Commit 5b814d02 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

delete deprecated files.

deletion beats documentation for deprecation.

DELTA=509  (2 added, 490 deleted, 17 changed)
parent dfc3910a
...@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ GC=6g ...@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ GC=6g
container\ container\
fmt\ fmt\
hash\ hash\
http\ http\
...@@ -55,9 +54,6 @@ install.files: $(addsuffix .install, $(FILES)) ...@@ -55,9 +54,6 @@ install.files: $(addsuffix .install, $(FILES))
nuke.dirs: $(addsuffix .dirnuke, $(DIRS)) nuke.dirs: $(addsuffix .dirnuke, $(DIRS))
test.files: $(addsuffix .test, $(TEST)) test.files: $(addsuffix .test, $(TEST))
%.6: container/%.go
$(GC) container/$*.go
%.6: %.go %.6: %.go
$(GC) $*.go $(GC) $*.go
...@@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ fmt.dirinstall: io.dirinstall reflect.dirinstall strconv.dirinstall ...@@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ fmt.dirinstall: io.dirinstall reflect.dirinstall strconv.dirinstall
hash.dirinstall: os.dirinstall hash.dirinstall: os.dirinstall
http.dirinstall: bufio.install io.dirinstall net.dirinstall os.dirinstall strings.install log.install http.dirinstall: bufio.install io.dirinstall net.dirinstall os.dirinstall strings.install log.install
io.dirinstall: os.dirinstall syscall.dirinstall sync.dirinstall io.dirinstall: os.dirinstall syscall.dirinstall sync.dirinstall
json.dirinstall: container/array.dirinstall fmt.dirinstall io.dirinstall math.dirinstall \ json.dirinstall: container.dirinstall fmt.dirinstall io.dirinstall math.dirinstall \
strconv.dirinstall strings.install utf8.install strconv.dirinstall strings.install utf8.install
lang.dirinstall: strconv.dirinstall utf8.install unicode.dirinstall lang.dirinstall: strconv.dirinstall utf8.install unicode.dirinstall
# TODO(rsc): net is not supposed to depend on fmt or strings or strconv # TODO(rsc): net is not supposed to depend on fmt or strings or strconv
...@@ -115,7 +111,7 @@ os.dirinstall: syscall.dirinstall once.install ...@@ -115,7 +111,7 @@ os.dirinstall: syscall.dirinstall once.install
regexp.dirinstall: os.dirinstall regexp.dirinstall: os.dirinstall
reflect.dirinstall: strconv.dirinstall sync.dirinstall reflect.dirinstall: strconv.dirinstall sync.dirinstall
strconv.dirinstall: math.dirinstall os.dirinstall utf8.install strconv.dirinstall: math.dirinstall os.dirinstall utf8.install
tabwriter.dirinstall: os.dirinstall io.dirinstall container/array.dirinstall tabwriter.dirinstall: os.dirinstall io.dirinstall container.dirinstall
time.dirinstall: once.install os.dirinstall io.dirinstall time.dirinstall: once.install os.dirinstall io.dirinstall
sync.dirinstall: sync.dirinstall:
syscall.dirinstall: sync.dirinstall syscall.dirinstall: sync.dirinstall
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# DO NOT EDIT. Automatically generated by gobuild.
# gobuild -m >Makefile
CC=$(O)c -w
default: packages
rm -f *.$O *.a $O.out
test: packages
coverage: packages
6cov -g `pwd` | grep -v '_test\.go:'
%.$O: %.go
$(GC) $*.go
%.$O: %.c
$(CC) $*.c
%.$O: %.s
$(AS) $*.s
array.a: a1 a2
a1: $(O1)
$(AR) grc array.a array.$O
rm -f $(O1)
a2: $(O2)
$(AR) grc array.a intarray.$O
rm -f $(O2)
newpkg: clean
$(AR) grc array.a
$(O1): newpkg
$(O2): a1
nuke: clean
rm -f $(GOROOT)/pkg/array.a
packages: array.a
install: packages
cp array.a $(GOROOT)/pkg/array.a
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// *** DEPRECATED PACKAGE - USE package vector INSTEAD ***
package array
type (
Element interface {};
Array struct {
a []Element
func copy(dst, src []Element) {
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
dst[i] = src[i]
// Insert n elements at position i.
func expand(a []Element, i, n int) []Element {
// make sure we have enough space
len0 := len(a);
len1 := len0 + n;
if len1 < cap(a) {
// enough space - just expand
a = a[0 : len1]
} else {
// not enough space - double capacity
capb := cap(a)*2;
if capb < len1 {
// still not enough - use required length
capb = len1
// capb >= len1
b := make([]Element, len1, capb);
copy(b, a);
a = b
// make a hole
for j := len0-1; j >= i ; j-- {
a[j+n] = a[j]
return a
func (p *Array) Init(initial_len int) *Array {
a := p.a;
if cap(a) == 0 || cap(a) < initial_len {
n := 8; // initial capacity
if initial_len > n {
n = initial_len
a = make([]Element, n);
} else {
// nil out entries
for j := len(a) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
a[j] = nil
p.a = a[0 : initial_len];
return p
func New(len int) *Array {
return new(Array).Init(len)
func (p *Array) Len() int {
return len(p.a)
func (p *Array) At(i int) Element {
return p.a[i]
func (p *Array) Set(i int, x Element) {
p.a[i] = x
func (p *Array) Last() Element {
return p.a[len(p.a) - 1]
func (p *Array) Insert(i int, x Element) {
p.a = expand(p.a, i, 1);
p.a[i] = x;
func (p *Array) Delete(i int) Element {
a := p.a;
n := len(a);
x := a[i];
copy(a[i : n-1], a[i+1 : n]);
a[n-1] = nil; // support GC, nil out entry
p.a = a[0 : n-1];
return x
func (p *Array) InsertArray(i int, x *Array) {
p.a = expand(p.a, i, len(x.a));
copy(p.a[i : i + len(x.a)], x.a);
func (p *Array) Cut(i, j int) {
a := p.a;
n := len(a);
m := n - (j - i);
copy(a[i : m], a[j : n]);
for k := m; k < n; k++ {
a[k] = nil // support GC, nil out entries
p.a = a[0 : m];
func (p *Array) Slice(i, j int) *Array {
s := New(j - i); // will fail in Init() if j < j
copy(s.a, p.a[i : j]);
return s;
func (p *Array) Do(f func(elem Element)) {
for i := 0; i < len(p.a); i++ {
f(p.a[i]) // not too safe if f changes the Array
// Convenience wrappers
func (p *Array) Push(x Element) {
p.Insert(len(p.a), x)
func (p *Array) Pop() Element {
return p.Delete(len(p.a) - 1)
func (p *Array) AppendArray(x *Array) {
p.InsertArray(len(p.a), x);
// Partial SortInterface support
type LessInterface interface {
Less(y Element) bool
func (p *Array) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.a[i].(LessInterface).Less(p.a[j])
func (p *Array) Swap(i, j int) {
a := p.a;
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package array
import "array"
import "testing"
import "sort"
func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
var a array.Array;
if a.Init(0).Len() != 0 { t.Error("A") }
if a.Init(1).Len() != 1 { t.Error("B") }
if a.Init(10).Len() != 10 { t.Error("C") }
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
if array.New(0).Len() != 0 { t.Error("A") }
if array.New(1).Len() != 1 { t.Error("B") }
if array.New(10).Len() != 10 { t.Error("C") }
func val(i int) int {
return i*991 - 1234
func TestAccess(t *testing.T) {
const n = 100;
var a array.Array;
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
a.Set(i, val(i));
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if a.At(i).(int) != val(i) { t.Error(i) }
func TestInsertDeleteClear(t *testing.T) {
const n = 100;
a := array.New(0);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if a.Len() != i { t.Errorf("A) wrong len %d (expected %d)", a.Len(), i) }
a.Insert(0, val(i));
if a.Last().(int) != val(0) { t.Error("B") }
for i := n-1; i >= 0; i-- {
if a.Last().(int) != val(0) { t.Error("C") }
if a.Delete(0).(int) != val(i) { t.Error("D") }
if a.Len() != i { t.Errorf("E) wrong len %d (expected %d)", a.Len(), i) }
if a.Len() != 0 { t.Errorf("F) wrong len %d (expected 0)", a.Len()) }
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if a.Len() != i+1 { t.Errorf("G) wrong len %d (expected %d)", a.Len(), i+1) }
if a.Last().(int) != val(i) { t.Error("H") }
if a.Len() != 0 { t.Errorf("I wrong len %d (expected 0)", a.Len()) }
const m = 5;
for j := 0; j < m; j++ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
x := val(i);
if a.Pop().(int) != x { t.Error("J") }
if a.Len() != j+1 { t.Errorf("K) wrong len %d (expected %d)", a.Len(), j+1) }
if a.Len() != m { t.Errorf("L) wrong len %d (expected %d)", a.Len(), m) }
func verify_slice(t *testing.T, x *array.Array, elt, i, j int) {
for k := i; k < j; k++ {
if x.At(k).(int) != elt {
t.Errorf("M) wrong [%d] element %d (expected %d)", k, x.At(k).(int), elt)
s := x.Slice(i, j);
for k, n := 0, j-i; k < n; k++ {
if s.At(k).(int) != elt {
t.Errorf("N) wrong [%d] element %d (expected %d)", k, x.At(k).(int), elt)
func verify_pattern(t *testing.T, x *array.Array, a, b, c int) {
n := a + b + c;
if x.Len() != n {
t.Errorf("O) wrong len %d (expected %d)", x.Len(), n)
verify_slice(t, x, 0, 0, a);
verify_slice(t, x, 1, a, a + b);
verify_slice(t, x, 0, a + b, n);
func make_array(elt, len int) *array.Array {
x := array.New(len);
for i := 0; i < len; i++ {
x.Set(i, elt);
return x;
func TestInsertArray(t *testing.T) {
// 1
a := make_array(0, 0);
b := make_array(1, 10);
a.InsertArray(0, b);
verify_pattern(t, a, 0, 10, 0);
// 2
a = make_array(0, 10);
b = make_array(1, 0);
a.InsertArray(5, b);
verify_pattern(t, a, 5, 0, 5);
// 3
a = make_array(0, 10);
b = make_array(1, 3);
a.InsertArray(3, b);
verify_pattern(t, a, 3, 3, 7);
// 4
a = make_array(0, 10);
b = make_array(1, 1000);
a.InsertArray(8, b);
verify_pattern(t, a, 8, 1000, 2);
func TestSorting(t *testing.T) {
const n = 100;
a := array.NewIntArray(n);
for i := n-1; i >= 0; i-- {
a.Set(i, n-1-i);
if sort.IsSorted(a) { t.Error("not sorted") }
func TestDo(t *testing.T) {
const n = 25;
const salt = 17;
a := array.NewIntArray(n);
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
a.Set(i, salt * i);
count := 0;
func(e array.Element) {
i := e.(int);
if i != count*salt {
t.Error("value at", count, "should be", count*salt, "not", i)
if count != n {
t.Error("should visit", n, "values; did visit", count)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// *** DEPRECATED PACKAGE - USE package vector INSTEAD ***
package array
import "array"
type IntArray struct {
// TODO do not export field
func (p *IntArray) Init(len int) *IntArray {
return p;
func NewIntArray(len int) *IntArray {
return new(IntArray).Init(len)
func (p *IntArray) At(i int) int {
return p.Array.At(i).(int)
func (p *IntArray) Set(i int, x int) {
p.Array.Set(i, x)
func (p *IntArray) Last() int {
return p.Array.Last().(int)
func (p *IntArray) Insert(i int, x int) {
p.Array.Insert(i, x)
func (p *IntArray) Delete(i int) int {
return p.Array.Delete(i).(int)
func (p *IntArray) Push(x int) {
func (p *IntArray) Pop() int {
return p.Array.Pop().(int)
// SortInterface support
func (p *IntArray) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.At(i) < p.At(j)
...@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ ...@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
package json package json
import ( import (
"fmt"; "fmt";
"math"; "math";
"json"; "json";
"strconv"; "strconv";
"strings"; "strings";
) )
const ( const (
...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (j *_Number) String() string { ...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (j *_Number) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%g", j.f); return fmt.Sprintf("%g", j.f);
} }
type _Array struct { a *array.Array; _Null } type _Array struct { a *vector.Vector; _Null }
func (j *_Array) Kind() int { return ArrayKind } func (j *_Array) Kind() int { return ArrayKind }
func (j *_Array) Len() int { return j.a.Len() } func (j *_Array) Len() int { return j.a.Len() }
func (j *_Array) Elem(i int) Json { func (j *_Array) Elem(i int) Json {
...@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ type _JsonBuilder struct { ...@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ type _JsonBuilder struct {
ptr *Json; ptr *Json;
// or to a[i] (can't set ptr = &a[i]) // or to a[i] (can't set ptr = &a[i])
a *array.Array; a *vector.Vector;
i int; i int;
// or to m[k] (can't set ptr = &m[k]) // or to m[k] (can't set ptr = &m[k])
...@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func (b *_JsonBuilder) String(s string) { ...@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func (b *_JsonBuilder) String(s string) {
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Array() { func (b *_JsonBuilder) Array() {
b.Put(&_Array{array.New(0), _Null{}}) b.Put(&_Array{vector.New(0), _Null{}})
} }
func (b *_JsonBuilder) Map() { func (b *_JsonBuilder) Map() {
...@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ ...@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
package json package json
import ( import (
"fmt"; "fmt";
"io"; "io";
"math"; "math";
...@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ ...@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
package regexp package regexp
import ( import (
"os"; "os";
"utf8"; "utf8";
) )
var debug = false; var debug = false;
...@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ type Regexp struct { ...@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ type Regexp struct {
expr string; // the original expression expr string; // the original expression
ch chan<- *Regexp; // reply channel when we're done ch chan<- *Regexp; // reply channel when we're done
error *os.Error; // compile- or run-time error; nil if OK error *os.Error; // compile- or run-time error; nil if OK
inst *array.Array; inst *vector.Vector;
start instr; start instr;
nbra int; // number of brackets in expression, for subexpressions nbra int; // number of brackets in expression, for subexpressions
} }
...@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ type _CharClass struct { ...@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ type _CharClass struct {
common; common;
char int; char int;
negate bool; // is character class negated? ([^a-z]) negate bool; // is character class negated? ([^a-z])
// array of int, stored pairwise: [a-z] is (a,z); x is (x,x): // vector of int, stored pairwise: [a-z] is (a,z); x is (x,x):
ranges *array.IntArray; ranges *vector.IntVector;
} }
func (cclass *_CharClass) kind() int { return _CHARCLASS } func (cclass *_CharClass) kind() int { return _CHARCLASS }
...@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ func (cclass *_CharClass) matches(c int) bool { ...@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ func (cclass *_CharClass) matches(c int) bool {
func newCharClass() *_CharClass { func newCharClass() *_CharClass {
c := new(_CharClass); c := new(_CharClass);
c.ranges = array.NewIntArray(0); c.ranges = vector.NewIntVector(0);
return c; return c;
} }
...@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ func (re *Regexp) doParse() { ...@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ func (re *Regexp) doParse() {
func compiler(str string, ch chan *Regexp) { func compiler(str string, ch chan *Regexp) {
re := new(Regexp); re := new(Regexp);
re.expr = str; re.expr = str;
re.inst = array.New(0); re.inst = vector.New(0); = ch; = ch;
re.doParse(); re.doParse();
ch <- re; ch <- re;
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