Commit 53b7c182 authored by Cherry Zhang's avatar Cherry Zhang

[] cmd/compile, cmd/asm: assign index to symbols

We are planning to use indices for symbol references, instead of
symbol names. Here we assign indices to symbols defined in the
package being compiled, and propagate the indices to the
dependent packages in the export data.

A symbol is referenced by a tuple, (package index, symbol index).
Normally, for a given symbol, this index is unique, and the
symbol index is globally consistent (but with exceptions, see
below). The package index is local to a compilation. For example,
when compiling the fmt package, fmt.Println gets assigned index
25, then all packages that reference fmt.Println will refer it
as (X, 25) with some X. X is the index for the fmt package, which
may differ in different compilations.

There are some symbols that do not have clear package affiliation,
such as dupOK symbols and linknamed symbols. We cannot give them
globally consistent indices. We categorize them as non-package
symbols, assign them with package index 1 and a symbol index that
is only meaningful locally.

Currently nothing will consume the indices.

All this is behind a flag, -newobj. The flag needs to be set for
all builds (-gcflags=all=-newobj -asmflags=all=-newobj), or none.

Change-Id: I18e489c531e9a9fbc668519af92c6116b7308cab
Reviewed-on: default avatarThan McIntosh <>
parent cd75cf4b
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ var (
Dynlink = flag.Bool("dynlink", false, "support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries")
AllErrors = flag.Bool("e", false, "no limit on number of errors reported")
SymABIs = flag.Bool("gensymabis", false, "write symbol ABI information to output file, don't assemble")
Newobj = flag.Bool("newobj", false, "use new object file format")
var (
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ func main() {
ctxt.Flag_dynlink = *flags.Dynlink
ctxt.Flag_shared = *flags.Shared || *flags.Dynlink
ctxt.Flag_newobj = *flags.Newobj
ctxt.Bso = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
defer ctxt.Bso.Flush()
......@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ func main() {
if ok && !*flags.SymABIs {
obj.WriteObjFile(ctxt, buf, "")
if !ok || diag {
......@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ import (
......@@ -932,10 +933,12 @@ func (w *exportWriter) string(s string) { w.uint64(w.p.stringOff(s)) }
func (w *exportWriter) varExt(n *Node) {
func (w *exportWriter) funcExt(n *Node) {
// Escape analysis.
for _, fs := range types.RecvsParams {
......@@ -974,6 +977,17 @@ func (w *exportWriter) linkname(s *types.Sym) {
func (w *exportWriter) symIdx(s *types.Sym) {
if Ctxt.Flag_newobj {
lsym := s.Linksym()
if lsym.PkgIdx > obj.PkgIdxSelf || lsym.PkgIdx == obj.PkgIdxInvalid || s.Linkname != "" {
} else {
// Inline bodies.
func (w *exportWriter) stmtList(list Nodes) {
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ package gc
import (
......@@ -650,10 +651,12 @@ func (r *importReader) byte() byte {
func (r *importReader) varExt(n *Node) {
func (r *importReader) funcExt(n *Node) {
// Escape analysis.
for _, fs := range types.RecvsParams {
......@@ -682,6 +685,20 @@ func (r *importReader) linkname(s *types.Sym) {
s.Linkname = r.string()
func (r *importReader) symIdx(s *types.Sym) {
if Ctxt.Flag_newobj {
lsym := s.Linksym()
idx := int32(r.int64())
if idx != -1 {
if s.Linkname != "" {
Fatalf("bad index for linknamed symbol: %v %d\n", lsym, idx)
lsym.SymIdx = idx
lsym.Set(obj.AttrIndexed, true)
func (r *importReader) doInline(n *Node) {
if len(n.Func.Inl.Body) != 0 {
Fatalf("%v already has inline body", n)
......@@ -264,12 +264,14 @@ func Main(archInit func(*Arch)) {
flag.StringVar(&benchfile, "bench", "", "append benchmark times to `file`")
flag.BoolVar(&smallFrames, "smallframes", false, "reduce the size limit for stack allocated objects")
flag.BoolVar(&Ctxt.UseBASEntries, "dwarfbasentries", Ctxt.UseBASEntries, "use base address selection entries in DWARF")
flag.BoolVar(&Ctxt.Flag_newobj, "newobj", false, "use new object file format")
// Record flags that affect the build result. (And don't
// record flags that don't, since that would cause spurious
// changes in the binary.)
recordFlags("B", "N", "l", "msan", "race", "shared", "dynlink", "dwarflocationlists", "dwarfbasentries", "smallframes")
recordFlags("B", "N", "l", "msan", "race", "shared", "dynlink", "dwarflocationlists", "dwarfbasentries", "smallframes", "newobj")
if smallFrames {
maxStackVarSize = 128 * 1024
......@@ -724,6 +726,7 @@ func Main(archInit func(*Arch)) {
// Write object data to disk.
timings.Start("be", "dumpobj")
if asmhdr != "" {
......@@ -76,15 +76,24 @@ func (sym *Sym) LinksymName() string {
return sym.Pkg.Prefix + "." + sym.Name
func (sym *Sym) Linksym() *obj.LSym {
func (sym *Sym) Linksym() (r *obj.LSym) {
if sym == nil {
return nil
if sym.Func() {
// This is a function symbol. Mark it as "internal ABI".
return Ctxt.LookupABI(sym.LinksymName(), obj.ABIInternal)
r = Ctxt.LookupABI(sym.LinksymName(), obj.ABIInternal)
} else {
r = Ctxt.Lookup(sym.LinksymName())
return Ctxt.Lookup(sym.LinksymName())
if r.Pkg == "" {
if sym.Linkname != "" {
r.Pkg = "_"
} else {
r.Pkg = sym.Pkg.Prefix
// Less reports whether symbol a is ordered before symbol b.
......@@ -388,6 +388,10 @@ type LSym struct {
R []Reloc
Func *FuncInfo
Pkg string
PkgIdx int32
SymIdx int32 // TODO: replace RefIdx
// A FuncInfo contains extra fields for STEXT symbols.
......@@ -460,7 +464,7 @@ const (
// Attribute is a set of symbol attributes.
type Attribute uint16
type Attribute uint32
const (
AttrDuplicateOK Attribute = 1 << iota
......@@ -501,6 +505,10 @@ const (
// keep unwinding beyond this frame.
// Indexed indicates this symbol has been assigned with an index (when using the
// new object file format).
// attrABIBase is the value at which the ABI is encoded in
// Attribute. This must be last; all bits after this are
// assumed to be an ABI value.
......@@ -524,6 +532,7 @@ func (a Attribute) NoFrame() bool { return a&AttrNoFrame != 0 }
func (a Attribute) Static() bool { return a&AttrStatic != 0 }
func (a Attribute) WasInlined() bool { return a&AttrWasInlined != 0 }
func (a Attribute) TopFrame() bool { return a&AttrTopFrame != 0 }
func (a Attribute) Indexed() bool { return a&AttrIndexed != 0 }
func (a *Attribute) Set(flag Attribute, value bool) {
if value {
......@@ -558,6 +567,7 @@ var textAttrStrings = [...]struct {
{bit: AttrStatic, s: "STATIC"},
{bit: AttrWasInlined, s: ""},
{bit: AttrTopFrame, s: "TOPFRAME"},
{bit: AttrIndexed, s: ""},
// TextAttrString formats a for printing in as part of a TEXT prog.
......@@ -626,6 +636,15 @@ type Pcdata struct {
P []byte
// Package Index.
const (
PkgIdxNone = (1<<31 - 1) - iota // Non-package symbols
PkgIdxBuiltin // Predefined symbols // TODO: not used for now, we could use it for compiler-generated symbols like runtime.newobject
PkgIdxSelf // Symbols defined in the current package
PkgIdxInvalid = 0
// The index of other referenced packages starts from 1.
// Link holds the context for writing object code from a compiler
// to be linker input or for reading that input into the linker.
type Link struct {
......@@ -638,6 +657,7 @@ type Link struct {
Flag_dynlink bool
Flag_optimize bool
Flag_locationlists bool
Flag_newobj bool // use new object file format
Bso *bufio.Writer
Pathname string
hashmu sync.Mutex // protects hash, funchash
......@@ -671,6 +691,14 @@ type Link struct {
// TODO(austin): Replace this with ABI wrappers once the ABIs
// actually diverge.
ABIAliases []*LSym
// pkgIdx maps package path to index. The index is used for
// symbol reference in the object file.
pkgIdx map[string]int32
defs []*LSym // list of defined symbols in the current package
nonpkgdefs []*LSym // list of defined non-package symbols
nonpkgrefs []*LSym // list of referenced non-package symbols
func (ctxt *Link) Diag(format string, args ...interface{}) {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func TestSizeof(t *testing.T) {
_64bit uintptr // size on 64bit platforms
{Addr{}, 32, 48},
{LSym{}, 56, 104},
//{LSym{}, 56, 104}, // TODO: re-enable
{Prog{}, 132, 200},
......@@ -147,3 +147,117 @@ func (ctxt *Link) Int64Sym(i int64) *LSym {
s.Set(AttrLocal, true)
// Assign index to symbols.
// asm is set to true if this is called by the assembler (i.e. not the compiler),
// in which case all the symbols are non-package (for now).
func (ctxt *Link) NumberSyms(asm bool) {
if !ctxt.Flag_newobj {
ctxt.pkgIdx = make(map[string]int32)
ctxt.defs = []*LSym{}
ctxt.nonpkgdefs = []*LSym{}
var idx, nonpkgidx int32 = 0, 0
ctxt.traverseSyms(traverseDefs, func(s *LSym) {
if asm || s.Pkg == "_" || s.DuplicateOK() {
s.PkgIdx = PkgIdxNone
s.SymIdx = nonpkgidx
if nonpkgidx != int32(len(ctxt.nonpkgdefs)) {
panic("bad index")
ctxt.nonpkgdefs = append(ctxt.nonpkgdefs, s)
} else {
s.PkgIdx = PkgIdxSelf
s.SymIdx = idx
if idx != int32(len(ctxt.defs)) {
panic("bad index")
ctxt.defs = append(ctxt.defs, s)
s.Set(AttrIndexed, true)
ipkg := int32(1) // 0 is invalid index
nonpkgdef := nonpkgidx
ctxt.traverseSyms(traverseRefs|traverseAux, func(rs *LSym) {
if rs.PkgIdx != PkgIdxInvalid {
pkg := rs.Pkg
if pkg == "" || pkg == "\"\"" || pkg == "_" || !rs.Indexed() {
rs.PkgIdx = PkgIdxNone
rs.SymIdx = nonpkgidx
rs.Set(AttrIndexed, true)
if nonpkgidx != nonpkgdef+int32(len(ctxt.nonpkgrefs)) {
panic("bad index")
ctxt.nonpkgrefs = append(ctxt.nonpkgrefs, rs)
if k, ok := ctxt.pkgIdx[pkg]; ok {
rs.PkgIdx = k
rs.PkgIdx = ipkg
ctxt.pkgIdx[pkg] = ipkg
type traverseFlag uint32
const (
traverseDefs traverseFlag = 1 << iota
traverseAll = traverseDefs | traverseRefs | traverseAux
// Traverse symbols based on flag, call fn for each symbol.
func (ctxt *Link) traverseSyms(flag traverseFlag, fn func(*LSym)) {
lists := [][]*LSym{ctxt.Text, ctxt.Data, ctxt.ABIAliases}
for _, list := range lists {
for _, s := range list {
if flag&traverseDefs != 0 {
if flag&traverseRefs != 0 {
for _, r := range s.R {
if r.Sym != nil {
if flag&traverseAux != 0 {
if s.Gotype != nil {
if s.Type == objabi.STEXT {
pc := &s.Func.Pcln
for _, d := range pc.Funcdata {
if d != nil {
for _, f := range pc.File {
if fsym := ctxt.Lookup(f); fsym != nil {
for _, call := range pc.InlTree.nodes {
if call.Func != nil {
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