Commit 5d436b9d authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

bytes.SplitAfter and strings.SplitAfter

most common usage is:

	lines := strings.SplitAfter(text, "\n", 0)

parent 3de3af51
......@@ -127,10 +127,9 @@ func LastIndex(s, sep []byte) int {
return -1;
// Split splits the array s around each instance of sep, returning an array of subarrays of s.
// If sep is empty, Split splits s after each UTF-8 sequence.
// If n > 0, split Splits s into at most n subarrays; the last subarray will contain an unsplit remainder.
func Split(s, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte {
// Generic split: splits after each instance of sep,
// including sepSave bytes of sep in the subarrays.
func genSplit(s, sep []byte, sepSave, n int) [][]byte {
if len(sep) == 0 {
return explode(s, n);
......@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ func Split(s, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte {
na := 0;
for i := 0; i+len(sep) <= len(s) && na+1 < n; i++ {
if s[i] == c && (len(sep) == 1 || Equal(s[i : i+len(sep)], sep)) {
a[na] = s[start:i];
a[na] = s[start:i+sepSave];
start = i+len(sep);
i += len(sep)-1;
......@@ -153,6 +152,21 @@ func Split(s, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte {
return a[0 : na+1];
// Split splits the array s around each instance of sep, returning an array of subarrays of s.
// If sep is empty, Split splits s after each UTF-8 sequence.
// If n > 0, Split splits s into at most n subarrays; the last subarray will contain an unsplit remainder.
func Split(s, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte {
return genSplit(s, sep, 0, n);
// SplitAfter splits the array s after each instance of sep, returning an array of subarrays of s.
// If sep is empty, SplitAfter splits s after each UTF-8 sequence.
// If n > 0, SplitAfter splits s into at most n subarrays; the last subarray will contain an
// unsplit remainder.
func SplitAfter(s, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte {
return genSplit(s, sep, len(sep), n);
// Join concatenates the elements of a to create a single byte array. The separator
// sep is placed between elements in the resulting array.
func Join(a [][]byte, sep []byte) []byte {
......@@ -141,6 +141,37 @@ func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
var splitaftertests = []SplitTest{
SplitTest{abcd, "a", 0, []string{"a", "bcd"}},
SplitTest{abcd, "z", 0, []string{"abcd"}},
SplitTest{abcd, "", 0, []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}},
SplitTest{commas, ",", 0, []string{"1,", "2,", "3,", "4"}},
SplitTest{dots, "...", 0, []string{"1...", ".2...", ".3...", ".4"}},
SplitTest{faces, "☹", 0, []string{"☺☻☹", ""}},
SplitTest{faces, "~", 0, []string{faces}},
SplitTest{faces, "", 0, []string{"☺", "☻", "☹"}},
SplitTest{"1 2 3 4", " ", 3, []string{"1 ", "2 ", "3 4"}},
SplitTest{"1 2 3", " ", 3, []string{"1 ", "2 ", "3"}},
SplitTest{"1 2", " ", 3, []string{"1 ", "2"}},
SplitTest{"123", "", 2, []string{"1", "23"}},
SplitTest{"123", "", 17, []string{"1", "2", "3"}},
func TestSplitAfter(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range splitaftertests {
a := SplitAfter(strings.Bytes(tt.s), strings.Bytes(tt.sep), tt.n);
result := arrayOfString(a);
if !eq(result, tt.a) {
t.Errorf(`Split(%q, %q, %d) = %v; want %v`, tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n, result, tt.a);
s := Join(a, nil);
if string(s) != tt.s {
t.Errorf(`Join(Split(%q, %q, %d), %q) = %q`, tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n, tt.sep, s);
type CopyTest struct {
a string;
b string;
......@@ -79,10 +79,9 @@ func LastIndex(s, sep string) int {
return -1
// Split splits the string s around each instance of sep, returning an array of substrings of s.
// If sep is empty, Split splits s after each UTF-8 sequence.
// If n > 0, split Splits s into at most n substrings; the last subarray will contain an unsplit remainder string.
func Split(s, sep string, n int) []string {
// Generic split: splits after each instance of sep,
// including sepSave bytes of sep in the subarrays.
func genSplit(s, sep string, sepSave, n int) []string {
if sep == "" {
return explode(s, n)
......@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ func Split(s, sep string, n int) []string {
na := 0;
for i := 0; i+len(sep) <= len(s) && na+1 < n; i++ {
if s[i] == c && (len(sep) == 1 || s[i:i+len(sep)] == sep) {
a[na] = s[start:i];
a[na] = s[start:i+sepSave];
start = i+len(sep);
i += len(sep)-1;
......@@ -105,6 +104,20 @@ func Split(s, sep string, n int) []string {
return a[0:na+1]
// Split splits the string s around each instance of sep, returning an array of substrings of s.
// If sep is empty, Split splits s after each UTF-8 sequence.
// If n > 0, split Splits s into at most n substrings; the last substring will be the unsplit remainder.
func Split(s, sep string, n int) []string {
return genSplit(s, sep, 0, n);
// SplitAfter splits the string s after each instance of sep, returning an array of substrings of s.
// If sep is empty, SplitAfter splits s after each UTF-8 sequence.
// If n > 0, SplitAfter splits s into at most n substrings; the last substring will be the unsplit remainder.
func SplitAfter(s, sep string, n int) []string {
return genSplit(s, sep, len(sep), n);
// Join concatenates the elements of a to create a single string. The separator string
// sep is placed between elements in the resulting string.
func Join(a []string, sep string) string {
......@@ -145,6 +145,36 @@ func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
var splitaftertests = []SplitTest{
SplitTest{abcd, "a", 0, []string{"a", "bcd"}},
SplitTest{abcd, "z", 0, []string{"abcd"}},
SplitTest{abcd, "", 0, []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}},
SplitTest{commas, ",", 0, []string{"1,", "2,", "3,", "4"}},
SplitTest{dots, "...", 0, []string{"1...", ".2...", ".3...", ".4"}},
SplitTest{faces, "☹", 0, []string{"☺☻☹", ""}},
SplitTest{faces, "~", 0, []string{faces}},
SplitTest{faces, "", 0, []string{"☺", "☻", "☹"}},
SplitTest{"1 2 3 4", " ", 3, []string{"1 ", "2 ", "3 4"}},
SplitTest{"1 2 3", " ", 3, []string{"1 ", "2 ", "3"}},
SplitTest{"1 2", " ", 3, []string{"1 ", "2"}},
SplitTest{"123", "", 2, []string{"1", "23"}},
SplitTest{"123", "", 17, []string{"1", "2", "3"}},
func TestSplitAfter(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range splitaftertests {
a := SplitAfter(tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n);
if !eq(a, tt.a) {
t.Errorf(`Split(%q, %q, %d) = %v; want %v`, tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n, a, tt.a);
s := Join(a, "");
if s != tt.s {
t.Errorf(`Join(Split(%q, %q, %d), %q) = %q`, tt.s, tt.sep, tt.n, tt.sep, s);
// Test case for any function which accepts and returns a single string.
type StringTest struct {
in, out string;
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