will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 6c10e64a authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

regexp: hide one-pass code from exported API

Update #8112

Hide one-pass regexp API.

This means moving the code from regexp/syntax to regexp,
but it avoids being locked into the specific API chosen for
the implementation.

It also removes a slice field from the syntax.Inst, which
should avoid bloating the memory footprint of a non-one-pass
regexp unnecessarily.

R=golang-codereviews, r
CC=golang-codereviews, iant
parent 0782ee3a
......@@ -330,12 +330,7 @@ pkg net/http, type Server struct, ConnState func(net.Conn, ConnState)
pkg net/http, type Server struct, ErrorLog *log.Logger
pkg net/http, type Transport struct, TLSHandshakeTimeout time.Duration
pkg regexp/syntax, method (*Inst) MatchRunePos(int32) int
pkg regexp/syntax, method (*Inst) OnePassNext(int32) uint32
pkg regexp/syntax, method (*Prog) CompileOnePass() *Prog
pkg regexp/syntax, method (*Prog) OnePassPrefix() (string, bool, uint32)
pkg regexp/syntax, method (InstOp) String() string
pkg regexp/syntax, type Inst struct, Next []uint32
pkg regexp/syntax, var NotOnePass *Prog
pkg runtime/debug, func SetPanicOnFault(bool) bool
pkg runtime/debug, func WriteHeapDump(uintptr)
pkg sync, method (*Pool) Get() interface{}
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type thread struct {
type machine struct {
re *Regexp // corresponding Regexp
p *syntax.Prog // compiled program
op *syntax.Prog // compiled onepass program, or syntax.NotOnePass
op *onePassProg // compiled onepass program, or notOnePass
q0, q1 queue // two queues for runq, nextq
pool []*thread // pool of available threads
matched bool // whether a match was found
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func (m *machine) newInputReader(r io.RuneReader) input {
// progMachine returns a new machine running the prog p.
func progMachine(p, op *syntax.Prog) *machine {
func progMachine(p *syntax.Prog, op *onePassProg) *machine {
m := &machine{p: p, op: op}
n := len(m.p.Inst)
m.q0 = queue{make([]uint32, n), make([]entry, 0, n)}
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ func (m *machine) onepass(i input, pos int) bool {
// peek at the input rune to see which branch of the Alt to take
case syntax.InstAlt, syntax.InstAltMatch:
pc = int(inst.OnePassNext(r))
pc = int(onePassNext(&inst, r))
case syntax.InstFail:
return m.matched
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ func (re *Regexp) doExecute(r io.RuneReader, b []byte, s string, pos int, ncap i
} else {
i = m.newInputString(s)
if m.op != syntax.NotOnePass {
if m.op != notOnePass {
if !m.onepass(i, pos) {
return nil
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package regexp
import (
var runeMergeTests = []struct {
left, right, merged []rune
next []uint32
leftPC, rightPC uint32
// empty rhs
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69},
1, 2,
// identical runes, identical targets
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69},
1, 1,
// identical runes, different targets
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69},
1, 2,
// append right-first
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{71, 71},
[]rune{69, 69, 71, 71},
[]uint32{1, 2},
1, 2,
// append, left-first
[]rune{71, 71},
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69, 71, 71},
[]uint32{2, 1},
1, 2,
// successful interleave
[]rune{60, 60, 71, 71, 101, 101},
[]rune{69, 69, 88, 88},
[]rune{60, 60, 69, 69, 71, 71, 88, 88, 101, 101},
[]uint32{1, 2, 1, 2, 1},
1, 2,
// left surrounds right
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{71, 71},
1, 2,
// right surrounds left
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{68, 75},
1, 2,
// overlap at interval begin
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{74, 75},
1, 2,
// overlap ar interval end
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{65, 69},
1, 2,
// overlap from above
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{71, 74},
1, 2,
// overlap from below
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{65, 71},
1, 2,
// out of order []rune
[]rune{69, 74, 60, 65},
[]rune{66, 67},
1, 2,
func TestMergeRuneSet(t *testing.T) {
for ix, test := range runeMergeTests {
merged, next := mergeRuneSets(&test.left, &test.right, test.leftPC, test.rightPC)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(merged, test.merged) {
t.Errorf("mergeRuneSet :%d (%v, %v) merged\n have\n%v\nwant\n%v", ix, test.left, test.right, merged, test.merged)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(next, {
t.Errorf("mergeRuneSet :%d(%v, %v) next\n have\n%v\nwant\n%v", ix, test.left, test.right, next,
const noStr = `!`
var onePass = &onePassProg{}
var onePassTests = []struct {
re string
onePass *onePassProg
prog string
{`^(?:a|(?:a*))$`, notOnePass, noStr},
{`^(?:(a)|(?:a*))$`, notOnePass, noStr},
{`^(?:(?:(?:.(?:$))?))$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^abcd$`, onePass, `abcd`},
{`^abcd$`, onePass, `abcde`},
{`^(?:(?:a{0,})*?)$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^(?:(?:a+)*)$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:(?:a|(?:aa)))$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:[^\s\S])$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:(?:a{3,4}){0,})$`, notOnePass, `aaaaaa`},
{`^(?:(?:a+)*)$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^(?:(?:(?:a*)+))$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^(?:(?:a+)*)$`, onePass, ``},
{`^[a-c]+$`, onePass, `abc`},
{`^[a-c]*$`, onePass, `abcdabc`},
{`^(?:a*)$`, onePass, `aaaaaaa`},
{`^(?:(?:aa)|a)$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^[a-c]*`, notOnePass, `abcdabc`},
{`^[a-c]*$`, onePass, `abc`},
{`^...$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:a|(?:aa))$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^[a-c]*`, notOnePass, `abcabc`},
{`^a((b))c$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a.[l-nA-Cg-j]?e$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a((b))$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:(b)|(c))c$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:(b*)|(c))c$`, notOnePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b|c)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b?|c)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b?|c?)$`, notOnePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b?|c+)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b+|(bc))d$`, notOnePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:bc)+$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:[bcd])+$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a((?:[bcd])+)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(:?b|c)*d$`, onePass, `abbbccbbcbbd"`},
{`^.bc(d|e)*$`, onePass, `abcddddddeeeededd`},
{`^(?:(?:aa)|.)$`, notOnePass, `a`},
{`^(?:(?:a{1,2}){1,2})$`, notOnePass, `aaaa`},
func TestCompileOnePass(t *testing.T) {
var (
p *syntax.Prog
re *syntax.Regexp
err error
for _, test := range onePassTests {
if re, err = syntax.Parse(, syntax.Perl); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%q) got err:%s, want success",, err)
// needs to be done before compile...
re = re.Simplify()
if p, err = syntax.Compile(re); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Compile(%q) got err:%s, want success",, err)
onePass = compileOnePass(p)
if (onePass == notOnePass) != (test.onePass == notOnePass) {
t.Errorf("CompileOnePass(%q) got %v, expected %v",, onePass, test.onePass)
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ type Regexp struct {
// read-only after Compile
expr string // as passed to Compile
prog *syntax.Prog // compiled program
onepass *syntax.Prog // onpass program or nil
onepass *onePassProg // onpass program or nil
prefix string // required prefix in unanchored matches
prefixBytes []byte // prefix, as a []byte
prefixComplete bool // prefix is the entire regexp
......@@ -165,16 +165,16 @@ func compile(expr string, mode syntax.Flags, longest bool) (*Regexp, error) {
regexp := &Regexp{
expr: expr,
prog: prog,
onepass: prog.CompileOnePass(),
onepass: compileOnePass(prog),
numSubexp: maxCap,
subexpNames: capNames,
cond: prog.StartCond(),
longest: longest,
if regexp.onepass == syntax.NotOnePass {
if regexp.onepass == notOnePass {
regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete = prog.Prefix()
} else {
regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete, regexp.prefixEnd = prog.OnePassPrefix()
regexp.prefix, regexp.prefixComplete, regexp.prefixEnd = onePassPrefix(prog)
if regexp.prefix != "" {
// TODO(rsc): Remove this allocation by adding
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
package syntax
import (
import "testing"
var compileTests = []struct {
Regexp string
......@@ -115,200 +112,3 @@ func BenchmarkEmptyOpContext(b *testing.B) {
EmptyOpContext(r1, -1)
var runeMergeTests = []struct {
left, right, merged []rune
next []uint32
leftPC, rightPC uint32
// empty rhs
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69},
1, 2,
// identical runes, identical targets
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69},
1, 1,
// identical runes, different targets
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69},
1, 2,
// append right-first
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{71, 71},
[]rune{69, 69, 71, 71},
[]uint32{1, 2},
1, 2,
// append, left-first
[]rune{71, 71},
[]rune{69, 69},
[]rune{69, 69, 71, 71},
[]uint32{2, 1},
1, 2,
// successful interleave
[]rune{60, 60, 71, 71, 101, 101},
[]rune{69, 69, 88, 88},
[]rune{60, 60, 69, 69, 71, 71, 88, 88, 101, 101},
[]uint32{1, 2, 1, 2, 1},
1, 2,
// left surrounds right
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{71, 71},
1, 2,
// right surrounds left
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{68, 75},
1, 2,
// overlap at interval begin
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{74, 75},
1, 2,
// overlap ar interval end
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{65, 69},
1, 2,
// overlap from above
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{71, 74},
1, 2,
// overlap from below
[]rune{69, 74},
[]rune{65, 71},
1, 2,
// out of order []rune
[]rune{69, 74, 60, 65},
[]rune{66, 67},
1, 2,
func TestMergeRuneSet(t *testing.T) {
for ix, test := range runeMergeTests {
merged, next := mergeRuneSets(&test.left, &test.right, test.leftPC, test.rightPC)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(merged, test.merged) {
t.Errorf("mergeRuneSet :%d (%v, %v) merged\n have\n%v\nwant\n%v", ix, test.left, test.right, merged, test.merged)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(next, {
t.Errorf("mergeRuneSet :%d(%v, %v) next\n have\n%v\nwant\n%v", ix, test.left, test.right, next,
const noStr = `!`
var onePass = &Prog{}
var onePassTests = []struct {
re string
onePass *Prog
prog string
{`^(?:a|(?:a*))$`, NotOnePass, noStr},
{`^(?:(a)|(?:a*))$`, NotOnePass, noStr},
{`^(?:(?:(?:.(?:$))?))$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^abcd$`, onePass, `abcd`},
{`^abcd$`, onePass, `abcde`},
{`^(?:(?:a{0,})*?)$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^(?:(?:a+)*)$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:(?:a|(?:aa)))$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:[^\s\S])$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:(?:a{3,4}){0,})$`, NotOnePass, `aaaaaa`},
{`^(?:(?:a+)*)$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^(?:(?:(?:a*)+))$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^(?:(?:a+)*)$`, onePass, ``},
{`^[a-c]+$`, onePass, `abc`},
{`^[a-c]*$`, onePass, `abcdabc`},
{`^(?:a*)$`, onePass, `aaaaaaa`},
{`^(?:(?:aa)|a)$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^[a-c]*`, NotOnePass, `abcdabc`},
{`^[a-c]*$`, onePass, `abc`},
{`^...$`, onePass, ``},
{`^(?:a|(?:aa))$`, onePass, `a`},
{`^[a-c]*`, NotOnePass, `abcabc`},
{`^a((b))c$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a.[l-nA-Cg-j]?e$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a((b))$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:(b)|(c))c$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:(b*)|(c))c$`, NotOnePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b|c)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b?|c)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b?|c?)$`, NotOnePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b?|c+)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:b+|(bc))d$`, NotOnePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:bc)+$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(?:[bcd])+$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a((?:[bcd])+)$`, onePass, noStr},
{`^a(:?b|c)*d$`, onePass, `abbbccbbcbbd"`},
{`^.bc(d|e)*$`, onePass, `abcddddddeeeededd`},
{`^(?:(?:aa)|.)$`, NotOnePass, `a`},
{`^(?:(?:a{1,2}){1,2})$`, NotOnePass, `aaaa`},
func TestCompileOnePass(t *testing.T) {
var (
p *Prog
re *Regexp
err error
for _, test := range onePassTests {
if re, err = Parse(, Perl); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%q) got err:%s, want success",, err)
// needs to be done before compile...
re = re.Simplify()
if p, err = Compile(re); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Compile(%q) got err:%s, want success",, err)
onePass = p.CompileOnePass()
if (onePass == NotOnePass) != (test.onePass == NotOnePass) {
t.Errorf("CompileOnePass(%q) got %v, expected %v",, onePass, test.onePass)
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