comprising
<code>R0</code>, <code>g</code>, and <code>R12</code> through <code>R15</code> inclusive.
<h3 id="arm64">ARM64</h3>
Addressing modes:
<h3 id="ppc64">Power64, a.k.a. ppc64</h3>
Addressing modes:
<code>(R5)(R6*1)</code>: The location at <code>R5</code> plus <code>R6</code>. It is a scaled
mode like on the x86, but the only scale allowed is <code>1</code>.
<h3 id="unsupported_opcodes">Unsupported opcodes</h3>
......@@ -644,11 +760,17 @@ Here's how the 386 runtime defines the 64-bit atomic load function.
// uint64 atomicload64(uint64 volatile* addr);
// so actually
// void atomicload64(uint64 *res, uint64 volatile *addr);
TEXT runtime·atomicload64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
TEXT runtime·atomicload64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-12
MOVL ptr+0(FP), AX
JZ 2(PC)
MOVL 0, AX // crash with nil ptr deref
LEAL ret_lo+4(FP), BX
BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x6f; BYTE $0x00 // MOVQ (%EAX), %MM0
BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x7f; BYTE $0x03 // MOVQ %MM0, 0(%EBX)
BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x77 // EMMS
// MOVQ (%EAX), %MM0
BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x6f; BYTE $0x00
// MOVQ %MM0, 0(%EBX)
BYTE $0x0f; BYTE $0x7f; BYTE $0x03
BYTE $0x0F; BYTE $0x77
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