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Commit 53c004f9 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/types: local type-checking of alias declarations

Does not handle imports of packages with exported aliases yet.

For #17592.

Change-Id: Iee63fb9d521014995003a417271fbe0384ae04ef
Reviewed-on: default avatarAlan Donovan <>
parent f4c7a12c
......@@ -275,21 +275,24 @@ func (check *Checker) selector(x *operand, e *ast.SelectorExpr) {
// so we don't need a "package" mode for operands: package names
// can only appear in qualified identifiers which are mapped to
// selector expressions.
// (see also decl.go: checker.aliasDecl)
// TODO(gri) factor this code out and share with checker.aliasDecl
if ident, ok := e.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
_, obj := check.scope.LookupParent(ident.Name, check.pos)
if pkg, _ := obj.(*PkgName); pkg != nil {
assert(pkg.pkg == check.pkg)
check.recordUse(ident, pkg)
pkg.used = true
exp := pkg.imported.scope.Lookup(sel)
if pname, _ := obj.(*PkgName); pname != nil {
assert(pname.pkg == check.pkg)
check.recordUse(ident, pname)
pname.used = true
pkg := pname.imported
exp := pkg.scope.Lookup(sel)
if exp == nil {
if !pkg.imported.fake {
check.errorf(e.Pos(), "%s not declared by package %s", sel, ident)
if !pkg.fake {
check.errorf(e.Pos(), "%s not declared by package %s", sel,
goto Error
if !exp.Exported() {
check.errorf(e.Pos(), "%s not exported by package %s", sel, ident)
check.errorf(e.Pos(), "%s not exported by package %s", sel,
// ok to continue
check.recordUse(e.Sel, exp)
......@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ func (check *Checker) objDecl(obj Object, def *Named, path []*TypeName) {
case *Func:
// functions may be recursive - no need to track dependencies
check.funcDecl(obj, d)
case *Alias:
// aliases cannot be recursive - no need to track dependencies
check.aliasDecl(obj, d)
......@@ -329,6 +332,85 @@ func (check *Checker) funcDecl(obj *Func, decl *declInfo) {
func (check *Checker) aliasDecl(obj *Alias, decl *declInfo) {
assert(obj.typ == nil)
// alias declarations cannot use iota
assert(check.iota == nil)
// assume alias is invalid to start with
obj.typ = Typ[Invalid]
// rhs must be package-qualified identifer pkg.sel (see also call.go: checker.selector)
// TODO(gri) factor this code out and share with checker.selector
rhs := decl.init
var pkg *Package
var sel *ast.Ident
if sexpr, ok := rhs.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if ident, ok := sexpr.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
_, obj := check.scope.LookupParent(ident.Name, check.pos)
if pname, _ := obj.(*PkgName); pname != nil {
assert(pname.pkg == check.pkg)
check.recordUse(ident, pname)
pname.used = true
pkg = pname.imported
sel = sexpr.Sel
if pkg == nil {
check.errorf(rhs.Pos(), "invalid alias: %v is not a package-qualified identifier", rhs)
// qualified identifier must denote an exported object
orig := pkg.scope.Lookup(sel.Name)
if orig == nil || !orig.Exported() {
if !pkg.fake {
check.errorf(rhs.Pos(), "%s is not exported by package %s", sel.Name,
check.recordUse(sel, orig)
// An alias declaration must not refer to package unsafe.
if orig.Pkg() == Unsafe {
check.errorf(rhs.Pos(), "invalid alias: %s refers to package unsafe (%v)", obj.Name(), orig)
// The original must be of the same kind as the alias declaration.
var why string
switch obj.kind {
case token.CONST:
if _, ok := orig.(*Const); !ok {
why = "constant"
case token.TYPE:
if _, ok := orig.(*TypeName); !ok {
why = "type"
case token.VAR:
if _, ok := orig.(*Var); !ok {
why = "variable"
case token.FUNC:
if _, ok := orig.(*Func); !ok {
why = "function"
if why != "" {
check.errorf(rhs.Pos(), "invalid alias: %v is not a %s", orig, why)
// alias is valid
obj.typ = orig.Type()
obj.orig = orig
func (check *Checker) declStmt(decl ast.Decl) {
pkg := check.pkg
......@@ -152,8 +152,7 @@ func NewConst(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type, val constant.V
func (obj *Const) Val() constant.Value { return obj.val }
func (*Const) isDependency() {} // a constant may be a dependency of an initialization expression
func (*Const) isDependency() {} // a constant may be a dependency of an initialization expression
// A TypeName represents a declared type.
type TypeName struct {
......@@ -186,10 +185,8 @@ func NewField(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, typ Type, anonymous bool
func (obj *Var) Anonymous() bool { return obj.anonymous }
func (obj *Var) IsField() bool { return obj.isField }
func (*Var) isDependency() {} // a variable may be a dependency of an initialization expression
func (obj *Var) IsField() bool { return obj.isField }
func (*Var) isDependency() {} // a variable may be a dependency of an initialization expression
// A Func represents a declared function, concrete method, or abstract
// (interface) method. Its Type() is always a *Signature.
......@@ -215,11 +212,22 @@ func (obj *Func) FullName() string {
return buf.String()
func (obj *Func) Scope() *Scope {
return obj.typ.(*Signature).scope
func (obj *Func) Scope() *Scope { return obj.typ.(*Signature).scope }
func (*Func) isDependency() {} // a function may be a dependency of an initialization expression
// An Alias represents a declared alias.
type Alias struct {
kind token.Token // token.CONST, token.TYPE, token.VAR, or token.FUNC
orig Object // aliased constant, type, variable, or function
func NewAlias(pos token.Pos, pkg *Package, name string, kind token.Token, orig Object) *Alias {
return &Alias{object{pos: pos, pkg: pkg, name: name}, kind, orig}
func (*Func) isDependency() {} // a function may be a dependency of an initialization expression
func (obj *Alias) Kind() token.Token { return obj.kind }
func (obj *Alias) Orig() Object { return obj.orig }
// A Label represents a declared label.
type Label struct {
......@@ -279,6 +287,9 @@ func writeObject(buf *bytes.Buffer, obj Object, qf Qualifier) {
case *Alias:
case *Label:
typ = nil
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ import (
// A declInfo describes a package-level const, type, var, or func declaration.
// A declInfo describes a package-level const, type, var, func, or alias declaration.
type declInfo struct {
file *Scope // scope of file containing this declaration
lhs []*Var // lhs of n:1 variable declarations, or nil
typ ast.Expr // type, or nil
init ast.Expr // init expression, or nil
init ast.Expr // init/orig expression, or nil
fdecl *ast.FuncDecl // func declaration, or nil
// The deps field tracks initialization expression dependencies.
......@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ func (check *Checker) collectObjects() {
case *ast.AliasSpec:
check.errorf(s.Name.Pos(), "cannot handle alias declarations yet")
obj := NewAlias(s.Name.Pos(), pkg, s.Name.Name, d.Tok, nil)
check.declarePkgObj(s.Name, obj, &declInfo{file: fileScope, init: s.Orig})
case *ast.ValueSpec:
switch d.Tok {
......@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ func TestStdTest(t *testing.T) {
testTestDir(t, filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "test"),
"alias2.go", // excluded until we can handle alias declarations
"cmplxdivide.go", // also needs file cmplxdivide1.go - ignore
"sigchld.go", // don't work on Windows; testTestDir should consult build tags
......@@ -4,7 +4,108 @@
package aliasdecl
import "math"
import (
"fmt" // use at most once (to test "imported but not used" error)
. "go/build"
const _ = math.Pi
const c /* ERROR "cannot handle alias declarations yet" */ => math.Pi
// helper
var before struct {
f int
// aliases must refer to package-qualified identifiers
type _ => _ /* ERROR "_ is not a package-qualified identifier" */
type t1 => _ /* ERROR "_ is not a package-qualified identifier" */
const _ => iota /* ERROR "iota is not a package-qualified identifier" */
type _ => int /* ERROR "int is not a package-qualified identifier" */
const c => iota /* ERROR "iota is not a package-qualified identifier" */
type t2 => int /* ERROR "int is not a package-qualified identifier" */
// dot-imported identifiers are not qualified identifiers
// TODO(gri) fix error printing - should not print a qualified identifier...
var _ => Default /* ERROR "Default is not a package-qualified identifier" */
// qualified identifiers must start with a package
var _ => before /* ERROR "before.f is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .f
func _ => before /* ERROR "before.f is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .f
var _ => after /* ERROR "after.m is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .m
func _ => after /* ERROR "after.m is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .m
var v1 => before /* ERROR "before.f is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .f
func f1 => before /* ERROR "before.f is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .f
var v2 => after /* ERROR "after.m is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .m
func f2 => after /* ERROR "after.m is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .m
// TODO(gri) fix error printing - should print correct qualified identifier...
var _ => Default /* ERROR "Default.ARCH is not a package-qualified identifier" */ .ARCH
var _ Context // use dot-imported package go/build
// aliases may not refer to package unsafe
type ptr => unsafe /* ERROR "refers to package unsafe" */ .Pointer
func size => unsafe /* ERROR "refers to package unsafe" */ .Sizeof
// aliases must refer to entities of the same kind
const _ => math.Pi
const pi => math.Pi
const pi1 => math /* ERROR "math.Sin.* is not a constant" */ .Sin
type _ => io.Writer
type writer => io.Writer
type writer1 => math /* ERROR "math.Sin.* is not a type" */ .Sin
var _ => build.Default
var def => build.Default
var def1 => build /* ERROR "build.Import.* is not a variable" */ .Import
func _ => math.Sin
func sin => math.Sin
func sin1 => math /* ERROR "math.Pi.* is not a function" */ .Pi
// using an incorrectly declared alias should not lead to more errors
const _ = pi1
type _ writer1
var _ def1 = 0
var _ = sin1
// aliases may not be called init
func init /* ERROR "cannot declare init" */ => flag.Parse
func _ => flag.Parse // use package flag
// alias reference to a package marks package as used
func _ => fmt.Println
// re-exported aliases
const Pi => math.Pi
type Writer => io.Writer
var Def => build.Default
func Sin => math.Sin
// const aliases may appear in "iota" context
// (this verifies a type-checker internal assertion)
const (
_ = iota
pi2 => math.Pi
// type aliases denote identical types
type myPackage => build.Package
var pkg myPackage
var _ build.Package = pkg // valid assignment
var _ *build.Package = &pkg // valid assignment
// helper
type after struct{}
func (after) m() {}
......@@ -45,6 +45,19 @@ func (check *Checker) ident(x *operand, e *ast.Ident, def *Named, path []*TypeNa
delete(check.unusedDotImports[scope], pkg)
// An alias stands for the original object; use that one instead.
if alias, _ := obj.(*Alias); alias != nil {
if typ == Typ[Invalid] {
obj = alias.orig
// Aliases always refer to non-alias originals.
if _, ok := obj.(*Alias); ok {
panic("original is an alias")
assert(typ == obj.Type())
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *PkgName:
check.errorf(e.Pos(), "use of package %s not in selector",
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