Commit 736a1aeb authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

an attempt at simpler yet more correct semicolon rules.

(i'd be happy to drop the paren one as well, reducing it to one case)

DELTA=4  (0 added, 3 deleted, 1 changed)
parent 27d1159a
......@@ -3011,10 +3011,7 @@ which may be omitted only if the previous statement:
<li>ends with the closing parenthesis ")" of a list of declarations
(§Declarations and Scope); or</li>
<li>ends with the closing brace "}" of a type declaration
(§Type declarations); or </li>
<li>ends with the closing brace "}" of a block
(including "switch" and "select" statements).
<li>ends with a closing brace "}" that is not part of an expression.
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