Commit 64193fca authored by Austin Clements's avatar Austin Clements

Implement switch statement. Can now extract effects from

non-addressable expressions.

DELTA=241  (202 added, 15 deleted, 24 changed)
parent 3f91f80a
......@@ -546,6 +546,10 @@ func (a *exprCompiler) DoFloatLit(x *ast.FloatLit) {
func (a *exprCompiler) doString(s string) {
// Ideal strings don't have a named type but they are
// compatible with type string.
// TODO(austin) Use unnamed string type.
a.t = StringType;
a.evalString = func(*Frame) string { return s };
......@@ -678,7 +682,10 @@ func (a *exprCompiler) DoSelectorExpr(x *ast.SelectorExpr) {
// If it's a struct type, check fields and embedded types
var builder func(*exprCompiler);
if t, ok := t.(*StructType); ok {
for i, f := range t.Elems {
// TODO(austin) Work around := range bug
var i int;
var f StructField;
for i, f = range t.Elems {
var this *exprCompiler;
var sub func(*exprCompiler);
switch {
......@@ -1465,31 +1472,47 @@ func (a *compiler) compileExpr(b *block, expr ast.Expr, constant bool) *exprComp
// extractEffect separates out any effects that the expression may
// have, returning a function that will perform those effects and a
// new exprCompiler that is guaranteed to be side-effect free. These
// are the moral equivalents of "temp := &expr" and "*temp". Because
// this creates a temporary variable, the caller should create a
// temporary block for the compilation of this expression and the
// evaluation of the results.
// Implementation limit: The expression must be addressable.
func (a *exprCompiler) extractEffect() (func(f *Frame), *exprCompiler) {
if a.evalAddr == nil {
// This is a much easier case, but the code is
// completely different.
log.Crash("extractEffect only implemented for addressable expressions");
// Create temporary
// are the moral equivalents of "temp := expr" and "temp" (or "temp :=
// &expr" and "*temp" for addressable exprs). Because this creates a
// temporary variable, the caller should create a temporary block for
// the compilation of this expression and the evaluation of the
// results.
func (a *exprCompiler) extractEffect(errOp string) (func(f *Frame), *exprCompiler) {
// Create "&a" if a is addressable
rhs := a;
if a.evalAddr != nil {
rhs = a.copy();
rhs.t = NewPtrType(a.t);
// Create temp
tempBlock := a.block;
tempType := NewPtrType(a.t);
ac, ok := a.checkAssign(a.pos, []*exprCompiler{rhs}, errOp, "");
if !ok {
return nil, nil;
if len(ac.rmt.Elems) != 1 {
a.diag("multi-valued expression not allowed in %s", errOp);
return nil, nil;
tempType := ac.rmt.Elems[0];
if tempType.isIdeal() {
// It's too bad we have to duplicate this rule.
switch {
case tempType.isInteger():
tempType = IntType;
case tempType.isFloat():
tempType = FloatType;
log.Crashf("unexpected ideal type %v", tempType);
temp := tempBlock.DefineSlot(tempType);
tempIdx := temp.Index;
// Generate "temp := &e"
addr := a.copy();
addr.t = tempType;
assign := a.compileAssign(a.pos, tempType, []*exprCompiler{addr}, "", "");
// Create "temp := rhs"
assign := ac.compile(tempType);
if assign == nil {
log.Crashf("compileAssign type check failed");
......@@ -1500,15 +1523,17 @@ func (a *exprCompiler) extractEffect() (func(f *Frame), *exprCompiler) {
assign(tempVal, f);
// Generate "*temp"
// Generate "temp" or "*temp"
getTemp := a.copy();
getTemp.t = tempType;
getTemp.genIdentOp(0, tempIdx);
if a.evalAddr == nil {
return effect, getTemp;
deref := a.copy();
deref.t = a.t;
return effect, deref;
......@@ -394,23 +394,26 @@ func (a *stmtCompiler) DoIncDecStmt(s *ast.IncDecStmt) {
effect, l := l.extractEffect();
one := l.copy();
one.pos = s.Pos();
one.t = IdealIntType;
one.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return bignum.Int(1) };
var op token.Token;
var desc string;
switch s.Tok {
case token.INC:
op = token.ADD;
desc = "increment statement";
case token.DEC:
op = token.SUB;
desc = "decrement statement";
log.Crashf("Unexpected IncDec token %v", s.Tok);
effect, l := l.extractEffect(desc);
one := l.copy();
one.pos = s.Pos();
one.t = IdealIntType;
one.evalIdealInt = func() *bignum.Integer { return bignum.Int(1) };
binop := l.copy();
binop.pos = s.Pos();
binop.doBinaryExpr(op, l, one);
......@@ -673,7 +676,7 @@ func (a *stmtCompiler) doAssignOp(s *ast.AssignStmt) {
effect, l := l.extractEffect();
effect, l := l.extractEffect("operator-assignment");
binop := r.copy();
binop.pos = s.TokPos;
......@@ -822,7 +825,8 @@ func (a *stmtCompiler) DoBranchStmt(s *ast.BranchStmt) {
a.flow.putGoto(s.Pos(),, a.block);
case token.FALLTHROUGH:
log.Crash("fallthrough not implemented");
a.diag("fallthrough outside switch");
log.Crash("Unexpected branch token %v", s.Tok);
......@@ -910,11 +914,169 @@ func (a *stmtCompiler) DoIfStmt(s *ast.IfStmt) {
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoCaseClause(s *ast.CaseClause) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
a.diag("case clause outside switch");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoSwitchStmt(s *ast.SwitchStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
// Create implicit scope around switch
bc := a.enterChild();
defer bc.exit();
// Compile init statement, if any
if s.Init != nil {
// Compile condition, if any, and extract its effects
var cond *exprCompiler;
condbc := bc.enterChild();
bad := false;
if s.Tag != nil {
e := condbc.compileExpr(condbc.block, s.Tag, false);
if e == nil {
bad = true;
} else {
var effect func(f *Frame);
effect, cond = e.extractEffect("switch");
if effect == nil {
bad = true;
a.push(func(v *vm) { effect(v.f) });
// Count cases
ncases := 0;
hasDefault := false;
for i, c := range s.Body.List {
clause, ok := c.(*ast.CaseClause);
if !ok {
a.diagAt(clause, "switch statement must contain case clauses");
bad = true;
if clause.Values == nil {
if hasDefault {
a.diagAt(clause, "switch statement contains more than one default case");
bad = true;
hasDefault = true;
} else {
ncases += len(clause.Values);
// Compile case expressions
cases := make([]func(f *Frame) bool, ncases);
i := 0;
for _, c := range s.Body.List {
clause, ok := c.(*ast.CaseClause);
if !ok {
for _, v := range clause.Values {
e := condbc.compileExpr(condbc.block, v, false);
switch {
case e == nil:
bad = true;
case cond == nil && !e.t.isBoolean():
a.diagAt(v, "'case' condition must be boolean");
bad = true;
case cond == nil:
cases[i] = e.asBool();
case cond != nil:
// Create comparison
compare := e.copy();
// TOOD(austin) This produces bad error messages
compare.doBinaryExpr(token.EQL, cond, e);
if compare.t == nil {
bad = true;
} else {
cases[i] = compare.asBool();
// Emit condition
casePCs := make([]*uint, ncases+1);
endPC := badPC;
if !bad {
a.flow.put(false, false, casePCs);
a.push(func(v *vm) {
for i, c := range cases {
if c(v.f) {
v.pc = *casePCs[i];
v.pc = *casePCs[ncases];
// Compile cases
i = 0;
for _, c := range s.Body.List {
clause, ok := c.(*ast.CaseClause);
if !ok {
// Save jump PC's
pc := a.nextPC();
if clause.Values != nil {
for _, v := range clause.Values {
casePCs[i] = &pc;
} else {
// Default clause
casePCs[ncases] = &pc;
// Compile body
fall := false;
for j, s := range clause.Body {
if br, ok := s.(*ast.BranchStmt); ok && br.Tok == token.FALLTHROUGH {
println("Found fallthrough");
// It may be used only as the final
// non-empty statement in a case or
// default clause in an expression
// "switch" statement.
for _, s2 := range clause.Body[j+1:len(clause.Body)] {
// XXX(Spec) 6g also considers
// empty blocks to be empty
// statements.
if _, ok := s2.(*ast.EmptyStmt); !ok {
a.diagAt(s, "fallthrough statement must be final statement in case");
bad = true;
fall = true;
} else {
// Jump out of switch, unless there was a fallthrough
if !fall {
a.flow.put1(false, &endPC);
a.push(func(v *vm) { v.pc = endPC });
// Get end PC
endPC = a.nextPC();
if !hasDefault {
casePCs[ncases] = &endPC;
if !bad {
a.err = false;
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoTypeCaseClause(s *ast.TypeCaseClause) {
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