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Commit 5c0629b5 authored by Dan Peterson's avatar Dan Peterson Committed by Russ Cox

net: prefer error for original name on lookups

With certain names and search domain configurations the
returned error would be one encountered while querying a
generated name instead of the original name. This caused
confusion when a manual check of the same name produced
different results.

Now prefer errors encountered for the original name.

Also makes the low-level DNS connection plumbing swappable
in tests enabling tighter control over responses without
relying on the network.

Fixes #12712
Updates #13295

Change-Id: I780d628a762006bb11899caf20b5f97b462a717f
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent be7544be
......@@ -24,9 +24,16 @@ import (
// A dnsDialer provides dialing suitable for DNS queries.
type dnsDialer interface {
dialDNS(string, string) (dnsConn, error)
// A dnsConn represents a DNS transport endpoint.
type dnsConn interface {
SetDeadline(time.Time) error
// readDNSResponse reads a DNS response message from the DNS
// transport endpoint and returns the received DNS response
......@@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ func (d *Dialer) dialDNS(network, server string) (dnsConn, error) {
// exchange sends a query on the connection and hopes for a response.
func exchange(server, name string, qtype uint16, timeout time.Duration) (*dnsMsg, error) {
d := Dialer{Timeout: timeout}
d := testHookDNSDialer(timeout)
out := dnsMsg{
dnsMsgHdr: dnsMsgHdr{
recursion_desired: true,
......@@ -440,7 +447,8 @@ func goLookupIPOrder(name string, order hostLookupOrder) (addrs []IPAddr, err er
conf := resolvConf.dnsConfig
type racer struct {
rrs []dnsRR
fqdn string
rrs []dnsRR
lane := make(chan racer, 1)
......@@ -450,13 +458,16 @@ func goLookupIPOrder(name string, order hostLookupOrder) (addrs []IPAddr, err er
for _, qtype := range qtypes {
go func(qtype uint16) {
_, rrs, err := tryOneName(conf, fqdn, qtype)
lane <- racer{rrs, err}
lane <- racer{fqdn, rrs, err}
for range qtypes {
racer := <-lane
if racer.error != nil {
lastErr = racer.error
// Prefer error for original name.
if lastErr == nil || racer.fqdn == name+"." {
lastErr = racer.error
addrs = append(addrs, addrRecordList(racer.rrs)...)
......@@ -424,6 +424,57 @@ func TestGoLookupIPOrderFallbackToFile(t *testing.T) {
defer conf.teardown()
// Issue 12712.
// When using search domains, return the error encountered
// querying the original name instead of an error encountered
// querying a generated name.
func TestErrorForOriginalNameWhenSearching(t *testing.T) {
const fqdn = "doesnotexist.domain"
origTestHookDNSDialer := testHookDNSDialer
defer func() { testHookDNSDialer = origTestHookDNSDialer }()
conf, err := newResolvConfTest()
if err != nil {
defer conf.teardown()
if err := conf.writeAndUpdate([]string{"search servfail"}); err != nil {
d := &fakeDNSConn{}
testHookDNSDialer = func(time.Duration) dnsDialer { return d }
d.rh = func(q *dnsMsg) (*dnsMsg, error) {
r := &dnsMsg{
dnsMsgHdr: dnsMsgHdr{
switch q.question[0].Name {
case fqdn + ".servfail.":
r.rcode = dnsRcodeServerFailure
r.rcode = dnsRcodeNameError
return r, nil
_, err = goLookupIP(fqdn)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected an error")
want := &DNSError{Name: fqdn, Err: errNoSuchHost.Error()}
if err, ok := err.(*DNSError); !ok || err.Name != want.Name || err.Err != want.Err {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", err, want)
func BenchmarkGoLookupIP(b *testing.B) {
......@@ -461,3 +512,31 @@ func BenchmarkGoLookupIPWithBrokenNameServer(b *testing.B) {
type fakeDNSConn struct {
// last query
q *dnsMsg
// reply handler
rh func(*dnsMsg) (*dnsMsg, error)
func (f *fakeDNSConn) dialDNS(n, s string) (dnsConn, error) {
return f, nil
func (f *fakeDNSConn) Close() error {
return nil
func (f *fakeDNSConn) SetDeadline(time.Time) error {
return nil
func (f *fakeDNSConn) writeDNSQuery(q *dnsMsg) error {
f.q = q
return nil
func (f *fakeDNSConn) readDNSResponse() (*dnsMsg, error) {
return f.rh(f.q)
......@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@
package net
import "time"
var (
testHookDialTCP = dialTCP
testHookDNSDialer = func(d time.Duration) dnsDialer { return &Dialer{Timeout: d} }
testHookHostsPath = "/etc/hosts"
testHookLookupIP = func(fn func(string) ([]IPAddr, error), host string) ([]IPAddr, error) { return fn(host) }
testHookSetKeepAlive = func() {}
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