Commit 646b3b5c authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

improved logging formats.

DELTA=210  (118 added, 60 deleted, 32 changed)
parent 9b6d385c
......@@ -18,73 +18,116 @@ import (
// Lshortname can be or'd in to cause only the last element of the file name to be printed.
const (
// Flags
Lok = iota;
Lexit; // terminate execution when written
Lcrash; // crash (panic) when written
Lshortname = 1 << 5;
// Bits or'ed together to control what's printed. There is no control over the
// order they appear (the order listed here) or the format they present (as
// described in the comments). A colon appears after these items:
// 2009/0123 01:23:23.123123 /a/b/c/d.go:23: message
Ldate = 1 << iota; // the date: 2009/0123
Ltime; // the time: 01:23:23
Lmicroseconds; // microsecond resolution: 01:23:23.123123. assumes Ltime.
Llongfile; // full file name and line number: /a/b/c/d.go:23
Lshortfile; // final file name element and line number: d.go:23. overrides Llongfile
lAllBits = Ldate | Ltime | Lmicroseconds | Llongfile | Lshortfile;
type Logger struct {
out0 io.Write;
out1 io.Write;
prefix string;
flag int;
func NewLogger(out0, out1 io.Write, flag int) *Logger {
return &Logger{out0, out1, flag}
func NewLogger(out0, out1 io.Write, prefix string, flag int) *Logger {
return &Logger{out0, out1, prefix, flag}
var (
stdout = NewLogger(os.Stdout, nil, Lok);
stderr = NewLogger(os.Stderr, nil, Lok);
exit = NewLogger(os.Stderr, nil, Lexit);
crash = NewLogger(os.Stderr, nil, Lcrash);
stdout = NewLogger(os.Stdout, nil, "", Lok|Ldate|Ltime);
stderr = NewLogger(os.Stderr, nil, "", Lok|Ldate|Ltime);
exit = NewLogger(os.Stderr, nil, "", Lexit|Ldate|Ltime);
crash = NewLogger(os.Stderr, nil, "", Lcrash|Ldate|Ltime);
func timestamp(ns int64) string {
t := time.SecondsToLocalTime(ns/1e9);
// why are time fields private?
s := t.RFC1123();
return s[5:12] + s[17:25]; // TODO(r): placeholder. this gives "24 Jan 15:50:18"
var shortnames = make(map[string] string) // cache of short names to avoid allocation.
// Cheap integer to fixed-width decimal ASCII. Use a negative width to avoid zero-padding
func itoa(i int, wid int) string {
var u uint = uint(i);
if u == 0 && wid <= 1 {
return "0"
// Assemble decimal in reverse order.
var b [32]byte;
bp := len(b);
for ; u > 0 || wid > 0; u /= 10 {
b[bp] = byte(u%10) + '0';
return string(b[bp:len(b)])
var shortnames = make(map[string] string) // cache of short names to avoid allocation.
func (l *Logger) formatHeader(ns int64, calldepth int) string {
h := l.prefix;
if l.flag & (Ldate | Ltime | Lmicroseconds) != 0 {
t := time.SecondsToLocalTime(ns/1e9);
if l.flag & (Ldate) != 0 {
h += itoa(int(t.Year), 4) + "/" + itoa(t.Month, 2) + itoa(t.Day, 2) + " "
if l.flag & (Ltime | Lmicroseconds) != 0 {
h += itoa(t.Hour, 2) + ":" + itoa(t.Minute, 2) + ":" + itoa(t.Second, 2);
if l.flag & Lmicroseconds != 0 {
h += "." + itoa(int(ns % 1e9)/1e3, 6);
h += " ";
if l.flag & (Lshortfile | Llongfile) != 0 {
pc, file, line, ok := sys.Caller(calldepth);
if ok {
if l.flag & Lshortfile != 0 {
short, ok := shortnames[file];
if !ok {
short = file;
for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if file[i] == '/' {
short = file[i+1:len(file)];
shortnames[file] = short;
file = short;
} else {
file = "???";
line = 0;
h += file + ":" + itoa(line, -1) + ": ";
return h;
// The calldepth is provided for generality, although at the moment on all paths it will be 2.
func (l *Logger) output(calldepth int, s string) {
func (l *Logger) Output(calldepth int, s string) {
now := time.Nanoseconds(); // get this early.
newline := "\n";
if len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] == '\n' {
newline = ""
pc, file, line, ok := sys.Caller(calldepth);
if ok {
if l.flag & Lshortname == Lshortname {
short, ok := shortnames[file];
if !ok {
short = file;
for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
if file[i] == '/' {
short = file[i+1:len(file)];
shortnames[file] = short;
file = short;
} else {
file = "???";
line = 0;
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%d: %s%s", timestamp(now), file, line, s, newline);
s = l.formatHeader(now, calldepth+1) + s + newline;
io.WriteString(l.out0, s);
if l.out1 != nil {
io.WriteString(l.out1, s);
switch l.flag & ^Lshortname {
switch l.flag & ^lAllBits {
case Lcrash:
panic("log: fatal error");
case Lexit:
......@@ -94,42 +137,42 @@ func (l *Logger) output(calldepth int, s string) {
// Basic methods on Logger, analogous to Printf and Print
func (l *Logger) Logf(format string, v ...) {
l.output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
l.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
func (l *Logger) Log(v ...) {
l.output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
l.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
// Helper functions for lightweight simple logging to predefined Loggers.
func Stdout(v ...) {
stdout.output(2, fmt.Sprint(v))
stdout.Output(2, fmt.Sprint(v))
func Stderr(v ...) {
stdout.output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
stdout.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
func Stdoutf(format string, v ...) {
stdout.output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
stdout.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
func Stderrf(format string, v ...) {
stderr.output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
stderr.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
func Exit(v ...) {
exit.output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
exit.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
func Exitf(format string, v ...) {
exit.output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
exit.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
func Crash(v ...) {
crash.output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
crash.Output(2, fmt.Sprintln(v))
func Crashf(format string, v ...) {
crash.output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
crash.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf(format, v))
......@@ -10,61 +10,76 @@ import (
func test(t *testing.T, flag int, expect string) {
fd0, fd1, err1 := os.Pipe();
if err1 != nil {
t.Error("pipe", err1);
buf, err2 := bufio.NewBufRead(fd0);
if err2 != nil {
t.Error("bufio.NewBufRead", err2);
l := NewLogger(fd1, nil, flag);
l.Log("hello", 23, "world"); /// the line number of this line needs to be placed in the expect strings
line, err3 := buf.ReadLineString('\n', false);
if line[len(line)-len(expect):len(line)] != expect {
t.Error("log output should be ...", expect, "; is " , line);
const (
Rdate = `[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]`;
Rtime = `[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]`;
Rmicroseconds = `\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]`;
Rline = `[0-9]+:`;
Rlongfile = `/[A-Za-z0-9_/]+\.go:` + Rline;
Rshortfile = `[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.go:` + Rline;
func TestRegularLog(t *testing.T) {
test(t, Lok, "/go/src/lib/log_test.go:25: hello 23 world");
type tester struct {
flag int;
prefix string;
pattern string; // regexp that log output must match; we add ^ and expected_text$ always
func TestShortNameLog(t *testing.T) {
test(t, Lok|Lshortname, " log_test.go:25: hello 23 world")
var tests = []tester {
// individual pieces:
tester{ 0, "", "" },
tester{ 0, "XXX", "XXX" },
tester{ Lok|Ldate, "", Rdate+" " },
tester{ Lok|Ltime, "", Rtime+" " },
tester{ Lok|Ltime|Lmicroseconds, "", Rtime+Rmicroseconds+" " },
tester{ Lok|Lmicroseconds, "", Rtime+Rmicroseconds+" " }, // microsec implies time
tester{ Lok|Llongfile, "", Rlongfile+" " },
tester{ Lok|Lshortfile, "", Rshortfile+" " },
tester{ Lok|Llongfile|Lshortfile, "", Rshortfile+" " }, // shortfile overrides longfile
// everything at once:
tester{ Lok|Ldate|Ltime|Lmicroseconds|Llongfile, "XXX", "XXX"+Rdate+" "+Rtime+Rmicroseconds+" "+Rlongfile+" " },
tester{ Lok|Ldate|Ltime|Lmicroseconds|Lshortfile, "XXX", "XXX"+Rdate+" "+Rtime+Rmicroseconds+" "+Rshortfile+" " },
func testFormatted(t *testing.T, flag int, expect string) {
// Test using Log("hello", 23, "world") or using Logf("hello %d world", 23)
func testLog(t *testing.T, flag int, prefix string, pattern string, useLogf bool) {
fd0, fd1, err1 := os.Pipe();
if err1 != nil {
t.Error("pipe", err1);
t.Fatal("pipe", err1);
buf, err2 := bufio.NewBufRead(fd0);
if err2 != nil {
t.Error("bufio.NewBufRead", err2);
t.Fatal("bufio.NewBufRead", err2);
l := NewLogger(fd1, nil, prefix, flag);
if useLogf {
l.Logf("hello %d world", 23);
} else {
l.Log("hello", 23, "world");
l := NewLogger(fd1, nil, flag);
l.Logf("hello %d world", 23); /// the line number of this line needs to be placed in the expect strings
line, err3 := buf.ReadLineString('\n', false);
if line[len(line)-len(expect):len(line)] != expect {
t.Error("log output should be ...", expect, "; is " , line);
if err3 != nil {
t.Fatal("log error", err3);
pattern = "^"+pattern+"hello 23 world$";
matched, err4 := regexp.Match(pattern, line);
if err4 != nil{
t.Fatal("pattern did not compile:", err4);
if !matched {
t.Errorf("log output should match %q is %q", pattern, line);
func TestRegularLogFormatted(t *testing.T) {
testFormatted(t, Lok, "/go/src/lib/log_test.go:53: hello 23 world");
func TestShortNameLogFormatted(t *testing.T) {
testFormatted(t, Lok|Lshortname, " log_test.go:53: hello 23 world")
func TestAllLog(t *testing.T) {
for i, testcase := range(tests) {
testLog(t, testcase.flag, testcase.prefix, testcase.pattern, false);
testLog(t, testcase.flag, testcase.prefix, testcase.pattern, true);
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