Commit 6c3736a5 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/types: mark completely imported packages as such

parent 7f18f811
......@@ -418,19 +418,7 @@ func check(ctxt *Context, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File) (pkg *Package,
// resolve identifiers
imp := ctxt.Import
if imp == nil {
// wrap GcImport to import packages only once by default.
// TODO(gri) move this into resolve
imported := make(map[string]bool)
imp = func(imports map[string]*Package, path string) (*Package, error) {
if imported[path] && imports[path] != nil {
return imports[path], nil
pkg, err := GcImport(imports, path)
if err == nil {
imported[path] = true
return pkg, err
imp = GcImport
pkg, methods := check.resolve(imp)
check.pkg = pkg
......@@ -77,10 +77,13 @@ func FindPkg(path, srcDir string) (filename, id string) {
// adds the corresponding package object to the imports map indexed by id,
// and returns the object.
// The imports map must contains all packages already imported, and no map
// entry with id as the key must be present. The data reader position must
// be the beginning of the export data section. The filename is only used
// in error messages.
// The imports map must contains all packages already imported. The data
// reader position must be the beginning of the export data section. The
// filename is only used in error messages.
// If imports[id] contains the completely imported package, that package
// can be used directly, and there is no need to call this function (but
// there is also no harm but for extra time used).
func GcImportData(imports map[string]*Package, filename, id string, data *bufio.Reader) (pkg *Package, err error) {
// support for gcParser error handling
......@@ -118,12 +121,10 @@ func GcImport(imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Package, err error
// Note: imports[id] may already contain a partially imported package.
// We must continue doing the full import here since we don't
// know if something is missing.
// TODO: There's no need to re-import a package if we know that we
// have done a full import before. At the moment we cannot
// tell from the available information in this function alone.
// no need to re-import if the package was imported completely before
if pkg = imports[id]; pkg != nil && pkg.Complete {
// open file
f, err := os.Open(filename)
......@@ -900,5 +901,8 @@ func (p *gcParser) parseExport() *Package {
p.errorf("expected no scanner errors, got %d", n)
// package was imported completely and without errors
pkg.Complete = true
return pkg
......@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ type Object interface {
// A Package represents the contents (objects) of a Go package.
type Package struct {
Name string
Path string // import path, "" for current (non-imported) package
Scope *Scope // package-level scope
Imports map[string]*Package // map of import paths to imported packages
Name string
Path string // import path, "" for current (non-imported) package
Scope *Scope // package-level scope
Imports map[string]*Package // map of import paths to imported packages
Complete bool // if set, this package was imported completely
spec *ast.ImportSpec
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