will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 4aa50434 authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

runtime: rewrite malloc in Go.

This change introduces gomallocgc, a Go clone of mallocgc.
Only a few uses have been moved over, so there are still
lots of uses from C. Many of these C uses will be moved
over to Go (e.g. in slice.goc), but probably not all.
What should remain of C's mallocgc is an open question.

LGTM=rsc, dvyukov
R=rsc, khr, dave, bradfitz, dvyukov
parent fe4fc94b
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ func (w *Walker) parseFile(dir, file string) (*ast.File, error) {
if w.context != nil && file == fmt.Sprintf("zruntime_defs_%s_%s.go", w.context.GOOS, w.context.GOARCH) {
// Just enough to keep the api checker happy.
src := "package runtime; type maptype struct{}; type _type struct{}; type alg struct{}"
src := "package runtime; type maptype struct{}; type _type struct{}; type alg struct{}; type mspan struct{}; type m struct{}; type lock struct{}"
f, err = parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("incorrect generated file: %s", err)
......@@ -206,16 +206,36 @@ printtypename(Type *t)
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint16");
case TLONG:
Bprint(&outbuf, "int32");
// The 32/64-bit ambiguous types (int,uint,uintptr)
// are assigned a TLONG/TULONG to distinguish them
// from always 32-bit types which get a TINT/TUINT.
// (See int_x/uint_x in pkg/runtime/runtime.h.)
// For LONG and VLONG types, we generate the
// unqualified Go type when appropriate.
// This makes it easier to write Go code that
// modifies objects with autogenerated-from-C types.
if(ewidth[TIND] == 4)
Bprint(&outbuf, "int");
Bprint(&outbuf, "int32");
case TULONG:
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint32");
if(ewidth[TIND] == 4)
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint");
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint32");
case TVLONG:
Bprint(&outbuf, "int64");
if(ewidth[TIND] == 8)
Bprint(&outbuf, "int");
Bprint(&outbuf, "int64");
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint64");
if(ewidth[TIND] == 8)
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint");
Bprint(&outbuf, "uint64");
case TFLOAT:
Bprint(&outbuf, "float32");
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
char *runtimeimport =
"package runtime\n"
"import runtime \"runtime\"\n"
"func @\"\".new (@\"\".typ·2 *byte) (? *any)\n"
"func @\"\".newobject (@\"\".typ·2 *byte) (? *any)\n"
"func @\"\".panicindex ()\n"
"func @\"\".panicslice ()\n"
"func @\"\".panicdivide ()\n"
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ package PACKAGE
// emitted by compiler, not referred to by go programs
func new(typ *byte) *any
func newobject(typ *byte) *any
func panicindex()
func panicslice()
func panicdivide()
......@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@ callnew(Type *t)
Node *fn;
fn = syslook("new", 1);
fn = syslook("newobject", 1);
argtype(fn, t);
return mkcall1(fn, ptrto(t), nil, typename(t));
......@@ -195,6 +195,56 @@ TEXT runtime·mcall(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
// switchtoM is a dummy routine that onM leaves at the bottom
// of the G stack. We need to distinguish the routine that
// lives at the bottom of the G stack from the one that lives
// at the top of the M stack because the one at the top of
// the M stack terminates the stack walk (see topofstack()).
TEXT runtime·switchtoM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
// void onM(void (*fn)())
// calls fn() on the M stack.
// switches to the M stack if not already on it, and
// switches back when fn() returns.
TEXT runtime·onM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
MOVL fn+0(FP), DI // DI = fn
MOVL g(CX), AX // AX = g
MOVL g_m(AX), BX // BX = m
MOVL m_g0(BX), DX // DX = g0
JEQ onm
// save our state in g->sched. Pretend to
// be switchtoM if the G stack is scanned.
MOVL $runtime·switchtoM(SB), (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(AX)
MOVL SP, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
MOVL AX, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(AX)
// switch to g0
MOVL (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(DX), SP
// call target function
// switch back to g
MOVL g_m(AX), BX
MOVL m_curg(BX), AX
MOVL (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX), SP
MOVL $0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
// already on m stack, just call directly
* support for morestack
......@@ -186,6 +186,56 @@ TEXT runtime·mcall(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
// switchtoM is a dummy routine that onM leaves at the bottom
// of the G stack. We need to distinguish the routine that
// lives at the bottom of the G stack from the one that lives
// at the top of the M stack because the one at the top of
// the M stack terminates the stack walk (see topofstack()).
TEXT runtime·switchtoM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
// void onM(void (*fn)())
// calls fn() on the M stack.
// switches to the M stack if not already on it, and
// switches back when fn() returns.
TEXT runtime·onM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-8
MOVQ fn+0(FP), DI // DI = fn
MOVQ g(CX), AX // AX = g
MOVQ g_m(AX), BX // BX = m
MOVQ m_g0(BX), DX // DX = g0
JEQ onm
// save our state in g->sched. Pretend to
// be switchtoM if the G stack is scanned.
MOVQ $runtime·switchtoM(SB), (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(AX)
MOVQ SP, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
MOVQ AX, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(AX)
// switch to g0
MOVQ (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(DX), SP
// call target function
// switch back to g
MOVQ g_m(AX), BX
MOVQ m_curg(BX), AX
MOVQ (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX), SP
MOVQ $0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
// already on m stack, just call directly
* support for morestack
......@@ -165,6 +165,57 @@ TEXT runtime·mcall(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
// switchtoM is a dummy routine that onM leaves at the bottom
// of the G stack. We need to distinguish the routine that
// lives at the bottom of the G stack from the one that lives
// at the top of the M stack because the one at the top of
// the M stack terminates the stack walk (see topofstack()).
TEXT runtime·switchtoM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
// void onM(void (*fn)())
// calls fn() on the M stack.
// switches to the M stack if not already on it, and
// switches back when fn() returns.
TEXT runtime·onM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
MOVL fn+0(FP), DI // DI = fn
MOVL g(CX), AX // AX = g
MOVL g_m(AX), BX // BX = m
MOVL m_g0(BX), DX // DX = g0
JEQ onm
// save our state in g->sched. Pretend to
// be switchtoM if the G stack is scanned.
MOVL $runtime·switchtoM(SB), SI
MOVL SI, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(AX)
MOVL SP, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
MOVL AX, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(AX)
// switch to g0
MOVL (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(DX), SP
// call target function
// switch back to g
MOVL g_m(AX), BX
MOVL m_curg(BX), AX
MOVL (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX), SP
MOVL $0, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(AX)
// already on m stack, just call directly
* support for morestack
......@@ -178,6 +178,56 @@ TEXT runtime·mcall(SB), NOSPLIT, $-4-4
B runtime·badmcall2(SB)
// switchtoM is a dummy routine that onM leaves at the bottom
// of the G stack. We need to distinguish the routine that
// lives at the bottom of the G stack from the one that lives
// at the top of the M stack because the one at the top of
// the M stack terminates the stack walk (see topofstack()).
TEXT runtime·switchtoM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
MOVW $0, R0
BL (R0) // clobber lr to ensure push {lr} is kept
// void onM(void (*fn)())
// calls fn() on the M stack.
// switches to the M stack if not already on it, and
// switches back when fn() returns.
TEXT runtime·onM(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
MOVW fn+0(FP), R0 // R0 = fn
MOVW g_m(g), R1 // R1 = m
MOVW m_g0(R1), R2 // R2 = g0
CMP g, R2
B.EQ onm
// save our state in g->sched. Pretend to
// be switchtoM if the G stack is scanned.
MOVW $runtime·switchtoM(SB), R3
ADD $4, R3, R3 // get past push {lr}
MOVW R3, (g_sched+gobuf_pc)(g)
MOVW SP, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g)
MOVW LR, (g_sched+gobuf_lr)(g)
MOVW g, (g_sched+gobuf_g)(g)
// switch to g0
MOVW R2, g
MOVW (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R2), SP
// call target function
BL (R0)
// switch back to g
MOVW g_m(g), R1
MOVW m_curg(R1), g
MOVW (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g), SP
MOVW $0, R3
MOVW R3, (g_sched+gobuf_sp)(g)
BL (R0)
* support for morestack
......@@ -132,50 +132,6 @@ func funcline_go(*Func, uintptr) (string, int)
func funcname_go(*Func) string
func funcentry_go(*Func) uintptr
// SetFinalizer sets the finalizer associated with x to f.
// When the garbage collector finds an unreachable block
// with an associated finalizer, it clears the association and runs
// f(x) in a separate goroutine. This makes x reachable again, but
// now without an associated finalizer. Assuming that SetFinalizer
// is not called again, the next time the garbage collector sees
// that x is unreachable, it will free x.
// SetFinalizer(x, nil) clears any finalizer associated with x.
// The argument x must be a pointer to an object allocated by
// calling new or by taking the address of a composite literal.
// The argument f must be a function that takes a single argument
// to which x's type can be assigned, and can have arbitrary ignored return
// values. If either of these is not true, SetFinalizer aborts the
// program.
// Finalizers are run in dependency order: if A points at B, both have
// finalizers, and they are otherwise unreachable, only the finalizer
// for A runs; once A is freed, the finalizer for B can run.
// If a cyclic structure includes a block with a finalizer, that
// cycle is not guaranteed to be garbage collected and the finalizer
// is not guaranteed to run, because there is no ordering that
// respects the dependencies.
// The finalizer for x is scheduled to run at some arbitrary time after
// x becomes unreachable.
// There is no guarantee that finalizers will run before a program exits,
// so typically they are useful only for releasing non-memory resources
// associated with an object during a long-running program.
// For example, an os.File object could use a finalizer to close the
// associated operating system file descriptor when a program discards
// an os.File without calling Close, but it would be a mistake
// to depend on a finalizer to flush an in-memory I/O buffer such as a
// bufio.Writer, because the buffer would not be flushed at program exit.
// It is not guaranteed that a finalizer will run if the size of *x is
// zero bytes.
// A single goroutine runs all finalizers for a program, sequentially.
// If a finalizer must run for a long time, it should do so by starting
// a new goroutine.
func SetFinalizer(x, f interface{})
func getgoroot() string
// GOROOT returns the root of the Go tree.
......@@ -221,14 +221,14 @@ func makemap(t *maptype, hint int64) *hmap {
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
buckets = unsafe_NewArray(t.bucket, uintptr(1)<<B)
buckets = newarray(t.bucket, uintptr(1)<<B)
// initialize Hmap
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
h := (*hmap)(unsafe_New(t.hmap))
h := (*hmap)(newobject(t.hmap))
h.count = 0
h.B = B
h.flags = flags
......@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ func mapassign1(t *maptype, h *hmap, key unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer) {
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
h.buckets = unsafe_NewArray(t.bucket, 1)
h.buckets = newarray(t.bucket, 1)
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ again:
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
newb := (*bmap)(unsafe_New(t.bucket))
newb := (*bmap)(newobject(t.bucket))
b.overflow = newb
inserti = &newb.tophash[0]
insertk = add(unsafe.Pointer(newb), dataOffset)
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ again:
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
kmem := unsafe_New(t.key)
kmem := newobject(t.key)
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(insertk) = kmem
insertk = kmem
......@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ again:
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
vmem := unsafe_New(t.elem)
vmem := newobject(t.elem)
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(insertv) = vmem
insertv = vmem
......@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ func hashGrow(t *maptype, h *hmap) {
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
newbuckets := unsafe_NewArray(t.bucket, uintptr(1)<<(h.B+1))
newbuckets := newarray(t.bucket, uintptr(1)<<(h.B+1))
flags := h.flags &^ (iterator | oldIterator)
if h.flags&iterator != 0 {
flags |= oldIterator
......@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ func evacuate(t *maptype, h *hmap, oldbucket uintptr) {
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
newx := (*bmap)(unsafe_New(t.bucket))
newx := (*bmap)(newobject(t.bucket))
x.overflow = newx
x = newx
xi = 0
......@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ func evacuate(t *maptype, h *hmap, oldbucket uintptr) {
if checkgc {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_alloc
newy := (*bmap)(unsafe_New(t.bucket))
newy := (*bmap)(newobject(t.bucket))
y.overflow = newy
y = newy
yi = 0
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
// TODO(rsc): double-check stats.
package runtime
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch_GOARCH.h"
#include "malloc.h"
......@@ -20,229 +19,20 @@ package runtime
#pragma dataflag NOPTR
MHeap runtime·mheap;
#pragma dataflag NOPTR
MStats mstats;
MStats runtime·memstats;
extern MStats mstats; // defined in zruntime_def_$GOOS_$GOARCH.go
void* runtime·cmallocgc(uintptr size, Type *typ, uint32 flag, void **ret);
extern volatile intgo runtime·MemProfileRate;
static MSpan* largealloc(uint32, uintptr*);
static void profilealloc(void *v, uintptr size);
static void settype(MSpan *s, void *v, uintptr typ);
// Allocate an object of at least size bytes.
// Small objects are allocated from the per-thread cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
// If the block will be freed with runtime·free(), typ must be 0.
runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, Type *typ, uint32 flag)
int32 sizeclass;
uintptr tinysize, size0, size1;
intgo rate;
MCache *c;
MSpan *s;
MLink *v, *next;
byte *tiny;
if(size == 0) {
// All 0-length allocations use this pointer.
// The language does not require the allocations to
// have distinct values.
return &runtime·zerobase;
runtime·throw("malloc/free - deadlock");
// Disable preemption during settype.
// We can not use m->mallocing for this, because settype calls mallocgc.
g->m->mallocing = 1;
size0 = size;
c = g->m->mcache;
if(!runtime·debug.efence && size <= MaxSmallSize) {
if((flag&(FlagNoScan|FlagNoGC)) == FlagNoScan && size < TinySize) {
// Tiny allocator.
// Tiny allocator combines several tiny allocation requests
// into a single memory block. The resulting memory block
// is freed when all subobjects are unreachable. The subobjects
// must be FlagNoScan (don't have pointers), this ensures that
// the amount of potentially wasted memory is bounded.
// Size of the memory block used for combining (TinySize) is tunable.
// Current setting is 16 bytes, which relates to 2x worst case memory
// wastage (when all but one subobjects are unreachable).
// 8 bytes would result in no wastage at all, but provides less
// opportunities for combining.
// 32 bytes provides more opportunities for combining,
// but can lead to 4x worst case wastage.
// The best case winning is 8x regardless of block size.
// Objects obtained from tiny allocator must not be freed explicitly.
// So when an object will be freed explicitly, we ensure that
// its size >= TinySize.
// SetFinalizer has a special case for objects potentially coming
// from tiny allocator, it such case it allows to set finalizers
// for an inner byte of a memory block.
// The main targets of tiny allocator are small strings and
// standalone escaping variables. On a json benchmark
// the allocator reduces number of allocations by ~12% and
// reduces heap size by ~20%.
tinysize = c->tinysize;
if(size <= tinysize) {
tiny = c->tiny;
// Align tiny pointer for required (conservative) alignment.
if((size&7) == 0)
tiny = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)tiny, 8);
else if((size&3) == 0)
tiny = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)tiny, 4);
else if((size&1) == 0)
tiny = (byte*)ROUND((uintptr)tiny, 2);
size1 = size + (tiny - c->tiny);
if(size1 <= tinysize) {
// The object fits into existing tiny block.
v = (MLink*)tiny;
c->tiny += size1;
c->tinysize -= size1;
g->m->mallocing = 0;
if(g->m->locks == 0 && g->preempt) // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
g->stackguard0 = StackPreempt;
return v;
// Allocate a new TinySize block.
s = c->alloc[TinySizeClass];
if(s->freelist == nil)
s = runtime·MCache_Refill(c, TinySizeClass);
v = s->freelist;
next = v->next;
s->freelist = next;
if(next != nil) // prefetching nil leads to a DTLB miss
((uint64*)v)[0] = 0;
((uint64*)v)[1] = 0;
// See if we need to replace the existing tiny block with the new one
// based on amount of remaining free space.
if(TinySize-size > tinysize) {
c->tiny = (byte*)v + size;
c->tinysize = TinySize - size;
size = TinySize;
goto done;
// Allocate from mcache free lists.
// Inlined version of SizeToClass().
if(size <= 1024-8)
sizeclass = runtime·size_to_class8[(size+7)>>3];
sizeclass = runtime·size_to_class128[(size-1024+127) >> 7];
size = runtime·class_to_size[sizeclass];
s = c->alloc[sizeclass];
if(s->freelist == nil)
s = runtime·MCache_Refill(c, sizeclass);
v = s->freelist;
next = v->next;
s->freelist = next;
if(next != nil) // prefetching nil leads to a DTLB miss
if(!(flag & FlagNoZero)) {
v->next = nil;
// block is zeroed iff second word is zero ...
if(size > 2*sizeof(uintptr) && ((uintptr*)v)[1] != 0)
runtime·memclr((byte*)v, size);
c->local_cachealloc += size;
} else {
// Allocate directly from heap.
s = largealloc(flag, &size);
v = (void*)(s->start << PageShift);
if(!(flag & FlagNoGC))
runtime·markallocated(v, size, size0, typ, !(flag&FlagNoScan));
g->m->mallocing = 0;
runtime·racemalloc(v, size);
runtime·tracealloc(v, size, typ);
if(!(flag & FlagNoProfiling) && (rate = runtime·MemProfileRate) > 0) {
if(size < rate && size < c->next_sample)
c->next_sample -= size;
profilealloc(v, size);
if(g->m->locks == 0 && g->preempt) // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
g->stackguard0 = StackPreempt;
if(!(flag & FlagNoInvokeGC) && mstats.heap_alloc >= mstats.next_gc)
return v;
static MSpan*
largealloc(uint32 flag, uintptr *sizep)
uintptr npages, size;
MSpan *s;
void *v;
// Allocate directly from heap.
size = *sizep;
if(size + PageSize < size)
runtime·throw("out of memory");
npages = size >> PageShift;
if((size & PageMask) != 0)
s = runtime·MHeap_Alloc(&runtime·mheap, npages, 0, 1, !(flag & FlagNoZero));
if(s == nil)
runtime·throw("out of memory");
s->limit = (byte*)(s->start<<PageShift) + size;
*sizep = npages<<PageShift;
v = (void*)(s->start << PageShift);
// setup for mark sweep
runtime·markspan(v, 0, 0, true);
return s;
static void
profilealloc(void *v, uintptr size)
uintptr rate;
int32 next;
MCache *c;
void *ret;
c = g->m->mcache;
rate = runtime·MemProfileRate;
if(size < rate) {
// pick next profile time
// If you change this, also change allocmcache.
if(rate > 0x3fffffff) // make 2*rate not overflow
rate = 0x3fffffff;
next = runtime·fastrand1() % (2*rate);
// Subtract the "remainder" of the current allocation.
// Otherwise objects that are close in size to sampling rate
// will be under-sampled, because we consistently discard this remainder.
next -= (size - c->next_sample);
if(next < 0)
next = 0;
c->next_sample = next;
runtime·MProf_Malloc(v, size);
// Call into the Go version of mallocgc.
// TODO: maybe someday we can get rid of this. It is
// probably the only location where we run Go code on the M stack.
runtime·cmallocgc(size, typ, flag, &ret);
return ret;
......@@ -421,6 +211,10 @@ uintptr runtime·sizeof_C_MStats = sizeof(MStats) - (NumSizeClasses - 61) * size
#define MaxArena32 (2U<<30)
// For use by Go. It can't be a constant in Go, unfortunately,
// because it depends on the OS.
uintptr runtime·maxMem = MaxMem;
......@@ -708,11 +502,6 @@ runtime·mal(uintptr n)
return runtime·mallocgc(n, nil, 0);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func new(typ *Type) (ret *uint8) {
ret = runtime·mallocgc(typ->size, typ, typ->kind&KindNoPointers ? FlagNoScan : 0);
static void*
cnew(Type *typ, intgo n)
......@@ -734,11 +523,9 @@ runtime·cnewarray(Type *typ, intgo n)
return cnew(typ, n);
func GC() {
runtime·gc(2); // force GC and do eager sweep
func SetFinalizer(obj Eface, finalizer Eface) {
static void
setFinalizer(Eface obj, Eface finalizer)
byte *base;
uintptr size;
FuncType *ft;
......@@ -823,8 +610,52 @@ throw:
// For testing.
func GCMask(x Eface) (mask Slice) {
runtime·getgcmask(, x.type, &mask.array, &mask.len);
mask.cap = mask.len;
Eface obj, finalizer;
obj.type = g->m->ptrarg[0]; = g->m->ptrarg[1];
finalizer.type = g->m->ptrarg[2]; = g->m->ptrarg[3];
g->m->ptrarg[0] = nil;
g->m->ptrarg[1] = nil;
g->m->ptrarg[2] = nil;
g->m->ptrarg[3] = nil;
setFinalizer(obj, finalizer);
// mcallable cache refill
runtime·MCache_Refill(g->m->mcache, (int32)g->m->scalararg[0]);
uintptr npages, size;
MSpan *s;
void *v;
int32 flag;
//runtime·printf("largeAlloc size=%D\n", g->m->scalararg[0]);
// Allocate directly from heap.
size = g->m->scalararg[0];
flag = (int32)g->m->scalararg[1];
if(size + PageSize < size)
runtime·throw("out of memory");
npages = size >> PageShift;
if((size & PageMask) != 0)
s = runtime·MHeap_Alloc(&runtime·mheap, npages, 0, 1, !(flag & FlagNoZero));
if(s == nil)
runtime·throw("out of memory");
s->limit = (byte*)(s->start<<PageShift) + size;
v = (void*)(s->start << PageShift);
// setup for mark sweep
runtime·markspan(v, 0, 0, true);
g->m->ptrarg[0] = s;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ struct MStats
} by_size[NumSizeClasses];
#define mstats runtime·memStats
#define mstats runtime·memstats
extern MStats mstats;
void runtime·updatememstats(GCStats *stats);
......@@ -500,6 +500,7 @@ struct MHeap
uint64 nlargefree; // number of frees for large objects (>MaxSmallSize)
uint64 nsmallfree[NumSizeClasses]; // number of frees for small objects (<=MaxSmallSize)
#define runtime·mheap runtime·mheap_
extern MHeap runtime·mheap;
void runtime·MHeap_Init(MHeap *h);
......@@ -531,6 +532,10 @@ void runtime·tracealloc(void*, uintptr, Type*);
void runtime·tracefree(void*, uintptr);
void runtime·tracegc(void);
int32 runtime·gcpercent;
int32 runtime·readgogc(void);
void runtime·clearpools(void);
// flags to malloc
......@@ -551,6 +556,7 @@ void runtime·gchelper(void);
void runtime·createfing(void);
G* runtime·wakefing(void);
void runtime·getgcmask(byte*, Type*, byte**, uintptr*);
extern G* runtime·fing;
extern bool runtime·fingwait;
extern bool runtime·fingwake;
......@@ -70,6 +70,3 @@ func init() {
// ReadMemStats populates m with memory allocator statistics.
func ReadMemStats(m *MemStats)
// GC runs a garbage collection.
func GC()
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ enum {
#define GcpercentUnknown (-2)
// Initialized from $GOGC. GOGC=off means no gc.
static int32 gcpercent = GcpercentUnknown;
extern int32 runtime·gcpercent = GcpercentUnknown;
static FuncVal* poolcleanup;
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ sync·runtime_registerPoolCleanup(FuncVal *f)
poolcleanup = f;
static void
P *p, **pp;
MCache *c;
......@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ bool runtime·fingwait;
bool runtime·fingwake;
static Lock gclock;
static G* fing;
static void runfinq(void);
static void bgsweep(void);
......@@ -670,6 +669,8 @@ scanframe(Stkframe *frame, void *unused)
// Frame is dead.
return true;
if(Debug > 1)
runtime·printf("scanframe %s\n", runtime·funcname(f));
if(targetpc != f->entry)
pcdata = runtime·pcdatavalue(f, PCDATA_StackMapIndex, targetpc);
......@@ -971,7 +972,7 @@ runtime·MSpan_Sweep(MSpan *s)
runtime·MHeap_Free(&runtime·mheap, s, 1);
c->local_largefree += size;
runtime·xadd64(&mstats.next_gc, -(uint64)(size * (gcpercent + 100)/100));
runtime·xadd64(&mstats.next_gc, -(uint64)(size * (runtime·gcpercent + 100)/100));
res = true;
} else {
// Free small object.
......@@ -1005,7 +1006,7 @@ runtime·MSpan_Sweep(MSpan *s)
if(nfree > 0) {
c->local_nsmallfree[cl] += nfree;
c->local_cachealloc -= nfree * size;
runtime·xadd64(&mstats.next_gc, -(uint64)(nfree * size * (gcpercent + 100)/100));
runtime·xadd64(&mstats.next_gc, -(uint64)(nfree * size * (runtime·gcpercent + 100)/100));
res = runtime·MCentral_FreeSpan(&runtime·mheap.central[cl], s, nfree,, end);
// MCentral_FreeSpan updates sweepgen
......@@ -1238,8 +1239,8 @@ struct gc_args
static void gc(struct gc_args *args);
static void mgc(G *gp);
static int32
byte *p;
......@@ -1259,16 +1260,8 @@ runtime·gc(int32 force)
struct gc_args a;
int32 i;
// The atomic operations are not atomic if the uint64s
// are not aligned on uint64 boundaries. This has been
// a problem in the past.
if((((uintptr)&work.empty) & 7) != 0)
runtime·throw("runtime: gc work buffer is misaligned");
if((((uintptr)&work.full) & 7) != 0)
runtime·throw("runtime: gc work buffer is misaligned");
if(sizeof(Workbuf) != WorkbufSize)
runtime·throw("runtime: size of Workbuf is suboptimal");
// The gc is turned off (via enablegc) until
// the bootstrap has completed.
// Also, malloc gets called in the guts
......@@ -1280,13 +1273,13 @@ runtime·gc(int32 force)
if(!mstats.enablegc || g == g->m->g0 || g->m->locks > 0 || runtime·panicking)
if(gcpercent == GcpercentUnknown) { // first time through
if(runtime·gcpercent == GcpercentUnknown) { // first time through
if(gcpercent == GcpercentUnknown)
gcpercent = readgogc();
if(runtime·gcpercent == GcpercentUnknown)
runtime·gcpercent = runtime·readgogc();
if(gcpercent < 0)
if(runtime·gcpercent < 0)
runtime·semacquire(&runtime·worldsema, false);
......@@ -1303,7 +1296,7 @@ runtime·gc(int32 force)
g->m->gcing = 1;
// Run gc on the g0 stack. We do this so that the g stack
// we're currently running on will no longer change. Cuts
......@@ -1343,6 +1336,23 @@ mgc(G *gp)
struct gc_args a;
G *gp;
gp = g->m->curg;
gp->status = Gwaiting;
gp->waitreason = "garbage collection";
a.start_time = g->m->scalararg[0];
a.eagersweep = g->m->scalararg[1];
gp->status = Grunning;
static void
gc(struct gc_args *args)
......@@ -1409,10 +1419,10 @@ gc(struct gc_args *args)
// next_gc calculation is tricky with concurrent sweep since we don't know size of live heap
// estimate what was live heap size after previous GC (for tracing only)
heap0 = mstats.next_gc*100/(gcpercent+100);
heap0 = mstats.next_gc*100/(runtime·gcpercent+100);
// conservatively set next_gc to high value assuming that everything is live
// concurrent/lazy sweep will reduce this number while discovering new garbage
mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc+mstats.heap_alloc*gcpercent/100;
mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc+mstats.heap_alloc*runtime·gcpercent/100;
t4 = runtime·nanotime();
mstats.last_gc = runtime·unixnanotime(); // must be Unix time to make sense to user
......@@ -1554,12 +1564,12 @@ runtime·setgcpercent(int32 in) {
int32 out;
if(gcpercent == GcpercentUnknown)
gcpercent = readgogc();
out = gcpercent;
if(runtime·gcpercent == GcpercentUnknown)
runtime·gcpercent = runtime·readgogc();
out = runtime·gcpercent;
if(in < 0)
in = -1;
gcpercent = in;
runtime·gcpercent = in;
return out;
......@@ -1678,17 +1688,24 @@ runfinq(void)
if(fing != nil)
if(runtime·fing != nil)
// Here we use gclock instead of finlock,
// because newproc1 can allocate, which can cause on-demand span sweep,
// which can queue finalizers, which would deadlock.
if(fing == nil)
fing = runtime·newproc1(&runfinqv, nil, 0, 0, runtime·gc);
if(runtime·fing == nil)
runtime·fing = runtime·newproc1(&runfinqv, nil, 0, 0, runtime·gc);
runtime·createfingM(G *gp)
......@@ -1699,7 +1716,7 @@ runtime·wakefing(void)
if(runtime·fingwait && runtime·fingwake) {
runtime·fingwait = false;
runtime·fingwake = false;
res = fing;
res = runtime·fing;
return res;
......@@ -1944,6 +1961,17 @@ runtime·markallocated(void *v, uintptr size, uintptr size0, Type *typ, bool sca
M *mp;
mp = g->m;
runtime·markallocated(mp->ptrarg[0], mp->scalararg[0], mp->scalararg[1], mp->ptrarg[1], mp->scalararg[2] == 0);
mp->ptrarg[0] = nil;
mp->ptrarg[1] = nil;
// mark the block at v as freed.
runtime·markfreed(void *v)
......@@ -140,6 +140,37 @@ runtime·MProf_Malloc(void *p, uintptr size)
runtime·setprofilebucket(p, b);
// Called by malloc to record a profiled block.
uintptr stk[32];
Bucket *b;
int32 nstk;
uintptr size;
void *p;
size = g->m->scalararg[0];
p = g->m->ptrarg[0];
g->m->ptrarg[0] = nil;
if(g->m->curg == nil)
nstk = runtime·callers(1, stk, nelem(stk));
nstk = runtime·gcallers(g->m->curg, 1, stk, nelem(stk));
b = stkbucket(MProf, size, stk, nstk, true);
b->recent_alloc_bytes += size;
// Setprofilebucket locks a bunch of other mutexes, so we call it outside of proflock.
// This reduces potential contention and chances of deadlocks.
// Since the object must be alive during call to MProf_Malloc,
// it's fine to do this non-atomically.
runtime·setprofilebucket(p, b);
// Called when freeing a profiled block.
runtime·MProf_Free(Bucket *b, uintptr size, bool freed)
......@@ -3136,6 +3136,7 @@ runtime·topofstack(Func *f)
return f->entry == (uintptr)runtime·goexit ||
f->entry == (uintptr)runtime·mstart ||
f->entry == (uintptr)runtime·mcall ||
f->entry == (uintptr)runtime·onM ||
f->entry == (uintptr)runtime·morestack ||
f->entry == (uintptr)runtime·lessstack ||
f->entry == (uintptr)_rt0_go ||
......@@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ import (
const (
// TODO: where should these live?
kindNoPointers = 1 << 7
kindArray = 17
kindStruct = 25
// RaceDisable disables handling of race events in the current goroutine.
func RaceDisable()
......@@ -22,10 +22,17 @@ typedef int64 intptr;
typedef int64 intgo; // Go's int
typedef uint64 uintgo; // Go's uint
typedef uint32 uintptr;
typedef int32 intptr;
typedef int32 intgo; // Go's int
typedef uint32 uintgo; // Go's uint
// Normally, "int" == "long int" == 32 bits.
// However, the C compiler uses this distinction
// to disambiguate true 32 bit ints (e.g. int32)
// from 32/64 bit ints (e.g. uintptr) so that it
// can generate the corresponding go type correctly.
typedef signed long int int32_x;
typedef unsigned long int uint32_x;
typedef uint32_x uintptr;
typedef int32_x intptr;
typedef int32_x intgo; // Go's int
typedef uint32_x uintgo; // Go's uint
#ifdef _64BITREG
......@@ -874,6 +881,7 @@ uintptr runtime·getcallersp(void*);
int32 runtime·mcount(void);
int32 runtime·gcount(void);
void runtime·mcall(void(*)(G*));
void runtime·onM(void(*)(void));
uint32 runtime·fastrand1(void);
void runtime·rewindmorestack(Gobuf*);
int32 runtime·timediv(int64, int32, int32*);
......@@ -916,6 +924,7 @@ void runtime·exitsyscall(void);
G* runtime·newproc1(FuncVal*, byte*, int32, int32, void*);
bool runtime·sigsend(int32 sig);
int32 runtime·callers(int32, uintptr*, int32);
int32 runtime·gcallers(G*, int32, uintptr*, int32);
int64 runtime·nanotime(void); // monotonic time
int64 runtime·unixnanotime(void); // real time, can skip
void runtime·dopanic(int32);
......@@ -202,3 +202,56 @@ func stringiter2(s string, k int) (int, rune) {
r, n := charntorune(s[k:])
return k + n, r
// rawstring allocates storage for a new string. The returned
// string and byte slice both refer to the same storage.
// The storage is not zeroed. Callers should use
// b to set the string contents and then drop b.
func rawstring(size int) (s string, b []byte) {
p := gomallocgc(uintptr(size), nil, flagNoScan|flagNoZero)
(*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).str = p
(*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).len = size
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).array = (*uint8)(p)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).len = uint(size)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).cap = uint(size)
for {
ms := maxstring
if uintptr(size) <= uintptr(ms) || gocasx((*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&maxstring)), uintptr(ms), uintptr(size)) {
// rawbyteslice allocates a new byte slice. The byte slice is not zeroed.
func rawbyteslice(size int) (b []byte) {
cap := goroundupsize(uintptr(size))
p := gomallocgc(cap, nil, flagNoScan|flagNoZero)
if cap != uintptr(size) {
memclr(add(p, uintptr(size)), cap-uintptr(size))
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).array = (*uint8)(p)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).len = uint(size)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).cap = uint(cap)
// rawruneslice allocates a new rune slice. The rune slice is not zeroed.
func rawruneslice(size int) (b []rune) {
if uintptr(size) > maxMem/4 {
gothrow("out of memory")
mem := goroundupsize(uintptr(size) * 4)
p := gomallocgc(mem, nil, flagNoScan|flagNoZero)
if mem != uintptr(size)*4 {
memclr(add(p, uintptr(size)*4), mem-uintptr(size)*4)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).array = (*uint8)(p)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).len = uint(size)
(*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)).cap = uint(mem / 4)
......@@ -15,18 +15,6 @@ const (
ptrSize = unsafe.Sizeof((*byte)(nil))
// rawstring allocates storage for a new string. The returned
// string and byte slice both refer to the same storage.
// The storage is not zeroed. Callers should use
// b to set the string contents and then drop b.
func rawstring(size int) (string, []byte)
// rawbyteslice allocates a new byte slice. The byte slice is not zeroed.
func rawbyteslice(size int) []byte
// rawruneslice allocates a new rune slice. The rune slice is not zeroed.
func rawruneslice(size int) []rune
func gogetcallerpc(p unsafe.Pointer) uintptr
......@@ -44,15 +32,38 @@ func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + x)
// Make a new object of the given type
// n must be a power of 2
func roundup(p unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer((uintptr(p) + n - 1) &^ (n - 1))
// in stubs.goc
func unsafe_New(t *_type) unsafe.Pointer
func unsafe_NewArray(t *_type, n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer
func acquirem() *m
func releasem(mp *m)
// in asm_*.s
func mcall(fn *byte)
func onM(fn *byte)
// C routines that run on the M stack. Call these like
// mcall(&mcacheRefill)
// Arguments should be passed in m->scalararg[x] and
// m->ptrarg[x]. Return values can be passed in those
// same slots.
var mcacheRefill byte
var largeAlloc byte
var mprofMalloc byte
var mgc2 byte
var setFinalizer byte
var markallocated_m byte
// memclr clears n bytes starting at ptr.
// in memclr_*.s
func memclr(ptr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
func racemalloc(p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr)
func tracealloc(p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, typ *_type)
// memmove copies n bytes from "from" to "to".
// in memmove_*.s
func memmove(to unsafe.Pointer, from unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
......@@ -60,11 +71,26 @@ func memmove(to unsafe.Pointer, from unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
// in asm_*.s
func fastrand2() uint32
const (
gcpercentUnknown = -2
concurrentSweep = true
// in asm_*.s
// if *p == x { *p = y; return true } else { return false }, atomically
func gocas(p *uint32, x uint32, y uint32) bool
func gocasx(p *uintptr, x uintptr, y uintptr) bool
func goreadgogc() int32
func gonanotime() int64
func gosched()
func starttheworld()
func stoptheworld()
func clearpools()
// in asm_*.s
func gohash(a *alg, p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, seed uintptr) uintptr
......@@ -86,3 +112,8 @@ var nohashcode uintptr
// Go version of runtime.throw.
// in panic.c
func gothrow(s string)
func golock(x *lock)
func gounlock(x *lock)
func semacquire(*uint32, bool)
func semrelease(*uint32)
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package runtime
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch_GOARCH.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "../../cmd/ld/textflag.h"
// This file contains functions called by Go but written
......@@ -23,51 +24,17 @@ package runtime
// finished converting runtime support code from C to Go.
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func rawstring(size intgo) (s String, b Slice) {
uintptr ms;
byte *p;
p = runtime·mallocgc(size, 0, FlagNoScan|FlagNoZero);
s.str = p;
s.len = size;
b.array = p;
b.len = size;
b.cap = size;
for(;;) {
ms = runtime·maxstring;
if((uintptr)size <= ms || runtime·casp((void**)&runtime·maxstring, (void*)ms, (void*)size))
func golock(p *Lock) {
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func rawbyteslice(size intgo) (b Slice) {
uintptr cap;
byte *p;
cap = runtime·roundupsize(size);
p = runtime·mallocgc(cap, 0, FlagNoScan|FlagNoZero);
if(cap != size)
runtime·memclr(p + size, cap - size);
b.array = p;
b.len = size;
b.cap = cap;
func gounlock(p *Lock) {
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func rawruneslice(size intgo) (b Slice) {
uintptr mem;
byte *p;
if(size > MaxMem/sizeof(int32))
runtime·throw("out of memory");
mem = runtime·roundupsize(size*sizeof(int32));
p = runtime·mallocgc(mem, 0, FlagNoScan|FlagNoZero);
if(mem != size*sizeof(int32))
runtime·memclr(p + size*sizeof(int32), mem - size*sizeof(int32));
b.array = p;
b.len = size;
b.cap = mem/sizeof(int32);
func goreadgogc() (r int32) {
r = runtime·readgogc();
// entry point for testing
......@@ -77,16 +44,38 @@ func gostringW(str Slice) (s String) {
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func runtime·unsafe_New(t *Type) (ret *byte) {
ret = runtime·cnew(t);
func gonanotime() (r int64) {
r = runtime·nanotime();
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func runtime·unsafe_NewArray(t *Type, n int) (ret *byte) {
ret = runtime·cnewarray(t, n);
func runtime·gocas(p *uint32, x uint32, y uint32) (ret bool) {
ret = runtime·cas(p, x, y);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func runtime·gocas(p *uint32, x uint32, y uint32) (ret bool) {
ret = runtime·cas(p, x, y);
func runtime·gocasx(p *uintptr, x uintptr, y uintptr) (ret bool) {
ret = runtime·casp((void**)p, (void*)x, (void*)y);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func runtime·acquirem() (ret *M) {
ret = g->m;
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func runtime·releasem(mp *M) {
if(mp->locks == 0 && g->preempt) {
// restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
g->stackguard0 = StackPreempt;
// For testing.
// TODO: find a better place for this.
func GCMask(x Eface) (mask Slice) {
runtime·getgcmask(, x.type, &mask.array, &mask.len);
mask.cap = mask.len;
......@@ -350,3 +350,9 @@ runtime·callers(int32 skip, uintptr *pcbuf, int32 m)
return runtime·gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, g, skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, false);
runtime·gcallers(G *gp, int32 skip, uintptr *pcbuf, int32 m)
return runtime·gentraceback(~(uintptr)0, ~(uintptr)0, 0, gp, skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, false);
......@@ -428,3 +428,9 @@ runtime·callers(int32 skip, uintptr *pcbuf, int32 m)
return runtime·gentraceback(pc, sp, 0, g, skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, false);
runtime·gcallers(G *gp, int32 skip, uintptr *pcbuf, int32 m)
return runtime·gentraceback(~(uintptr)0, ~(uintptr)0, 0, gp, skip, pcbuf, m, nil, nil, false);
......@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ func f27defer(b bool) {
func f27go(b bool) {
x := 0
if b {
go call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to new: &x" "live at call to newproc: &x$"
go call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to newobject: &x" "live at call to newproc: &x$"
go call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to new: &x"
go call27(func() {x++}) // ERROR "live at call to newobject: &x"
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ func f31(b1, b2, b3 bool) {
g31("a") // ERROR "live at call to convT2E: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to g31: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
if b2 {
h31("b") // ERROR "live at call to new: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to convT2E: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to h31: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
h31("b") // ERROR "live at call to newobject: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to convT2E: autotmp_[0-9]+ autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to h31: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
if b3 {
panic("asdf") // ERROR "live at call to convT2E: autotmp_[0-9]+$" "live at call to panic: autotmp_[0-9]+$"
......@@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ func f39a() (x []int) {
func f39b() (x [10]*int) {
x = [10]*int{new(int)} // ERROR "live at call to new: x"
x = [10]*int{new(int)} // ERROR "live at call to newobject: x"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: x"
return x
func f39c() (x [10]*int) {
x = [10]*int{new(int)} // ERROR "live at call to new: x"
x = [10]*int{new(int)} // ERROR "live at call to newobject: x"
println() // ERROR "live at call to printnl: x"
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