Commit 481ce36e authored by Matthew Dempsky's avatar Matthew Dempsky Committed by Minux Ma

runtime: simplify cpuprof hash calculation

"x*41" computes the same value as "x*31 + x*7 + x*3" and (when
compiled by gc) requires just one multiply instruction instead of

Alternatively, the expression could be written as "(x<<2+x)<<3 + x" to
use shifts instead of multiplies (which is how GCC optimizes "x*41").
But gc currently emits suboptimal instructions for this expression
anyway (e.g., separate SHL+ADD instructions rather than LEA on
386/amd64). Also, if such an optimization was worthwhile, it would
seem better to implement it as part of gc's strength reduction logic.

Change-Id: I7156b793229d723bbc9a52aa9ed6111291335277
Reviewed-on: default avatarMinux Ma <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent 7a8e8979
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func (p *cpuProfile) add(pc []uintptr) {
h := uintptr(0)
for _, x := range pc {
h = h<<8 | (h >> (8 * (unsafe.Sizeof(h) - 1)))
h += x*31 + x*7 + x*3
h += x * 41
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