Commit 52248750 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

/exp/types/staging: expression and statement type checking

Still lots of pieces missing, but basic framework working.
Lots of tests.

parent 328f0e7f
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements typechecking of conversions.
package types
import (
// conversion typechecks the type conversion conv to type typ. iota is the current
// value of iota or -1 if iota doesn't have a value in the current context. The result
// of the conversion is returned via x. If the conversion has type errors, the returned
// x is marked as invalid (x.mode == invalid).
func (check *checker) conversion(x *operand, conv *ast.CallExpr, typ Type, iota int) {
// all conversions have one argument
if len(conv.Args) != 1 {
check.invalidOp(conv.Pos(), "%s conversion requires exactly one argument", conv)
goto Error
// evaluate argument
check.expr(x, conv.Args[0], nil, iota)
if x.mode == invalid {
goto Error
// TODO(gri) fix this - implement all checks and constant evaluation
x.mode = value
x.expr = conv
x.typ = typ
x.mode = invalid
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains unimplemented stubs so that the
// code in exp/types/staging compiles.
package types
import "go/ast"
// expr typechecks expression e and initializes x with the expression
// value or type. If an error occured, x.mode is set to invalid.
// A hint != nil is used as operand type for untyped shifted operands;
// iota >= 0 indicates that the expression is part of a constant declaration.
// cycleOk indicates whether it is ok for a type expression to refer to itself.
func (check *checker) exprOrType(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int, cycleOk bool) {
// expr is like exprOrType but also checks that e represents a value (rather than a type).
func (check *checker) expr(x *operand, e ast.Expr, hint Type, iota int) {
// typ is like exprOrType but also checks that e represents a type (rather than a value).
// If an error occured, the result is Typ[Invalid].
func (check *checker) typ(e ast.Expr, cycleOk bool) Type {
return nil
// assignNtoM typechecks a general assignment. If decl is set, the lhs operands
// must be identifiers. If their types are not set, they are deduced from the
// types of the corresponding rhs expressions. iota >= 0 indicates that the
// "assignment" is part of a constant declaration.
func (check *checker) assignNtoM(lhs, rhs []ast.Expr, decl bool, iota int) {
// assignment typechecks a single assignment of the form lhs := x. If decl is set,
// the lhs operand must be an identifier. If its type is not set, it is deduced
// from the type or value of x.
func (check *checker) assignment(lhs ast.Expr, x *operand, decl bool) {
// stmt typechecks statement s.
func (check *checker) stmt(s ast.Stmt) {
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// constant declarations
package const0
// constants declarations must be initialized by constants
var x = 0
const c0 = x /* ERROR "not constant" */
// untyped constants
const (
// boolean values
ub0 = false
ub1 = true
ub2 = 2 < 1
ub3 = ui1 == uf1
ub4 = true /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ == 0
// integer values
ui0 = 0
ui1 = 1
ui2 = 42
ui3 = 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
ui4 = -10
ui5 = ui0 + ui1
ui6 = ui1 - ui1
ui7 = ui2 * ui1
ui8 = ui3 / ui3
ui9 = ui3 % ui3
ui10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ui11 = ui1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ui12 = ui3 / ui0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ui13 = 1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ui14 = ui1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ui15 = ui3 % ui0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ui16 = ui2 & ui3
ui17 = ui2 | ui3
ui18 = ui2 ^ ui3
// floating point values
uf0 = 0.
uf1 = 1.
uf2 = 4.2e1
uf3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
uf4 = 1e-1
uf5 = uf0 + uf1
uf6 = uf1 - uf1
uf7 = uf2 * uf1
uf8 = uf3 / uf3
uf9 = uf3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % uf3
uf10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
uf11 = uf1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
uf12 = uf3 / uf0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
uf16 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & uf3
uf17 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | uf3
uf18 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ uf3
// complex values
uc0 = 0.i
uc1 = 1.i
uc2 = 4.2e1i
uc3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286i
uc4 = 1e-1i
uc5 = uc0 + uc1
uc6 = uc1 - uc1
uc7 = uc2 * uc1
uc8 = uc3 / uc3
uc9 = uc3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % uc3
uc10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
uc11 = uc1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
uc12 = uc3 / uc0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
uc16 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & uc3
uc17 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | uc3
uc18 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ uc3
type (
mybool bool
myint int
myfloat float64
mycomplex complex128
// typed constants
const (
// boolean values
tb0 bool = false
tb1 bool = true
tb2 mybool = 2 < 1
tb3 mybool = ti1 /* ERROR "cannot compare" */ == tf1
// integer values
ti0 int8 = ui0
ti1 int32 = ui1
ti2 int64 = ui2
ti3 myint = ui3 /* ERROR "overflows" */
ti4 myint = ui4
ti5 = ti0 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ + ti1
ti6 = ti1 - ti1
ti7 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ * ti1
//ti8 = ti3 / ti3 // TODO(gri) enable this
//ti9 = ti3 % ti3 // TODO(gri) enable this
ti10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ti11 = ti1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ti12 = ti3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ / ti0
ti13 = 1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ti14 = ti1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
ti15 = ti3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ % ti0
ti16 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ & ti3
ti17 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ | ti4
ti18 = ti2 ^ ti5 // no mismatched types error because the type of ti5 is unknown
// floating point values
tf0 float32 = 0.
tf1 float32 = 1.
tf2 float64 = 4.2e1
tf3 myfloat = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
tf4 myfloat = 1e-1
tf5 = tf0 + tf1
tf6 = tf1 - tf1
tf7 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ * tf1
// tf8 = tf3 / tf3 // TODO(gri) enable this
tf9 = tf3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % tf3
tf10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
tf11 = tf1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
tf12 = tf3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ / tf0
tf16 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ & tf3
tf17 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ | tf3
tf18 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ ^ tf3
// complex values
tc0 = 0.i
tc1 = 1.i
tc2 = 4.2e1i
tc3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286i
tc4 = 1e-1i
tc5 = tc0 + tc1
tc6 = tc1 - tc1
tc7 = tc2 * tc1
tc8 = tc3 / tc3
tc9 = tc3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % tc3
tc10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
tc11 = tc1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
tc12 = tc3 / tc0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
tc16 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & tc3
tc17 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | tc3
tc18 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ tc3
// initialization cycles
const (
a /* ERROR "cycle" */ = a
b /* ERROR "cycle" */ , c /* ERROR "cycle" */, d, e = e, d, c, b // TODO(gri) should only have one cycle error
f float64 = d
// multiple initialization
const (
a1, a2, a3 = 7, 3.1415926, "foo"
b1, b2, b3 = b3, b1, 42
_p0 = assert(a1 == 7)
_p1 = assert(a2 == 3.1415926)
_p2 = assert(a3 == "foo")
_p3 = assert(b1 == 42)
_p4 = assert(b2 == 42)
_p5 = assert(b3 == 42)
// iota
const (
iota0 = iota
iota1 = iota
iota2 = iota*2
_a0 = assert(iota0 == 0)
_a1 = assert(iota1 == 1)
_a2 = assert(iota2 == 4)
iota6 = iota*3
_a3 = assert(iota7 == 21)
_a4 = assert(iota8 == 24)
const (
_b0 = iota
_b1 = assert(iota + iota2 == 5)
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// conversions
package conversions
// argument count
var (
_v0 = int /* ERROR "one argument" */ ()
_v1 = int /* ERROR "one argument" */ (1, 2)
var (
_v2 = int8(0)
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// type declarations
package decls0
import (
// we can have multiple blank imports (was bug)
_ "math"
_ "net/rpc"
const pi = 3.1415
type (
N undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */ /* ERROR "not a type" */
B bool
I int32
A [10]P
T struct {
x, y P
P *T
R (*R)
F func(A) I
Y interface {
f(A) I
S [](((P)))
M map[I]F
C chan<- I
// blank types must be typechecked
_ pi /* ERROR "not a type" */
_ struct{}
_ struct{ pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ }
type (
p1 pi /* ERROR "no field or method foo" */ /* ERROR "not a type" */ .foo
p2 unsafe.Pointer
type (
Pi pi /* ERROR "not a type" */
a /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ a
a /* ERROR "redeclared" */ int
// where the cycle error appears depends on the
// order in which declarations are processed
// (which depends on the order in which a map
// is iterated through)
b /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ c
c d
d e
e b
t *t
V *W
P1 *S2
P2 P1
S0 struct {
S1 struct {
a, b, c int
u, v, a /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32
S2 struct {
U // anonymous field
// TODO(gri) recognize double-declaration below
// U /* ERROR "redeclared" */ int
S3 struct {
x S2
S4/* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ struct {
S5 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ struct {
S6 struct {
field S7
S7 struct {
L1 []L1
L2 []int
A1 [10.0]int
A2 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ [10]A2
A3 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ [10]struct {
x A4
A4 [10]A3
F1 func()
F2 func(x, y, z float32)
F3 func(x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
F4 func() (x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
F5 func(x int) (x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
F6 func(x
I1 interface{}
I2 interface {
I3 interface {
m1 /* ERROR "redeclared" */ ()
I4 interface {
m1(x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
m2() (x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
m3(x int) (x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
I5 interface {
I6 interface {
S0 /* ERROR "non-interface" */
I7 interface {
I8 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ interface {
// Use I09 (rather than I9) because it appears lexically before
// I10 so that we get the illegal cycle here rather then in the
// declaration of I10. If the implementation sorts by position
// rather than name, the error message will still be here.
I09 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ interface {
I10 interface {
I11 interface {
C1 chan int
C2 <-chan int
C3 chan<- C3
C4 chan C5
C5 chan C6
C6 chan C4
M1 map[Last]string
M2 map[string]M2
Last int
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// variable declarations
package decls1
import (
// Global variables without initialization
var (
a, b bool
c byte
d uint8
r rune
i int
j, k, l int
x, y float32
xx, yy float64
u, v complex64
uu, vv complex128
s, t string
array []byte
iface interface{}
blank _ /* ERROR "cannot use _" */ /* ERROR "not a type" */
// Global variables with initialization
var (
s1 = i + j
s2 = i /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ + x
s3 = c + d
s4 = s + t
s5 = s /* ERROR "invalid operation" */ / t
s6 = array[t1]
s7 = array[x /* ERROR "array index" */]
s8 = &a
s10 = &42 /* ERROR "cannot take address" */
s11 = &v
s12 = -(u + *t11) / *&v
s13 = a /* ERROR "shifted operand" */ << d
s14 = i << j /* ERROR "must be unsigned" */
s18 = math.Pi * 10.0
s19 = s1 /* ERROR "cannot call" */ ()
s20 = f0 /* ERROR "used as single value" */ ()
s21 = f6(1, s1, i)
s22 = f6(1, s1, uu /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ )
t1 int = i + j
t2 int = i /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ + x
t3 int = c /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ + d
t4 string = s + t
t5 string = s /* ERROR "invalid operation" */ / t
t6 byte = array[t1]
t7 byte = array[x /* ERROR "array index" */]
t8 *int = & /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ a
t10 *int = &42 /* ERROR "cannot take address" */
t11 *complex64 = &v
t12 complex64 = -(u + *t11) / *&v
t13 int = a /* ERROR "shifted operand" */ << d
t14 int = i << j /* ERROR "must be unsigned" */
t15 math /* ERROR "not in selector" */ /* ERROR "not a type" */
t16 math /* ERROR "not a type" */ .xxx /* ERROR "unexported" */
t17 math /* ERROR "not a type" */ .Pi
t18 float64 = math.Pi * 10.0
t19 int = t1 /* ERROR "cannot call" */ ()
t20 int = f0 /* ERROR "used as single value" */ ()
// Various more complex expressions
var (
u1 = x /* ERROR "non-interface type" */ .(int)
u2 = iface.([]int)
u3 = iface.(a /* ERROR "not a type" */ )
u4, ok = iface.(int)
u5 /* ERROR "assignment count mismatch" */ , ok2, ok3 = iface.(int)
// Constant expression initializations
var (
v1 = 1 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + "foo"
v2 = c + 255
v3 = c + 256 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v4 = r + 2147483647
v5 = r + 2147483648 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v6 = 42
v7 = v6 + 2147483647
v8 = v6 + 2147483648 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v9 = i + 1 << 10
v10 byte = 1024 /* ERROR "overflows" */
v11 = xx/yy*yy - xx
v12 = true && false
// Multiple assignment expressions
var (
m1a, m1b = 1, 2
m2a /* ERROR "assignment count mismatch" */ , m2b, m2c = 1, 2
m3a /* ERROR "assignment count mismatch" */ , m3b = 1, 2, 3
// Declaration of parameters and results
func f0() {}
func f1(a /* ERROR "not a type" */) {}
func f2(a, b, c d /* ERROR "not a type" */) {}
func f3() int {}
func f4() a /* ERROR "not a type" */ {}
func f5() (a, b, c d /* ERROR "not a type" */) {}
func f6(a, b, c int) complex128 { return 0 }
// Declaration of receivers
type T struct{}
func (T) m0() {}
func (*T) m1() {}
func (x T) m2() {}
func (x *T) m3() {}
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// method declarations
package decls2
import "time"
// T1 declared before its methods.
type T1 struct{
f int
func (T1) m() {}
func (T1) m /* ERROR "redeclared" */ () {}
func (x *T1) f /* ERROR "field and method" */ () {}
// T2's method declared before the type.
func (*T2) f /* ERROR "field and method" */ () {}
type T2 struct {
f int
// Methods declared without a declared type.
func (undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */) m() {}
func (x *undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */) m() {}
func (pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m1() {}
func (x pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m2() {}
func (x *pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m3() {}
// Blank types.
type _ struct { m int }
type _ struct { m int }
// TODO(gri) blank idents not fully checked - disabled for now
// func (_ /* ERROR "cannot use _" */) m() {}
// func (_ /* ERROR "cannot use _" */) m() {}
// Methods with receiver base type declared in another file.
func (T3) m1() {}
func (*T3) m2() {}
func (x T3) m3() {}
func (x *T3) f /* ERROR "field and method" */ () {}
// Methods of non-struct type.
type T4 func()
func (self T4) m() func() { return self }
// Methods associated with an interface.
type T5 interface {
m() int
func (T5 /* ERROR "invalid receiver" */) m1() {}
func (T5 /* ERROR "invalid receiver" */) m2() {}
// Methods associated with non-local or unnamed types.
// func (int) m() {} TODO(gri) check for methods associated with external (not package-local) types
func ([ /* ERROR "expected" */ ]int) m() {}
func (time /* ERROR "expected" */ .Time) m() {}
func (x interface /* ERROR "expected" */ {}) m() {}
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// method declarations
package decls2
const pi = 3.1415
func (T1) m /* ERROR "redeclared" */ () {}
type T3 struct {
f *T3
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// unary expressions
package expr0
var (
// bool
b0 = true
b1 bool = b0
b2 = !true
b3 = !b1
b4 bool = !true
b5 bool = !b4
b6 = +b0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
b7 = -b0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
b8 = ^b0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
b9 = *b0 /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
b10 = &true /* ERROR "cannot take address" */
b11 = &b0
b12 = <-b0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
// int
i0 = 1
i1 int = i0
i2 = +1
i3 = +i0
i4 int = +1
i5 int = +i4
i6 = -1
i7 = -i0
i8 int = -1
i9 int = -i4
i10 = !i0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
i11 = ^1
i12 = ^i0
i13 int = ^1
i14 int = ^i4
i15 = *i0 /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
i16 = &i0
i17 = *i16
i18 = <-i16 /* ERROR "not defined" */
// uint
u0 = uint(1)
u1 uint = u0
u2 = +1
u3 = +u0
u4 uint = +1
u5 uint = +u4
u6 = -1
u7 = -u0
u8 uint = - /* ERROR "overflows" */ 1
u9 uint = -u4
u10 = !u0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
u11 = ^1
u12 = ^i0
u13 uint = ^ /* ERROR "overflows" */ 1
u14 uint = ^u4
u15 = *u0 /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
u16 = &u0
u17 = *u16
u18 = <-u16 /* ERROR "not defined" */
// float64
f0 = float64(1)
f1 float64 = f0
f2 = +1
f3 = +f0
f4 float64 = +1
f5 float64 = +f4 /* ERROR not defined */
f6 = -1
f7 = -f0
f8 float64 = -1
f9 float64 = -f4
f10 = !f0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
f11 = ^1
f12 = ^i0
f13 float64 = ^1
f14 float64 = ^f4 /* ERROR "not defined" */
f15 = *f0 /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
f16 = &f0
f17 = *u16
f18 = <-u16 /* ERROR "not defined" */
// complex128
c0 = complex128(1)
c1 complex128 = c0
c2 = +1
c3 = +c0
c4 complex128 = +1
c5 complex128 = +c4 /* ERROR not defined */
c6 = -1
c7 = -c0
c8 complex128 = -1
c9 complex128 = -c4
c10 = !c0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
c11 = ^1
c12 = ^i0
c13 complex128 = ^1
c14 complex128 = ^c4 /* ERROR "not defined" */
c15 = *c0 /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
c16 = &c0
c17 = *u16
c18 = <-u16 /* ERROR "not defined" */
// string
s0 = "foo"
s1 = +"foo" /* ERROR "not defined" */
s2 = -s0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
s3 = !s0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
s4 = ^s0 /* ERROR "not defined" */
s5 = *s4 /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
s6 = &s4
s7 = *s6
s8 = <-s7 /* ERROR "not defined" */
// channel
ch chan int
rc <-chan float64
sc chan <- string
ch0 = +ch /* ERROR "not defined" */
ch1 = -ch /* ERROR "not defined" */
ch2 = !ch /* ERROR "not defined" */
ch3 = ^ch /* ERROR "not defined" */
ch4 = *ch /* ERROR "cannot indirect" */
ch5 = &ch
ch6 = *ch5
ch7 = <-ch
ch8 = <-rc
ch9 = <-sc /* ERROR "not defined" */
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// binary expressions
package expr1
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// comparisons
package expr2
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// shifts
package expr3
var (
i0 int
u0 uint
var (
v0 = 1<<0
v1 = 1<<i0 /* ERROR "must be unsigned" */
v2 = 1<<u0
v3 = 1<<"foo" /* ERROR "must be unsigned" */
v4 = 1<<- /* ERROR "stupid shift" */ 1
v5 = 1<<1025 /* ERROR "stupid shift" */
v6 = 1 /* ERROR "overflows" */ <<100
v10 uint = 1 << 0
v11 uint = 1 << u0
v12 float32 = 1 /* ERROR "must be integer" */ << u0
// TODO(gri) enable commented out tests below.
// from the spec
var (
s uint = 33
i = 1<<s // 1 has type int
j int32 = 1<<s // 1 has type int32; j == 0
k = uint64(1<<s) // 1 has type uint64; k == 1<<33
m int = 1.0<<s // 1.0 has type int
// n = 1.0<<s != 0 // 1.0 has type int; n == false if ints are 32bits in size
o = 1<<s == 2<<s // 1 and 2 have type int; o == true if ints are 32bits in size
// p = 1<<s == 1 /* ERROR "overflows" */ <<33 // illegal if ints are 32bits in size: 1 has type int, but 1<<33 overflows int
u = 1.0 /* ERROR "must be integer" */ <<s // illegal: 1.0 has type float64, cannot shift
v float32 = 1 /* ERROR "must be integer" */ <<s // illegal: 1 has type float32, cannot shift
w int64 = 1.0<<33 // 1.0<<33 is a constant shift expression
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// statements
package stmt0
func _() {
b, i, f, c, s := false, 1, 1.0, 1i, "foo"
b = i /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
i = f /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
f = c /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
c = s /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
s = b /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
v0 /* ERROR "mismatch" */, v1, v2 := 1, 2, 3, 4
b = true
i += 1
i += "foo" /* ERROR "cannot convert.*int" */
f -= 1
f -= "foo" /* ERROR "cannot convert.*float64" */
c *= 1
c /= 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
s += "bar"
s += 1 /* ERROR "cannot convert.*string" */
func _sends() {
var ch chan int
var rch <-chan int
var x int
x /* ERROR "cannot send" */ <- x
rch /* ERROR "cannot send" */ <- x
ch /* ERROR "cannot send" */ <- "foo"
ch <- x
\ No newline at end of file
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