Commit 701f70ab authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

sql: fix potential corruption in QueryRow.Scan into a *[]byte

Fixes #2622

R=golang-dev, adg
parent c356fc74
......@@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ func (c *fakeConn) prepareInsert(stmt *fakeStmt, parts []string) (driver.Stmt, e
switch ctype {
case "string":
subsetVal = []byte(value)
case "blob":
subsetVal = []byte(value)
case "int32":
i, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
......@@ -510,9 +512,19 @@ type rowsCursor struct {
pos int
rows []*row
closed bool
// a clone of slices to give out to clients, indexed by the
// the original slice's first byte address. we clone them
// just so we're able to corrupt them on close.
bytesClone map[*byte][]byte
func (rc *rowsCursor) Close() error {
if !rc.closed {
for _, bs := range rc.bytesClone {
bs[0] = 255 // first byte corrupted
rc.closed = true
return nil
......@@ -537,6 +549,19 @@ func (rc *rowsCursor) Next(dest []interface{}) error {
// for ease of drivers, and to prevent drivers from
// messing up conversions or doing them differently.
dest[i] = v
if bs, ok := v.([]byte); ok {
if rc.bytesClone == nil {
rc.bytesClone = make(map[*byte][]byte)
clone, ok := rc.bytesClone[&bs[0]]
if !ok {
clone = make([]byte, len(bs))
copy(clone, bs)
rc.bytesClone[&bs[0]] = clone
dest[i] = clone
return nil
......@@ -803,10 +803,6 @@ type Row struct {
// pointed at by dest. If more than one row matches the query,
// Scan uses the first row and discards the rest. If no row matches
// the query, Scan returns ErrNoRows.
// If dest contains pointers to []byte, the slices should not be
// modified and should only be considered valid until the next call to
// Next or Scan.
func (r *Row) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {
if r.err != nil {
return r.err
......@@ -815,7 +811,33 @@ func (r *Row) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {
if !r.rows.Next() {
return ErrNoRows
return r.rows.Scan(dest...)
err := r.rows.Scan(dest...)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(bradfitz): for now we need to defensively clone all
// []byte that the driver returned, since we're about to close
// the Rows in our defer, when we return from this function.
// the contract with the driver.Next(...) interface is that it
// can return slices into read-only temporary memory that's
// only valid until the next Scan/Close. But the TODO is that
// for a lot of drivers, this copy will be unnecessary. We
// should provide an optional interface for drivers to
// implement to say, "don't worry, the []bytes that I return
// from Next will not be modified again." (for instance, if
// they were obtained from the network anyway) But for now we
// don't care.
for _, dp := range dest {
b, ok := dp.(*[]byte)
if !ok {
clone := make([]byte, len(*b))
copy(clone, *b)
*b = clone
return nil
// A Result summarizes an executed SQL command.
......@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ func newTestDB(t *testing.T, name string) *DB {
t.Fatalf("exec wipe: %v", err)
if name == "people" {
exec(t, db, "CREATE|people|name=string,age=int32,dead=bool")
exec(t, db, "INSERT|people|name=Alice,age=?", 1)
exec(t, db, "INSERT|people|name=Bob,age=?", 2)
exec(t, db, "INSERT|people|name=Chris,age=?", 3)
exec(t, db, "CREATE|people|name=string,age=int32,photo=blob,dead=bool")
exec(t, db, "INSERT|people|name=Alice,age=?,photo=APHOTO", 1)
exec(t, db, "INSERT|people|name=Bob,age=?,photo=BPHOTO", 2)
exec(t, db, "INSERT|people|name=Chris,age=?,photo=CPHOTO", 3)
return db
......@@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ func TestQueryRow(t *testing.T) {
if age != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected age 1, got %d", age)
var photo []byte
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT|people|photo|name=?", "Alice").Scan(&photo)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("photo QueryRow+Scan: %v", err)
want := []byte("APHOTO")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(photo, want) {
t.Errorf("photo = %q; want %q", photo, want)
func TestStatementErrorAfterClose(t *testing.T) {
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